So, anydo.
I consider myself a moderate. I have many left-wing views that get me labeled a "liberal" by conservative acquaintances, yet I have some right-wing views that make even my closest liberal friends consider me the devil.
My partner and I are extremely involved in politics; we have a Moderate party in the works right now that will hopefully bring very balanced views to the political arena in a few years. It'll go by fast, we're working on it as much as possible. It seems like a far-fetched idea, but we both know that this country is in dire need of some neutral ground. We need to have someone who can sit down and listen to both sides without secretly gassing the one they don't particularly care for. We need understanding, un-bias politics and views (stand up for what you believe, no matter what party they're associated with), and loyalty to Americans - not money or political standing.
If it's not he (my partner) who will be leading us in this way one day, then eventually it will be someone else. I have my hopes set on this. Until then, I firmly believe that as long as we stick with the two-party system, our childish games of blue-team v. red-team will consistently stand in our way to work through conflictions and kinks in our country.
Of course, even a Moderate president will encounter his share of problems and no one will be without fault/mistake, but I do honestly believe that it will be a step up from the stark choices of black or white.