Noddy24 wrote:What were you doing with the belt sander?
Sanding the end of a counter top that I was installing.
Noddy24 wrote:Is your keyboard skill impaired?
Noddy24 wrote:What happened in the ER?
Waited for a long time. Waited some more. Heard a young girl overjoyed that she had a mis-carriage.
Got to a room where I waited some more. Waited some more.
Listened to the nurses talk about lunch.
Listened to the nurses try to figure out what was wrong with the deaf and blind elderly non-english speaking hispanic woman.
Finally talked to a doctor.
Waited some more. Started pacing.
Got x-rays taken.
Waited some more.
Got wound irrigated and wrapped.
Finally left hospital.
Waiting for enormous hospital bill for hospital visit in which not much was accomplished.