Yeah that's what I thought of right away too. WHY the picture????
Oh man JP that's got to hurt.
I can totally sympathize, 'cause the other day I got this splinter, I mean I got it out and everything, it wasn't that deep, but oWWWWWWeee...
<not helping?>
(Disclaimer -- I read the warnings, gritted my teeth, squinted, eeeeeeaaaaased the scroll bar down, got a flavor, and clapped my hand to my mouth squinched my eyes shut and kept scrolling, then when I couldn't scroll anymore barely opened one eye to see if the coast was clear. I can deal with gore if I gotta, but try to avoid it if possible. Yowch.)
The pictures are actually after the hospital. Like I said, they didn't really do much.
I did think of taking them right away while the splatter was still wet, but the mrs thought it could wait until after.
I've definitely seen much worse, but Jpin, that seriously has got to hurt. I have no problem with stuff like this...until I think about what it would feel like....then I get all icky...which is why I am going to just look at it until all emotion drains from my body. That will teach my feelings to come out.
I actually complained to a friend here a couple of weeks ago because I sliced one of my fingers badly at the dump when I was recycling glass. Or, I thought I did. Once I got myself home and washed and put antibio goop on it I saw I was exaggeratin' that time.
Deformation happens when you get the tendon, and even that you have to cut it all the way through (oooooh!) My almost cut through tendon from the Pork Roast Episode is as good as new twenty years later...
I've got some drugs to help with the pain. It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, though. I'm sort of like you where once I start thinking about it...
I've got this image stuck in my head from the very first peek at it. When ever I think of it I start getting a bit nervous and feeling pain that I don't think is really there.
I think the human brain may be designed to mute pain-in-fingers reception. After all, fingers are vulnerable.
Looks like it hurt some - 'bout the best that can be hoped is there was a lesson in there somewhere. I've learned a lot about pnuematic roofing nailers, for instance, and I can think of a couple things I'll NEVER do again while welding.
I worked for five years as a stone mason. I asked one of the old timers how to not hit your chisel hand with your hammer.
He replied " You just learn not to."
He was right.
A good pair of work gloves does go a long way tho.
(osso, how's your finger?)
(all healed, and quickly so....)
Oh man..... that was gross.....
Made my stomach tighten a bit, jp.
Glad you're ok and I'm sure it will heal ok. Must hurt like a sombitch though.
Got back from the hand specialist today. He said it looks pretty good (Just a flesh wound) and shouldn't need surgery. I'm going back in a couple of weeks for another checkup but so far so good.
great tribal healer farmerman pronouncedQuote:Its a minor flesh wound jp
The co-payment is 20 bucks. Please pay at the front or we bust your knees
Forget the docs... I'm going to farmerman from now on.
I suppose you type without using the affected finger. No?