Where Are All The W.M.D.s?

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 12:59 pm
I'm waiting for them to plant some there and start yelling "here they are"!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 01:03 pm
Eureka! We found the liar! Wink c.i.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 01:19 pm
We could start a lottery on which day month year a huge unverifiable cache of WMD's is found ("I'm your president. Believe what I tell you. Or else. Or Gitmo.").
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 01:21 pm
....or the gas chamber.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 01:21 pm
...or should that be the firing squad?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 01:22 pm
This admin is prone to shoot first, and ask questions later.......
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:27 pm
WASHINGTON (June 8) - The White House did not hype intelligence about the threat from Iraq's suspected banned weapons in order to justify the war to oust Saddam Hussein, Bush administration officials said Sunday.

They said Iraq possessed such weapons before the war and that more proof is forthcoming.

Iraqis ``have had weapons throughout their history. They have used chemical weapons. They have acknowledged that they had biological weapons. And they never accounted for all that they had or what they might or might not have done with it,'' Secretary of State Colin Powell said on ``Fox News Sunday.''

Powell told reporters that the paper trail and interviews with Iraqis involved in the weapons programs would lead to the discovery of evidence.

``I think all the documents that are now coming forward and people who are being interviewed will tell us more about what they have hidden and where they have hidden it,'' Powell said.

Powell said the media, not the American people, were calling the prewar intelligence bogus.

``How can it be bogus when I can show you pictures of people that were gassed by Saddam Hussein? I can show you reports from U.N. inspectors all through the 1990s that demonstrated that the Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction. I can show you reports where the Iraqis were caught lying about their weapons of mass destruction'' Powell asked.

Powell also dismissed allegations that Vice President Dick Cheney, during several visits to the Central Intelligence Agency, applied political pressure to get intelligence officials to exaggerate their reports of the Iraqi threat.

``False,'' Powell told ``Fox News Sunday.''

``Simply not true,'' added Condoleezza Rice, the president's national security adviser, on NBC's ``Meet the Press.'

Powell said Cheney was simply doing his job, delving into the issue to make sure he knew the truth.

When asked where the weapons were, Rice said: ``This is a program that was built for concealment. We've always known that. We've always known that it would take some time to put together a full picture of his weapons of mass destruction programs.''

She said intelligence offered solid justification for the U.S.-led attack on Iraq.

``If you connected the dots about everything that we knew about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction programs going back to 1991 and going all the way up until March 2003, when we launched the attack against Iraq, you could come to only one conclusion,'' she told ABC's ``This Week.''

``And that was that this was an active program, that this was a dangerous program, this was a program that was being effectively concealed.''

This article states that more proof of Iraq's WMD is forthcoming. Am I missing something here? Where is the original proof?
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:35 pm
"They said Iraq possessed such weapons before the war and that more proof is forthcoming." Well, that's easy to prove. We know Iraq had "such weapons before the war" -- we sold them to Iraq. "Before the war" IMPLIES just before the war and direct cause of war, but it means BEFORE THE WAR, like the early 90's or the 80's, or whenever. "More proof," in addition to the proof in existence that we sold them materials for WMD's will turn out to be just as reliable as previous "proof," I betcha.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:41 pm
I agree Tartarin. You make the popcorn, I'll bring the beer. We can sit back and watch this comedy of errors. What will they do next...
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:47 pm
GreenEyes, It's not a "comedy of errors." It's a whole string of lies that's finally catching up to them. c.i.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:49 pm
the only cover they have for the lies are bigger lies.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:49 pm
Pauli Girl, please, Green. Got the popcorn. Hope you don't mind real butter. The dogs are friendly. Don't check the garage, haven't swept it this week. You might also want to check the UN US IRAQ discussion for a post about Rumsfeld from the New Yorker.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 02:50 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
GreenEyes, It's not a "comedy of errors." It's a whole string of lies that's finally catching up to them. c.i.

What I meant by that is how they are tripping over themselves trying to justify their actions.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:07 pm
The media have been excluded (and cameras taken) from an inspection of alleged possible sites of WMD's -- per order of the US.

(That just now on NPR.)
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:09 pm
Tartar, Gotta keep everything 'secret,' because of 'security' reasons. c.i.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:14 pm
so the proof will take the form of what? invoices from Haliburton? Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:19 pm
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:42 pm
The IAEA team is operating under strict guidelines from the Pentagon, which does not want a renewed role for the agency or other U.N. arms inspectors in postwar Iraq.

The United States is expanding its own team to hunt for Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction, cited by London and Washington as the main justification for the war. No such weapons have been found.

The admin will have us all believing in genies next... the WMD just magically appeared!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 03:58 pm
Tartar, Something is awfully wrong with any government that restricts information to be shared with the rest of the world in a situation such as we have in Iraq. What is it that they are trying to hide? c.i.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2003 04:29 pm
I'm not sure, Ci, but I think a major part of the reason is they're fightin' mad about all the questions. They don't think, after all, that they should be questioned. The more we question, the bigger stink we make, the more apt they are to slip up through sheer pissiness. That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it! (And taking action each time MoveOn and True Majority contact me.)
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