Lash wrote:You seem a little Eurocentric in who is left and righ. There are other vantage points, which have me more centrist that you.
Where in the world except for America? Seriously. Can you name, say, three other countries in the world where the people would generally call you a centrist?
Europe is not any more left-oriented than most of Asia, Africa or Latin-America. The opposite, if anything. Only major country in the world I can think of where you'd be more "centrist" than me is America - and I dont even lay any claim to being centrist, myself. So the assertion of etnocentrism is a bit of a boomerang, here.
Lash wrote:but I and others have noted a distinct change in the nimh of yore.
I think you can leave the "and others" bit out of there. Doublecheck with Georgeob1 for example. Personal grudge is more like it (you and Fox, probably).