...I hate to interupt the protocol disscussion but I can't contain myself on this WMD matter any longer.
...On Meet The Press, this morning, Tim Russert, asked Condaleeza Rice, was it posible the world had been mislead, by the Bush administration. She started babbling about revisionist history; infering that they were only repeating what a multitude of inspectors, and intelligence sources had informed them of.
...O-o-kay....I was futilely screaming at my TV screen for Mr. Russert to ask the following question: How could a government, firmly entrenched and fuctioning, be busted so many times, hiding WMD's, suddenly beome so adept at hiding ALL evidence, of the WMD's, while being bombed to smithereens?

And God forbid he should ask why they chose to hide them, instead of using them while fighting for their lives!...DUH!