They're all discrete elements, though. Unless there's a breach of the eardrum -- which could be the case -- that's not how it works. The most the wax would do is create pressure on the eardrum. There isn't fluid in the middle ear (or shouldn't be if there isn't a middle ear infection), just air. Then the balance channels are way beyond that. (Usual disclaimers, I'm not a medico either.)
Glad you have another appointment. How are you feeling now?
i feel a little wierd still. Stumbling SOME, but not nearly as much as I was the other day.
I feel ok sitting still, but when it is time to take Bean outside and run around, I have to slow her down a bit because that is when I notice the dizzyness the most.
Taking her up and down the stairs has proven to be a bit strange as well.
So i just brought down a days supply of diapers, wipes, and another outfit so we dont havet o go upstairs for anything except nap time
Your dizziness could have more to do with something occurring during your sleep than something occurring when you wake up.
One last note on the earwax thing, I've said that maybe it could create pressure but I think that's unusual/ unlikely unless it is being held in by something, like if you have a pea in your ear or something like that. :-) Sozlet always has a lot of wax in her ear, that is removed at the ENT's, and I've specifically asked whether there is anything wrong/ harmful about that and have been told several times that there is nothing wrong with earwax per se, even a lot, they're just getting it out so they can take a look at her eardrum and see what's going on in her middle ear.
Anyway, glad to hear it's a little better, sorry it's still not all better.
shewolfnm wrote:That is what the doctor was trying to say to me I think.
That the pressure of my WHOLE ear , and the excessive fluid build up created pressure on everything. I even have a headache from it.
I just dont think he worded it right.
But , I have an appointment for a diffrent doctor
The one I saw was an ER doc, no chance of getting that one again.
Thier schedules are wacky and I truly dont remember his name...
i hope not st. david's er. i went there while i was in college for pain on my right side and they told me (after a full pelvic exam and ultrasound) that i had a urinary tract infection. turns out next day, wow overnight i grew a 6cm x 8cm ovarian cyst. imagine that, overnight! and supposedly that is the size of a grapefruit and they couldn't feel it much less see it on ultrasound. i was not impressed to say the least.
when is your 2nd dr. appt?
that is scary.
I went to Seton . The new facility waaaay south by Mopaq and Slaughter.
( yeah, mopaq has been continued THAT far.. hehe)
I go friday
Dragon49, wow, glad you're still here.
Shewolf, here's hoping you get someone who knows more than the er doc. Good luck on Friday.
Have you gone to the doc yet?
<tap tap tap>
Joining ehBeth in the Impatient Crone Department:
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
We're waiting, dear. Any news?
She's central time zone, right? So, we don't need to worry just yet?
(Sits next to Noddy at the table and pulls out one of those triangle peg games to keep Noddy and ehBeth from tapping.)

no. my doctor appointment isnt until 6pm.
Right now it is 3:51....
Well, I'll put on some coffee then. Just promise to let us know as soon as you get back.
I have dizzy spells, diagnosed back in 1997 as Meniere's Disease (or Syndrome). Haven't had a spell of any magnitude for the past three years, although the other symptoms (tinnitus, hearing loss, and pressure) never go away. Hoping for the best; dizzy spells (particularly chronic ones) are no day in the park.
May I read my nice paperback, please? You play with ehBeth. She plays hard.
Over here, l'k.
I brought some gin and wink. Have you got any Pirate's Booty?
I have some. We call it Buddha though. OK, Boota (sozlet started that, she's emphatic, no idea why), I supply the spelling.
Pirates Booty?
Personally, I like tonic water.
That reminds me of years ago. I didn't drink at all until I was 21, and was remarkably naive about that and much else. I went with a friend to some sort of mixer - I forget the circumstance surrounding it, but I remember getting my nerve up to saunter up to the bar and order a drink. I asked for gin and soda. The bartender asked me if I was sure. I was very insistant. Damn...