What Really Happened on 9/11?

Tue 18 Apr, 2006 09:29 am
Amigo, since the winner gets to write history, we will see what happens in the US over the next decade or three or seven. If bushies win, then we will never know the truth, but, consider that we won't be here to hear it!
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2006 12:46 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Amigo, since the winner gets to write history, we will see what happens in the US over the next decade or three or seven. If bushies win, then we will never know the truth, but, consider that we won't be here to hear it!
plainoldme, It's very strange and interesting to watch.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2006 02:06 pm
Amigo -- I have such mixed feelings about everything. It is hard to be optimistic about even the smallest things.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2006 02:38 pm
plainoldme, I know exactly what you mean and so do alot of other politically and socially conscious people. It's very common right now. I've read and heard alot of people talk about the same thing.

I've read some Buddhism stuff and I think at a certain point you have to be happy that you have done your part to be a good person. That you have tried honestly to understand and be aware of the world around you or us.

The world is going to be what it is going to be. If you make a commitment to be a positive contribution into the pool of people that make up the world, Then what else can you do except be a good person even if we lose in the end.

Peace with yourself and peace with god. In the end thats all there is.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Apr, 2006 01:41 pm
Evidence of Thermite on Core Columns at WTC *PIC*

There is substantial evidence that thermite was used to cut the central support columns, which caused the towers to fall.

Evidence can be seen on photographs of the columns from the rubble of the World Trade Center.

In this photo, for example, the column directly above the fireman's helmet shows that it was cut with thermite. There is a substantial amount of hardened molten iron which can be seen on both the inside and outside of the box column. This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite.

Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.



Because this evidence is so important, I am posting a close-up photo of the thermide residue, i.e. hardened molten iron, which has been left in clear sight on a severed core column from the World Trade Center.

This is clear evidence of the crime of mass murder of our fellow Americans.

Patriotic Americans awake!

The "official" version of 9-11 is a pack of lies. The government has been taken over by a foreign power, the "Gadianton robbers" have taken complete control of our nation.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Sep, 2006 03:12 pm
Sorry for being a few days late folks! (September 11th 2006)
We're fighting for the dead, to find out Whatreallyhappend on that fateful day.

Here's todays challange ? Smile

Who did 911, OBL, Bush or Mossad? Evidences!

Another year has passed by since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. What has been gradually happening is that more and more the initial mainstream media version of what happened on that gruesome day is proving to be less true. Increasing credible and respected people such as scientists, ex-governmental officials, religious leaders, journalists and others are PUBLICLY coming out with information that refutes the mainstream media version of events. What is more interesting is that besides being called 'kooks' and the information presented being called 'conspiracy theories', the substance of the new information debunking mainstream media is going unchallenged! The new information about 911 and the ones presenting it are being called all kinds of names but the information being presented is not being challenged or proven in anyway to be false.

Furthermore, after all these years after 911 the FBI has not uncovered any Al Qaeda cells in the United States nor has it found any paper trail. Although thousands of Muslims have been arrested not one has been convicted of acts of terrorism. The London Times reported the following one year after 911 and it is still true today:

"Thousands of FBI agents have rounded up more than 1,300 suspects across America since September 11, but they have failed to find a single Al-Qaeda cell operating in the United States...Tom Ridge, Director of Homeland Security could not explain why none had been caught."
Curiously though, according to FOX news, throughout late 2000 and 2001, a total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. It was the largest spy ring to be uncovered in the history of the US. The Washington Post also reported that some of these Israelis were arrested in connection with the 9-11 investigation. Carl Cameron of FOX News Channel did an excellent four part, nationally televised, series of investigations into this blockbuster scandal. But FOX pulled the investigative series after Zionist groups complained to FOX executives. FOX even went so far as to remove the written transcripts of the series from its website!

The question that each individual needs to answer is what should we do as thinking, rational and reasonable people? Should we give into the herd mentality and continue to blindly believe the mainstream media version of events or should we act like truly reasonable, rational and thinking people and examine the evidence on both sides in order to ascertain the truth? After all someone had to question and and break from the herd perception and look at evidence to ascertain that the world was not flat!
I have written this essay to present both views -- the mainstream media version that led us to believe that OBL and Al-Qaeda did 911 versus the version based on uncovering facts surrounding Israeli and American government involvement. I want you to objectively look at both and think deeply about what is being presented. Go to the links and investigate further. Then make a decision for yourself regarding which is more credible. You will find the facts I present to be unquestionably true but my comments biased. I hope that won't bother you. I am definitely of the opinion that it was Israelis along with corrupt elements in our government who were responsible for doing 911 as most of you reading this essay may believe about OBL and Al-Qaeda doing it!

1. The Mainstream Version
Let me share with you mainstream media "evidences" used to link 19 Arabs to doing 911. Besides this, there is the "so-called" proof that President Bush claim to have that was never shown to the American people but supposedly shown to Musharraf in Pakistan, who now publicly states that he has doubts. Here is a list of the evidences we were made to believe was sufficient proof linking OBL and Al-Qaeda to 911:
Like assailants who, in their preparations, leave tracks behind them like a herd of stampeding elephants?
The 911 hijackers made payments with credit cards with their own names; they reported to their flight instructors with their own names.
They left behind rented cars with flight manuals in Arabic for jumbo jets. They took with them, on their suicide trip, wills and farewell letters, which fall into the hands of the FBI, because they were stored in the wrong place and wrongly addressed.

Clues were left like behind like in a child's game of hide-and-seek, which were to be followed!
One writer wrote the following about the discovery of Mohammed Atta's passport for a domestic flight for which a passport was not necessary.
The Magic Passport Theory
We can now add Mohamed Atta's reality-defying passport to the Arlen Specter Gallery of Improbable Projectiles. This incriminating item was thrown intact from a cataclysmic fireball and miraculously plucked from 1.6 million tons of debris in a matter of hours. The corporate media rarely mention the unlikelihood of this. Many in the alternative press, though, are unafraid to draw an obvious, albeit taboo, inference: that the Atta passport is planted evidence. According to Washington, DC, peace activist John Judge, other potential plants include the Arabic-language flight manuals left in one of the hijackers' cars (with note: The discussion of the flight manuals begins at around 13:30). These manuals could serve no useful purpose at such a late stage unless the hijackers planned to finish learning how to fly during a half-hour ride to the airport. But as deliberately placed articles, they are as if a signed diary called "My Plan to Kill the President" had been unearthed in Lee Harvey Oswald's flat. Also high on the possible planted evidence list is a spiritual manifesto for the Al Qaeda kamikaze pilots, which, to journalist Robert Fisk, sounds an awful lot like it was written by a God-fearing Christian.
Wow!!! I guess somehow Mohammed Atta was able to open a window on the plane and throw out his passport at the right time so that it won't be destroyed as the plane's black boxes were. Such accuracy and precision to let the world know of his guilt is truly amazing.
Then there are the Bin Laden videos. How convenient! We happen to be living in a video-centric world. Most of what people are exposed to and believe comes from watching TV. How wonderful and convenient it must be to find out that Bin Laden left proof of his guilt on video for consumption by a video-centric world. I guess if we were living in a world where smoke signals was the primary means of communication we would have found the correct smoke signals left by Bin Laden to correctly identify him as the perpetrator of 911.

But alas the Bin Laden videos were proven to be fake! But our honest media that made such a big fuss about showing the false videos never went back and told the American public that they had shown the world fake videos. Nawww, they did not want to because it did not serve their purpose. Here is what some Professionals who examined the videos wrote about them:
Professor Gernot Rotter, scholar of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg: "Regardless of the question if bin Laden personally was actively involved in the organization of the attacks or not: This tape is of such poor quality that many passages are unintelligible. And those that are intelligible have often been taken out of context, so that you can't use that as evidence. The American translators who listened to the tape and transcribed it obviously added things that they wanted to hear in many places. Things that can't be heard - never mind how often you listen to it.

'Guilty or not guilty? If the US government wants to find bin Laden guilty of the deed, they have to come up with better evidence.
"And look: the English translation that the US government presented to the world is not only manipulated in parts, but even contains mistakes. A report from Ekkehard Sieker and Georg Restle."
Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini, scholar in Arabic culture/language: "I carefully checked the Pentagon translation. The translation is very problematic. The passages that are the most important, the ones that are supposed to prove bin Laden's guilt, are not identical to the Arabic sound."
Never mind also that in Bin Laden's last interview for the BBC with Carol Valentine, he denounced the attacks and stated that he had nothing to do with the killing of innocent people on 911. But since this was a story that had to be read most people don't know about that because it did not come in the form of 'smoke signals' -- sorry I mean videos. I elaborate more about this below.

All of what is stated above was reported in mainstream media as "evidences" linking the 19 Arabs to 911. This is what most people were told and from this type of evidence most people believe OBL and Al-Qaeda did 911. I welcome anyone reading this article who have more to go on than what was presented above that causes them to believe that 911 was done by OBL and 19 Arabs to please share it with us?

Now let's compare this to the mountain of evidence below implicating the Israelis and corrupt elements in our government. After doing so ask yourself seriously which is more believable. Again, I have references from main stream media sources to everything listed below. If you question anything please let me know and I will point you to the source.
2. Israelis and Corrupt Elements in the US Government Guilty Version
Here is a partial listing and involvement with events surrounding 911 that Israelis were involved with that no other country or organization in the world including the U.S. can match. Not only numerous but each involvement is quite significant in importance:

1. It was Israelis who were caught watching the WTC burn and crumble and celebrating it with joy. When the Lakers beat Sacramento for the NBA crown they celebrated. Why? Because their efforts were successful! The event, which was the championship game, they won. The Israelis, according to eye witnesses who saw them on top of the van were ecstatic. They were joyful and why you ask? Because of America's misery, America's lost and thousands of innocent lives perishing. But to the Israelis this was success. They were ecstatic with joy because they too won the championship game!
Even when these Israelis were in FBI custody they failed numerous lie detector tests. In fact they did not pass a single one.
To show that this joy was not local only to the 5 Israelis, look at what was said by and about their leaders:

Reactions from the Israeli side to the September attack:
Ehud Sprinzak, terrorism expert at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said "From the perspective of Israelis, it is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favor."
The attack "was good for the Israelis," "It is very good", said Benjamin Netanyahu...before he caught himself and amended his statement.
In an interview with Le Monde, Ami Ayalon, former Head of the Israeli Militia for Israel, stated: "Since September 11, our leaders have been euphoric."
The reason why the Israelis failed lie detector tests is because the truth that they could not admit was we planned this. We pulled it off. We successfully created a Pearl Harbor incident to get the stupid goyim fully in bed with us. And just like we did in the time of Christ we are going to do today. We will get our media fully in bed with us to blame someone else for the crime. Yeah we were caught in the Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, etc. But we are ready now. The stakes are too high.

2. It was Israelis whose van was stopped and maps and other paraphernalia were found leading the FBI to believe that they had definite involvement with 911.

3. It was the Israeli owner of the Moving van company that immediately shutdown his business, put his house up for sale and fled to Israel when his employees were caught. Aren't these drastic actions and shouldn't we want to know why the owner behaved that way?

4. It was Israelis who were caught spying on the US and lived in the same vicinity as the supposed 'hijackers'.

5. It was Israelis who were about 200 spies in a spy ring that Carl Cameron reported about in FOXX News saying that government officials stated that they had 'tie-ins' to 911. By the way this news was suppressed and the story taken off the Foxx News website. The people responsible for that were JINSA (the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs). JINSA President and CEO David Steinmann is also a director of CAMERA (Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America), the group that actually staged the e-mail, fax, letter, and phone call mobilization that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that they removed the transcripts of the four Carl Cameron segments from their own web site. I wonder why these American Israelis were interested in doing such a thing?

The FOX series and other mainstream news media sources revealed that many of these Israelis were army veterans with electronics and explosives expertise. Many of them failed lie detector tests. Dr. Steven E. Jones, professor of physics at BYU and Kevin Ryan, former lab manager and scientist at Underwriters Labs -- the company that tested the steel used in the World Trade Center buildings, and fired Kevin Ryan when he went public with information about a cover-up - have shown conclusive proofs that the collapsed of the WTC buildings were due to thermite and explosives and NOT as a result of the planes crashing into them. Could it be that these scientists have uncovered in later years one of the real purposes for the Israeli spy network presence in the US in 2001?

6. It was Israelis who the following was reported about by U.S. government authorities when the Israeli spies were found: 'An Israeli government spokesman reported a few days ago the news of arresting a number of Israelis by the US intelligence bodies in Florida. This might seem strange but what is more significant is the deliberate ignorance by the Israeli government of the reason for the arrests. The Israelis did not even mention the reason or the case for which their subjects were detained. The point is that a big quantity of the Anthrax germ was held with the Israelis when they were arrested. Moreover, the detainees had 15 charts of the New York Trade Center and eight charts of the Pentagon building which were attacked on September 11th. This is in addition to other six charts of the White House, which was among the would-be targets of the September 11th attacks. According to discreet US reports, the charts found with the Israelis had accurately drawn the Pentagon building and the World Trade Center and defined their geometric projections, as well as, precisely depicted the many floors. Further, some data included in the charts define the itineraries of civil passenger planes and their destinations!!!...'

7. It was Israelis who the Jerusalem Post on September 12, 2001 reported 4000 missing or expected to be dead as a result of doing business and working at the WTC on 911.

8. It was the Israeli general counsel Alon Pinkas who reported that out of the 4000 Israelis dead or missing actually only one was killed, a visitor. The statistics of this happening is IMPOSSIBLE. The only reason this could happen is if somehow Israelis were warned ahead of time about the planes crashing into the WTC. The natural question to ask is, are there any evidence of prior warnings of the impending WTC attacks given to anyone in
the world? If there is let's narrow the list down to see if any warnings happen to be given to Israelis. Well it just so happens that there were prior warnings and the only people in the world to receive them were Israelis!!!!

9. It was Israelis who received Odigo warnings two hours before the planes struck the WTC buildings. This was reported both in the Ha'aertz and Washington Post newspapers. This is proof positive that someone who cares for the lives of Israelis knew that planes were going to be crashed into the WTC ahead of time and wanted to make sure Israelis were not killed. I am sure the identity of that person was not Bin laden. This succinctly explains why only one Israeli got killed on 911 although the number was expected to be as much as 4000.

10. It was Israelis who were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, C-4 explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets and caught in Mexico in an attempt to blow the Mexican Congress up on October 10, 2001, one month after 911. Curiously these Israelis were found with Pakistani passports in their possession. The Israelis were booked for conspiracy to destroy a building by means of an explosive by the Mexican police. If they were successful in blowing up the Mexican Congress -- leaving the Pakistani passports where they could be found by the authorities -- would like 911, have been blamed on Muslim terrorists. They got caught red-handed here and only G-d knows how many other incidents innocent Muslims are being blamed for that were really done by Israelis.

11. Pakistani General Gul, who at one time was a close ally of the U.S. and a staunch supporter of Western values -- who could have blamed 911 on his Russian or Indian enemies -- instead chose to blame 911 on Israelis. This former director of the Pakistani Intelligence Service said un-categorically about 911 that 'The Israeli Mossad and its American associates are the obvious culprits.' Why did he just happen to also blame Israelis? Why didn't he blame India or Russia who were far worse enemies to Pakistan than Israelis? This was a man who was close to the American Secret Service leaders and their ally. How come he seems to know what Vreeland and other CIA operatives worldwide knew about 911?

12. The news about the impending attacks was known by even low ranking CIA agents like Delmart Vreeland. To prove it he wrote what was going to happen in August, 2001 in a sealed envelope while in prison in Canada and had his guards open the envelope on September 14th. Lo and behold he accurately predicted the attacks of 911. If he knew about this I am certain that many others in the CIA especially at higher levels knew about it also. As such this was a deliberate planned action set up to create a Pearl Harbor type event to cause the American government to take actions that the planners of this event wanted. With the complicity of the Israeli controlled news media the finger was solidly pointed on OBL, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. They did not allow any suspicion to be pointed anywhere else. How convenient!!!
As an example of the many reports throughout the world implicating Israeli involvement in 911, here is a partial text of one from Canada's Stern-Intel on September 17, 2001:
'A US military intelligence source revealed details of an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence service having links to the World Trade Centre and Pentagon attacks.'

13. A report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) states the following: German intelligence detected plans for an attack on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11, 2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US of the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning.

14. The U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), wrote this about the Israeli Mossad which was reported about on September 10, 2001 one day before 911:
"Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
BINGO! The very next day an 'Arab act' took place against the U.S. and no suspicion or investigation was done based on this credible report from SAMS. As I said the finger was so firmly pointed against Bin Laden that even intelligent people were so suffocated by the Israeli controlled press that no other questions were entertained.

15. It was a Zionist owned company, Metals Management, and a life time Zionist Mayor of N.Y. who was responsible for so quickly removing the steel evidence from the WTC such that no investigation could be done on whether or not the WTC steel beams melted from heat or due to bombs going off that caused the WTC to crash. Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer from the Fire Engineering department at the University of Maryland told the New York Times: "I find the speed with which important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling."

16. Although the planes used to crash into the WTC could have flown from La Guardia, Kennedy, or some nearer airport, they chose to fly from Boston's Logan airport which was much further away from the WTC. Doing this lengthened the time to the destination making it easier for NORAD to intercept the planes. Why this was done? It was because an Israeli company, ICTS International, controlled airport security at Boston Logan airport.

17. An abnormal amount of put stock options were purchased against United and American Airlines right before 911. Gee whiz I wonder why British Airways, Southwest Airlines, Continental or other Airlines did not have abnormally large amounts of put stock options purchases also? Why did it just so happen to be from the two airlines that were involved with the 911 incident? It was reported that many Israelis and even an ex-CIA director from Deutsche bank made huge profits on the purchase. One person made as much as $2,500,000.00 on the deal and when last reported did not come to pick up his money. How did all these people know that American and United Airlines stocks will drop so dramatically in value the next day???
Not only airline stocks but according to the Barnes Review, ' Between August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Israeli citizens, sold 'short' a list of 38 stocks that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks. These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be 'in the millions of dollars.'
I ask the same question as Michael Shore does in the following paragraph, Why? Also why did this story just drop from the media and no follow up was done? Another example of the media in cahoots with the planners of 911 to deflect attention from the obvious and keep the Americans firmly fixated on OBL/Al-Qaeda as the only possibility for 911.
'It would seem easy enough for the FBI and CIA to go to the stockbrokers where these trades were made and find out who made them. This is probably the closest link that can be established to someone who was involved in 911 but neither the FBI nor CIA is, apparently, pursuing this. Why?'

18. When Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbollah and other Palestinian groups commit acts of freedom against the brutal Israeli regime, no matter how small the numbers they kill of the enemy they take responsibility for it. That has been their pattern for a long time. Now the largest attack killing the most amount of 'the enemy' Americans, instead of OBL boasting about it and even cheering like the Israelis did at the WTC he said the following: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks....The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. "
This is quite significant because as successful as this act was it would have been something for OBL to boast about but instead he condemns it and distances himself from it. Very unlikely behavior for someone guilty and who would normally gloat at such a major accomplishment. The U.S. government claimed that it had proof which they never showed any of us. They claimed that they showed it to the Pakistani President but he also came out with a statement claiming that he believes that there is no way that OBL could have pulled off 911 alone. What happened to the proof?

19. Financially it was Israelis who profited handsomely from the destruction of the WTC. Larry Silverstein, a Zionist Jew whose company acquired the 99 year lease for the WTC got an insurance payment for more than 4.6 billion dollars for 2 attacks on the WTC on 911. Incidentally he acquired the lease 6 months before the 911 attacks and just 'happened' to fully insure it against terrorist attacks.
Another Israeli by the name of Frank Lowy, chairman and founder of Westfield Holdings, had recently acquired the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of World Trade Center before the WTC attacks of Sept. 11, according to The Jerusalem Post . He too also fully insured his lease against terrorist attacks and will also be paid billions. So in regards to 911 we find Israelis involved with many things. Strange wouldn't you say that we don't find Russians, Saudis, Italians, Pakistanis or even Africans involved with events related to 911 as Israelis. Isn't it just coincidental that the people involved just happens to be Israelis.
With all this evidence of Israeli involvement, corrupt U.S. government officials involvement and media complicity in covering and even dropping information that should be pursued and thoroughly investigated I ask the question why, why in the hell is any of this not being investigated? This is a mountain of evidence. Other evidence not discussed but also valid is the many reports showing evidence that the WTC was blown up from within explaining how the buildings fell, no video or stills of any of the hijackers at Logan Airport, how did the U.S. government identify so quickly the identities of the hijackers and was able to fix the blame on OBL just a few hours after the event, the fact that 7 of the hijackers identified are still alive today, the many false reports about terrorists identities like the one of a Pakistani man who never left Pakistan in his life having his picture publicly broadcasted in the media, and I could go on and on.
The only logical conclusion that a reasonable person can arrive at is this: The 9-11 attacks, the anthrax murders, and numerous other foiled terror plots, were planned, orchestrated, financed, carried out, and covered up by the forces of Israel. What other logical explanation can there be?
What we have been told officially about 911 has more holes in it than aged cheese. It just does not add up. Yet serious actions are being taken against innocent Muslims and thousands of lives are being lost and even more are being harassed and persecuted. Why isn't our government investigating the huge pile of evidence pointing to the Israelis and why aren't relations between the U.S. and Israel cooled? Why? Why? Why?
Note: Please go to the following site that has links to all of the facts presented above for verification:


"Strive as in a race to achieve the
goal of excellence in all that you do."
0 Replies
Sat 16 Sep, 2006 03:49 pm
bm Very Happy
0 Replies
Mon 18 Sep, 2006 07:07 am
Yep. It is so clear now.

Weeks before, operatives entered into the Towers and made sure to plant the stuff in the exact place the planes would hit.

0 Replies
Mon 18 Sep, 2006 07:18 am
It's like one of those "hit the gopher" games. Someone tries to show an example of the conspiracy, someone else explains how it isn't and tells what it really is, time passes and then soneone else (or perhaps the same person) brings up the same exact point again...

Take the "thermite" example above. It has been proven here before that that picture shows a steel girder that had been cut during the rescue effort. Even quoted the person that did the cutting, yet here it is again, being used as an example of the conspiracy....
0 Replies
Thu 21 Sep, 2006 02:35 pm
woiyo wrote:
Yep. It is so clear now.

Weeks before, operatives entered into the Towers and made sure to plant the stuff in the exact place the planes would hit.


That is brilliant, and why didn't Bush tell those guys that commandeered the planes, as they needlessly died as well. Further proof that Bush is evil, as Hugo Chavez has asserted, because Bush knew the people in the planes would die needlessly because the buildings were already set to come down. There is so much about this that has puzzled me, but yes, thanks to the freedom4frees, zippos, and other patriots, we are beginning to understand it is all Bush's fault. But I thought Bush was dumb too, not just evil. There are things still about this that do not add up, but I am confident that freedom4free and zippo can explain it to us if we are patient.
0 Replies
Thu 21 Sep, 2006 11:24 pm
Zippo wrote:
Evidence of Thermite on Core Columns at WTC *PIC*

There is substantial evidence that thermite was used to cut the central support columns, which caused the towers to fall.

Evidence can be seen on photographs of the columns from the rubble of the World Trade Center.

In this photo, for example, the column directly above the fireman's helmet shows that it was cut with thermite. There is a substantial amount of hardened molten iron which can be seen on both the inside and outside of the box column. This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite.

Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.



Because this evidence is so important, I am posting a close-up photo of the thermide residue, i.e. hardened molten iron, which has been left in clear sight on a severed core column from the World Trade Center.

This is clear evidence of the crime of mass murder of our fellow Americans.

Patriotic Americans awake!

The "official" version of 9-11 is a pack of lies. The government has been taken over by a foreign power, the "Gadianton robbers" have taken complete control of our nation.

They ARE awake, and dont listen to those far out conspiracy theories that lack evidence, logig and common sense.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Sep, 2006 10:38 am
plainoldme wrote:
Amigo -- I have such mixed feelings about everything. It is hard to be optimistic about even the smallest things.

Glad to know you have admitted the obvious, pom. I will make sure I remember what you said here when I read any of your opinions.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Sep, 2006 02:05 pm
okie wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
Amigo -- I have such mixed feelings about everything. It is hard to be optimistic about even the smallest things.

Glad to know you have admitted the obvious, pom. I will make sure I remember what you said here when I read any of your opinions.

Consider that conservatives see all glasses as always half full. That means they never have to work to make anything better and have no sense of personal responsibility. They leave everything for the liberals to do but they attempt to undo everything we fix.
0 Replies
Sun 24 Sep, 2006 09:09 pm
plainoldme wrote:
okie wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
Amigo -- I have such mixed feelings about everything. It is hard to be optimistic about even the smallest things.

Glad to know you have admitted the obvious, pom. I will make sure I remember what you said here when I read any of your opinions.

Consider that conservatives see all glasses as always half full. That means they never have to work to make anything better and have no sense of personal responsibility. They leave everything for the liberals to do but they attempt to undo everything we fix.

What? I agree, pom, you must have very mixed up feelings about everything. This is further evidenced by your statements in the last paragraph you wrote, as they are not logically connected one to another. In other words, they are disconnected observations, plainoldme, that you seem to wrongly think have cause and effect connections, so your conclusions are therefore total fallacies.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2006 06:08 pm
okie -- You're an idiot.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2006 09:19 pm
Please don't sugarcoat your opinion.

Seriously, if conservatives see the glass as half full, how does it follow that they never try to make anything better or have any personal sense of responsibility? That makes as much sense as me saying my uncle is bald so I am taking the bus to work instead of the car. I think your reasoning is illogical.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Sep, 2006 05:01 pm
Idiot -- When you see the glass as half full, you rest on your laurels, another idiom that you are probably unfamiliar with. You say, life is good, as long as we can keep the gd Spicks out and the Blacks in their place. True republican philosophy 101.

When you see the glass as half empty, as I do, then you work to make the world a better place.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Sep, 2006 11:13 am
plainoldme wrote:
Idiot -- When you see the glass as half full, you rest on your laurels, another idiom that you are probably unfamiliar with. You say, life is good, as long as we can keep the gd Spicks out and the Blacks in their place. True republican philosophy 101.

When you see the glass as half empty, as I do, then you work to make the world a better place.

If someone always sees the glass as half empty, they are just pessimistic, nothing more. I'd much rather deal with a person with a positive attitude ... that's the person who will really get something done.

Pessimists walk around with sour dispositions, pissed off at the world in general. These are not persons who tend to have any real impact on much of anything.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Sep, 2006 01:54 pm
9/11 'hijacker' witness poisoned

Green, Nass renew call to UW to fire 9/11 conspiracy professor

Video captures fireman reporting on the presence of an explosive device found inside one of the WTC buildings.

9-11 Fireman: Bomb In The Building

Watch this all the way to the end. This video confirms that the angled cut on the H beam seen in the photo at the bottom of is the remains of a controlled demolition

9/11 Truth: Thermite & The Case for Controlled Demolition
0 Replies
Wed 27 Sep, 2006 02:36 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

If someone always sees the glass as half empty, they are just pessimistic, nothing more. I'd much rather deal with a person with a positive attitude ... that's the person who will really get something done.

Pessimists walk around with sour dispositions, pissed off at the world in general. These are not persons who tend to have any real impact on much of anything.

That's not true that people who see the glass half empty are sour or pessimistic. People who know me always comment on how much I smile, how patient I am, how pleasant to talk with I am. I just know that life can be better because the glass is half empty.

So, aren't you in favor of school reform? Guess your glass is half empty as well.
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