Another day of swirling snow yesterday. Wet, yucky, sticky snow. Then it all froze overnight. It's a horror show out there this morning. Had to go visit a friend yesterday who lives abouit 30 miles distant from where I am. Driving was an adventure.
Merry Andrew wrote: Driving was an adventure.
Here, even life is an adventure - every new day :wink:
Walter Hinteler wrote:Merry Andrew wrote: Driving was an adventure.
Here, even life is an adventure - every new day :wink:
Well, as you are an adventurous sort of fellow, Walter, I'm sure you're enjoying life to its fullest.
It's struggling to be Spring here in Manhattan. The prediction on last night's news was for seven days in a row of mid-40's (F) and sunny skies. That should put most New Yorkers on their guard, good weather rarely lasts a full week.
Yesterday's snow is gone, along with the previous deposits made, except in the most shaded areas where there are little tiles of white amongst the acorns and the pine needles.
A good day perhaps to see what the Park looks like without the Gates.
Joe(Hoping your week is as beautiful)Nation
Merry Andrew wrote:
Well, as you are an adventurous sort of fellow, Walter, I'm sure you're enjoying life to its fullest.

How do you know that Mrs. Walter is away for a couple of days
It's going to be cool today in Silicon Valley - about low 70s.
A week and a day, a week and a day--and every day with 40 degrees, but "possible flurries".
A really sunny and warm day today: 69° F (21° C) today - and even now (8.30 pm) still 63° F (17.3° C)!
And on Sunday it was snowing ...
The weather is really mad.
Walter, your secret is safe with me- as long as the payments arrive on time.
McTag wrote:
Walter, your secret is safe with me- as long as the payments arrive on time.

Was there a delay in this week's telegraphic transfer?
eastern lake ontario : nice and sunny day, high plus 8 C, low overnight minus 4 C. the eastern end of lake ontario is still covered in heavy ice - some people were still walking and kiteboarding on the ice yesterday - we don't venture out on the ice anymore, we are not swift enough for a quick retreat ! the coastguard icebreaker should be coming up the st. lawerence any day and start breaking up the ice cover. hbg
Nice to see you back, hamburger!
Fourth gorgeous spring day today, with really nice, warm temperatures.
Yes, here too, warm, lovely.
We're going to Edinburgh on Wednesday where the weather is always a few degrees cooler.
Sunrise 6:01 (GMT)
Sunset 18:14 (GMT)
Tuesday's summary is set for light rain.
max 13°C min 9°C
Tuesday's wind direction: Southerly Wind 10 mph
visibility moderate
pressure1005 mbar
93% relative humidity
Tuesday's sun index risk: Low risk (1)
thats today 20 mi ne of London.
currently raining, though have had some amazing bright warm spring days with max 20 deg C.
On the downside the arctic vortex is blowing the uv protection away so we sit in doors with the windows closed and curtains drawn lest any of the killer light intrudes. (moonlight is ok, I'm told)
eastern lake ontario : thanks for your welcome, walter ! another nice sunny day, but nights still below freezing. ground is still frozen solid and it will be a few more weeks before we see anything green and flowery. quite a contrast to the carolinas were the tulips and daffodils were in full bloom. (some daffodils on the southside of the house are showing just a bit of green; they are just poking their heads up through the wintercover. i better not disturb them). hbg
It's encouraging to see the weather in London, Amsterdam and Lippstadt improving this past week.
[I just wanted to post that it started raining half an hour ago - I'll keep that secret, though :wink: ]
Still springtime temperatures, c.i.!
Lippstadt 22.03.2005 23:50 Uhr MEZ
Temperatur 13 °C
Bodentemperatur 12.8 °C [temperature on ground]
Windgeschwindigkeit 10.44 km/h (6 kn, 2 Bft)
Looking better every week.
eastern lake ontario : gradually getting a little warmer, high of +7 C , low just around freezing, beautiful sunshine. just came back from walk along lake ontario, lake-end still frozen solid from the canadian side to wolfe island - about 5 miles out, icecover about 50-60 cm thick. canada geese flyng overhead, they'll be stopping over before continuing north. hbg