What Really Happened on 9/11?

Wed 27 Sep, 2006 03:11 pm
zippo quoted
Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.
. What were they experts in , baking?
Then how did the pools get in the inside of the box beam?
This beam was cut AFTER the building came down, you cn see little puddles of the molten metal around the base of the column ON TOP of the pipes and conduits that were already bent up from the collapse of the tower. Was this a "delayed thermite bomb"? Also, had it been thermite , the exchangeable reaction would have left a significant amount of Al 2O3 on the beam . In reality, this was a beam that was probably cut off with a plasma for safety reasons after the buildings were already down.

Youll believe anything . Somebody just has to spoon feed it to you so you dont have to think for yourself.
Why dont you look at this stuff as just the silly propoganda made-up by some poor demented conspiracists. Every piece of physical evidence thats been presented in favor of the "conspiracy" has been pretty much debunked. So you can add your thermite beam theory to that pile
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 03:50 pm
Mr Farmerman, what i've posted here is just the tip of the ice berg.

With all due respect, you aint seen nothing yet.

If you have knowledge and courage, i'd dare you to refute MMC (physics expert) on the PhysOrgForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums

PhysOrg scientific forums are totally dedicated to science, physics, and technology. Besides topical forums such as nanotechnology, quantum physics, silicon and III-V technology, applied physics, materials, space and others

At the moment we're disscussing 'Writings of a Finnish Military Expert on 9/11', please join us. (free from tin foil hats)

You've only to read : Pages: (137) « First ... 135 136 [137]

P.S Nobody had yet come even close to debunking his theory, people have come from all over the world to try. Give it a shot. :wink:

Plus thousand of other documented facts.

Even a blind person can see the implosion.

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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 05:12 pm
As a scientist meself, Ive already commented on another thread about how the" 9/11 for truth " guys FAKED some of the instrumental data.

1They made it seem that the city air monitors caught explosives in their detectors when the detectors werent even in place until well after the buildings came down

2The "seismic record" from Lamont Douherty Observatory was debunked by the very seismologists who collected the data and minded the seismic units. The 9/11 guys stretched out the time lines without the accompanying traces. (This is something of a specialty with me as an economic geologist).

The box beam is consistent with being cut after the building dropped. Can you at least see that?
Actually I have neither the time nor the interest to get involved in debunkery mostly because the conspiracy guys always change their stories and Im sure that, already having made up their minds, theyd just look foolish by backtracking. Noone wants to appear foolish, neh?
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 05:15 pm
Even a blind person can see the implosion.

Humor me, point to this implosion evidence, I want to understand what you see. PS, in economic geology, we use explosives alot, and Ive got as much training from other schooling about how to control and propogate shock waves and promote movement with explosives. Try to refrain from BS , itll be obvious.

I see that youve ducked the "Box beam " and thermite comment I made. I think you know that youre just blowin smoke on that one.
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 05:50 pm
I quickly read some of MMC's comments in the website that you posted Zippo. Be careful about believing some of his ****. For example.
5) Elevated values of tritium in this area, but not elsewhere in New York. The University of California found elevated values on 9/13/2001 and 9/21/2001 within bounds of the WTC. They found them harmless for health. In pure hydrogen bomb isotopes of hydrogen are fused (D + T > n + a + 17.6 MeV).
Perhaps MMC doesnt know that EXIT signs are chocked full of tritium in the water. It acts as an energy source for the phosphors in the EXIT signs. I imagine that the exit signs in the WTC (probably 10 or more per floor would yield a significant activity level. I looked at the UC data and the highest numbers were in the 1 to 200 pico Curies level.
Anyone in the solid waste business knows that old exit signs are a real pain in the ass for landfill operators because if their broken and get incorporated into the mix, they can generate very high activity levels.
A "small thermonuclear device " as hes trying to push for is ridiculous because the H3 levels would be in the extreme levels. ALso wed be seeing the production of light end elements like Beryllium and Lithium isotopes (easily setting off dangerous levels of radiation.
Also, to detonate a thermonuclear device , we need an explosive charge to initiate a primary nuclear device by colliding neutrons that then generate even more neutrons. A thermo nuclear device gives outheavy rad isotopes that are exceptionally long lived and , in order to achieve criticality (based on whether the nuclear device were U or Pu based) wed notice em in the air monitors really big time. Besides, there are certain size requirements to achieve criticality.

Always look for the simplest answer to your questions Zippo . MMC may be a smart guy but hes all wet because hes making up a story for a thermonuclear device (a "small one'---riiiiiight). Ill bet if you go and look at the actual data , thered be aN EPA and DEP discussion on the H3 source as the thousands of exit signs that were smashed and vaporized in the collapse.

Exit signs are these red and green lit signs that mark doorways out of buildings. They have to operate always and independent of any electrical systems , so they are all made by using a phosphor with a Tritium exciter. I have no idea how many were in the WTC's but Im sure it was a huuuge number because if there were a blackout the exit signs would have to lead everyone on a floor to the proper stairs in the pitch black of night. Thats how theyre made.
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 05:53 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Idiot -- When you see the glass as half full, you rest on your laurels, another idiom that you are probably unfamiliar with. You say, life is good, as long as we can keep the gd Spicks out and the Blacks in their place. True republican philosophy 101.

When you see the glass as half empty, as I do, then you work to make the world a better place.

You are an extremely evil,racist person.
How dare you say that your views are the views of republicans.

You,who claim to believe in tolerance,now say that repubs hold the racist beliefs you have.

Last time I looked,it was the dems that had a klan member in congress,it was the southern dems that opposed the civil rights movement,and it was the dems that opposed integration.

Look to your own party and your own views before you accuse anyone else of being as hateful as you are.

PS,show anywhere on here where anyone that claims to be a repub has EVER expressed the sentiments you have.
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 07:41 pm
Honesty in avataring ...
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Wed 27 Sep, 2006 09:55 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

If someone always sees the glass as half empty, they are just pessimistic, nothing more. I'd much rather deal with a person with a positive attitude ... that's the person who will really get something done.

Pessimists walk around with sour dispositions, pissed off at the world in general. These are not persons who tend to have any real impact on much of anything.

That's not true that people who see the glass half empty are sour or pessimistic. People who know me always comment on how much I smile, how patient I am, how pleasant to talk with I am. I just know that life can be better because the glass is half empty.

How bizarre. Most people who wander through life always seeing the glass as half-empty are raging pessimists. That's pretty much the meaning of the phrase. I guess you are an aberration.

You keep your half-empty glass ... mine is half-full.
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 05:30 am
The glass is neither half empty nor half full, its merely over designed to be twice as big as needed.
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 06:23 am

As a scientist meself...

I stopped reading right there.

You've just lost all crediblity.

Do you seriously think that scientists would actually believe what you've accepted as gospel truth by your government ? [you're a joke]

Hijacker's Passport and a Landing Gear Fragment Alone Survive Fiery Crash

According to ABC News and the Associated Press, the passport of hijacker Satam Al Suqami was found a few blocks from the WTC. 1 2 The Guardian was skeptical: "the idea that Atta's passport had escaped from that inferno unsinged [tests] the credulity of the staunchest supporter of the FBI's crackdown on terrorism." 3 Note the passport did not belong to Atta, as is commonly claimed.

Satam Al Suqami was supposedly on Flight 11, the plane that hit the North Tower. In that collision, the building's core absorbed almost the entire airplane, which hit the northeast wall nearly dead center.



And please don't tell me that you don't believe this, because you've haven't indicated your interest to re-open the 9/11 investgation. Why keep quite ?
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 10:15 am
you seriously think that scientists would actually believe what you've accepted as gospel truth by your government ? [you're a joke]
Ive always been told that I have a decent sense of humor. However, Even jokes (like me) sometimes have moments of lucidity and insight. This is one. You are trying to convince me that some wag on the internet credibly explains that WTC was brought down by a small thermonuclear device?? Ive just given you an alternative to the reason for the elavated tritium and what do you do?, you abandon all your previous points without so much as a comment (the thermited box beam, the evidence of an "implosion, and then the nuke) Then you get all righteous sounding and completely change the subject to some passport found a few blocks away. Your ability to hold your own in a data driven discussion is sorely limited, I wont indulge your fantasy of implied intelligence any further.
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 10:47 am
Zippo wrote:

As a scientist meself...

I stopped reading right there.

As only would be expected.
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 01:39 pm
mysteryman wrote:

You are an extremely evil,racist person.
How dare you say that your views are the views of republicans.

You,who claim to believe in tolerance,now say that repubs hold the racist beliefs you have.

Last time I looked,it was the dems that had a klan member in congress,it was the southern dems that opposed the civil rights movement,and it was the dems that opposed integration.

Look to your own party and your own views before you accuse anyone else of being as hateful as you are.

PS,show anywhere on here where anyone that claims to be a repub has EVER expressed the sentiments you have.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 01:40 pm
farmerman wrote:
The glass is neither half empty nor half full, its merely over designed to be twice as big as needed.

I like that! Hey, too big is the American way! Truth and justice be dammed.
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 01:42 pm
BTW -- What is MM talking about in his disconnected rant? Farmerman, you're pretty good at decoding things. Has the man lost all his marbles?
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Thu 28 Sep, 2006 01:44 pm
I do not believe that the government is telling the truth about 911. Hey, its a Republican government!

However, there is a 911 conspiracy industry in action. They regularly pass out flyers in Harvard Square.

I feel we will never know the 'real' circumstances and sequence of events. Period.

The water is just too muddy.
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Fri 29 Sep, 2006 03:45 am
plainoldme wrote:
BTW -- What is MM talking about in his disconnected rant? Farmerman, you're pretty good at decoding things. Has the man lost all his marbles?

You know damn well what I was responding to.
I notice you quoted my response to your statement.

Since you refuse to post your statement,I will do it for you.
That way,you will remember exactly what I was responding to.

So,for your education,here is your original post that I was responding to.....

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 18:01 Post: 2283078 -

Idiot -- When you see the glass as half full, you rest on your laurels, another idiom that you are probably unfamiliar with. You say, life is good, as long as we can keep the gd Spicks out and the Blacks in their place. True republican philosophy 101.

When you see the glass as half empty, as I do, then you work to make the world a better place.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Sep, 2006 06:42 am
However, there is a 911 conspiracy industry in action.

BINGO. weve broken the enigma on this item with that succinct statement
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Fri 29 Sep, 2006 06:54 am
PS, Zippo, I believe you owe me an apology for your outburst and failure to consider all options to explain phenomena. Ive found a web site where you can go to buy EXIT SIGNS for buildings. If you think about the safety reasons for these things you may understand that elevated tritium in a huge building collapse is what youd espect , if you consider how many exit signs the building containsBUY SOME TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS RIGHT HERE
0 Replies
Fri 29 Sep, 2006 06:57 am
MR Farmerman,

By: the U.S. Government

Elevated Tritium Levels at the WTC:


Abstract per the link above:

„Traces of tritiated water (HTO) were detected at the World Trade Center (WTC) ground zero after the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. A method of ultralow-background liquid scintillation counting was used after distilling HTO from the samples. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01, contained 0.174 plus or minus 0.074 (2s) nCi/L of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of WTC Building 6, contained 3.53 plus or minus 0.17 and 2.83 plus or minus 0.15 nCi/L, respectively. Several water and vegetation samples were analyzed from areas outside the ground zero, located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Kensico Reservoir. No HTO above the background was found in those samples. All these results are well below the levels of concern to human exposure."

Notes to the Above

by Dr. Stefan Grossmann, www.gallerize.com, 5-19-6

1. Elevated tritium levels were already found as evidence for the mini-nuking of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, see two reports by Sherman H. Skolnick:

The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh, 6-15-1


The Overthrow of the American Republic, Part 32, 4-21-3


People tend to forget, so we stress this for clarity.

2. Elevated tritium levels were again found in the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center after alleged Arab terrorists flew alleged passenger planes into the towers in an alleged Muslim terror attack in the morning of 9-11-1. Government scientists actually published their data, see at the top of this page. No government, scientist or university has ever stated any doubt about the published findings.

3. The presence of tritium, otherwise unexplained, would prove that the towers fell through nuclear devices (not Hiroshima type bombs, but smaller devices with easier detonation mechanisms).

4. The report cited above fails in its cover-up strategy: The alleged planes and their luminous EXIT signs are no credible source for the extra tritium.


There are two good reasonns:


When planes and passengers and their entire luggage vaporize in a fireball, the hydrogen (tritium is a form of hydrogen) of the EXIT signs vaporizes together with the rest, and is gone through the atmosphere. Why would tritiated water trickle down into the basement for measurement but not a single trace of any passenger blood, of which millions of times more was shed than tritiated water could have been created??


There were no planes, but only make-believe theater props copied or otherwise operated into the news videos of the alleged planes. This has been established beyond reasonable doubt by numerous 9-11 researchers, see summary in the following items:

Marcus Icke

Ghost Gun UA175, Holograms Whistleblowers and the 9-11 Media Hoax,


For the entire context of the media hoax see additional information at:


SUMMARY: For two good reasons (each one standing valid for itself), there is no explanation for the tritium in the WTC other than nuclear devices. Unlike at the OKC bombing, the tritium findings themselves are actually admitted and reported by the government, and there is no credible explanation for them to worm their way out.
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