The Causes Of Homosexuality in men

Reply Mon 10 May, 2021 03:24 pm
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Reply Wed 12 May, 2021 12:46 pm
I just asked questions, it's his absolute right whether to reply or not and how if so. I do have a direction of thinking, in assuming sexual orientation is tremendously affected by psychological factors. It's reasonable to believe so. If a person is unstable emotionally, feeling insecure as a man, have negative beliefs about women and relationships, then it's only reasonable for him not to innitiate relationships with women or to the very least have gret deal of difficulties to innitiate such ones. In addition if he craved love and acceptance from his father all his childhood and teenhood, then it might turn into sexual desire toward men in order to get that masculine love, appreciation and acceptance. I might not be accurate in 100%, but you can't say there is nothing in those logical ideas.
Reply Wed 12 May, 2021 01:00 pm
Omri123456777 wrote:

I do have a direction of thinking, in assuming sexual orientation is tremendously affected by psychological factors. It's reasonable to believe so.

And the psychological community believed that for decades without really testing it. In the 70's, they started doing significant scientific studies including in depth interviews with men and discovered that the proposed hypotheses were incorrect. Have you done your own extensive interviews with randomly selected candidates? It's one thing to have a hypothesis, it is another to continue to cling to it after it has been disproven.
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Reply Wed 12 May, 2021 01:19 pm
There’s nothing reasonable about your assumptions at all.

You start with the assumption that homosexuality is harmful, that it must have been caused by some sort of trauma or dysfunctional relationship with one’s parents.

You refuse to consider that homosexuality is a healthy variation in the human condition, and that many homosexual men are very happy. It’s not harmful, and it’s not caused by anything other than human nature.

You view homosexuality as harmful, that makes you bigoted and closed minded. Now you can try to justify that bigotry as much as you like, but you’re not being reasonable or asking the right questions, you’re repeating long discredited homophobic research from the 50s coupled with new age bollocks.

What are your motivations?

Why do you insist on repeating things that are demonstrably false?

Why are you rejecting the truth, both about homosexuality and yourself, while clinging to delusions?

Open your eyes and get some ******* counselling.
Reply Thu 13 May, 2021 03:21 am
I think the cause of homosexuality in men is pretty obvious...they're gay.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2021 07:27 am
Sexual orientation is a very complex matter and is influenced by many different factors. Even if you've had crappy parents in many aspects, in some aspects they were probably positive for you psychologically and thus, sexually as well. They had probably encouraged masculine traits and heterosexual practices in you or to the very least, didn't suppress masculine attitudes and behaviors in you. Your father had been probably dominant in the home or at least not submissive to your mother, which served as a masculine model for you. Your mother probably wasn't in close binding relationship with you and didn't controlled you most of the time or to the very least, you've been rebelling her most of the time and did what you've wanted anyway - played sports, met male friends in consistency etc. You've probably developed your own world outside with friends and recreational doings. They had probably didn't interfere with your heterosexuality, meaning meeting, dating and creating romantic relationships with girls or if they had tried to, you've been rebelling them and created relationships anyway.

Is this true about you?
I'm very interest in your reply and hope o hear from you soon.

Reply Sun 16 May, 2021 07:34 am
Omri, You are starting with a belief (a rather harmful belief), and then you a making up a bunch of bullshit to explain it.

Imagine if people were free to have sex with whomever they choose as long as it was consensual and not directly harmful (i.e. children). All your nonsense about parenting has been disproven... and even if it were true, so what?

I have sex with the people I find sexually attractive (when they reciprocate of course). When there is no one available I masturbate or use porn. We all have to accept and learn to live with our own sexuality. I happen to like kink (to some extent) both in real life sex and pornography. Some people may not approve, but so what... it makes me happy.

What is your problem with that?
Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 06:16 am
First of all, I'm not attacking you and don't have intentions to fight you or anyone else.
Secondly, you can say whatever you want about homophobia etc but that's just escaping from dealing with the subject. I haven't seen any study proving homosexuality isn't psychologically influenced by any means. To the contrary, I've seen many many studies prove the opposite - that homosexuality is to a great extent influenced by psychological factors. I'm very open in my mind and willing to except any truthful idea- send me relevant articles to your assumptions, otherwise you're just talking rubbish.
Homosexuality is substantially a fear from acting heterosexually - that's due to a overtly or covertly hostile and detached father, who's behavior install subconscious fear of castration and death in the boy, in relation to having intimate (and sexual) interest in women. That's of course, starting as a fear from being intimate with the mother, the father source for envy and rejection toward the boy. Simultaneously, the mother conveys feminine and demasculinizing attitudes to the boy and that's also makes the boy fear of losing his mom's love if he'll express heterosexual attitudes, feelings and behaviors. Both of these fears add up to suppress heterosexuality to the point of extinction.

Reply with seriousness and backed up studies and don't just dismiss my ideas by saying that I'm a closed minded homophobic, because I'm not.
Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 06:44 am
I've interested in spreading the truth about gender and sexuality and specifically here, about homosexuality. It is matter what are the causes, because if it's mainly psychologically determined, then it can be treated by psychological tools and treatments.
I'm not diminishing or being hostile toward anyone. I think that homosexuality isn't healthy psychologically and emotionally for the people who practice it. Homosexual relationships are full of envy, problems of trust in each other, aggressiveness, hostility etc. Adding up to it, it’s not healthy for a male to be subordinated sexually by another male. that’s hurting his self-confidence and self-assurance and that’s humiliating for him, as a masculine man. Moreover, a homosexual man will never find what he’s looking for, that’s a manly man to provide him love, care and acceptance, like he wanted to get from his detached father. That’s because his partner, who is also homosexual, is also looking for the same thing, and in fact, can’t provide him of those needs, because he himself isn’t a masculine man enough, that is fully confident and trust of himself.

To summer, homosexuality isn’t a healthy practice to a person, and by getting to its truthful causes, that is mainly psychological ones, there’s an opening to treat it and for it to be changed. I think that if homosexual oriented people will treat themselves to the root causes of their conflicts, limiting beliefs, unstable emotion patterns and unhealthy behaviors, then there is potentially a chance for their sexual orientation to be changed as well. That isn’t a must, but there is a substantial possibility for it.
Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 06:57 am
This is interesting.

1. You think when people have sex, one is "subordinated" by the other.
2. You think that sex is about aggressiveness and hostility.
3. You think that sex is about your relationships with your parents.
4. You are worried that all men are "masculine" men.

I am interested in your psychology.

You have some very unhealthy ideas about sexuality in general, the idea that you think your relationship with your mother and father determine what you do in bed is a little strange.

There are many women who would take exception to the idea that you are subordinating them aggressively (although there are women who enjoy this).

Why don't you worry about your own sexual issues, instead of being so fixated on other people having sex?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 07:06 am
The backstory you are telling of a distant abusive father and an overly compensating mother is Hitler’s childhood.

Now, he’s been accused of many things but not being gay.

There’s nothing harmful about homosexuality. There’s a lot of harm with your discredited pseudoscience and bigotry, especially when you sink to such depths.

You are confusing your opinion with facts because that’s what bigots do.

You are a homophobic bigot who needs to make up **** about homosexuals because you don’t have anything else going on in your life.

You are attacking a whole group of people regardless of what lies you tell yourself.

Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 02:30 pm
As a historical note Hitler was accused of being gay, both during his life and after. At the very least Hitler's sexuality was abnormal.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2021 06:16 am
I wasn't claiming that my ideas are facts. What I've wrote about might be true of false. I'm not saying "it's been proven that homosexuality is 100% determined by psychology factors like the relationships with the parents". I do think that psychology factors affect the sexuality of a human being to a very large degree, but I'm not saying that's a fact or it's 100% psychology and has nothing to do with genetics and biology.

But, on the other hand, one can't determine that psychology factors have nothing to do with sexual orientation and sexuality in general. The relationship with the parents determines who the child is modeling for learning and implementing ideas, values and behaviors, i.e., the father or the mother. If a boy is choosing his mother for his model of "How to Be", then it's predisposed him into more feminine attitudes, behaviors and "way of being". That in turn, predispose him toward being less confidant man, having more distorted gender perceptions about himself and developing an unmasculine identity. That predispose him to the direction of developing a homosexual orientation, in a subconscious need for masculine energy and for acceptance and appreciation as a man, from another man.

That's one key factor, but there are at least a couple more key ones like the degree to which love and affection were existed with the father while growing up, the perception of the child of "how good" were the relationship between his parents an as a result, "how good are heterosexual relationships in general" and many more.

I think that it's bad that people tend to think in black and white. Homosexuality is "Good" or "Bad", it's "100% genetic determined" or "100% psychologically influenced”. "He's completely homophobic" or "He's pro LGBT Completely" etc. The truth most often, lies somewhere in the middle.
Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2021 06:29 am
You view homosexuality as something wrong, not as a natural human variant but as a defect caused by trauma.

That’s what makes you a bigot, regardless of whether you claim your hair brained notions are factual.

It’s your attitude.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2021 10:55 am
Omri123456777 wrote:

I've interested in spreading the truth about gender and sexuality and specifically here, about homosexuality. It is matter what are the causes, because if it's mainly psychologically determined, then it can be treated by psychological tools and treatments.

"the truth" ... I haven't seen any 'truth' so far in your writings.

Omri123456777 wrote:
I'm not diminishing or being hostile toward anyone. I think that homosexuality isn't healthy psychologically and emotionally for the people who practice it. Homosexual relationships are full of envy, problems of trust in each other, aggressiveness, hostility etc. Adding up to it, it’s not healthy for a male to be subordinated sexually by another male. that’s hurting his self-confidence and self-assurance and that’s humiliating for him, as a masculine man. Moreover, a homosexual man will never find what he’s looking for, that’s a manly man to provide him love, care and acceptance, like he wanted to get from his detached father. That’s because his partner, who is also homosexual, is also looking for the same thing, and in fact, can’t provide him of those needs, because he himself isn’t a masculine man enough, that is fully confident and trust of himself.

I know quite a few homosexual people and can attest that they don't fit any of this ****. "... problems of trust in each other, aggressiveness, hostility...". Furthermore, I can't think of any of them that had parental problems. Your whole premise is flawed to the core.

Omri123456777 wrote:
To summer, homosexuality isn’t a healthy practice to a person, and by getting to its truthful causes, that is mainly psychological ones, there’s an opening to treat it and for it to be changed. I think that if homosexual oriented people will treat themselves to the root causes of their conflicts, limiting beliefs, unstable emotion patterns and unhealthy behaviors, then there is potentially a chance for their sexual orientation to be changed as well. That isn’t a must, but there is a substantial possibility for it.

Well, you have decided that homosexuality is Caused by Psychological issues, but you are not (are you?) a homosexual so you know nothing about it. Have you tried asking a homosexual WHY they are such?

The homosexual couples I know are very happy people and in long-term relationships. One of them is my BIL who has been with his partner for over 30 years. They are professionally successful, intelligent, fun, have a broad range of interests and a wide circle of friends. They are, in other words, just like everyone else.

I think you're actually talking about yourself in this diatribe you're written. Otherwise, why be so fascinated by it?
Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2021 11:43 am
The OP simply hasn't met enough homosexual men.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 02:06 pm
The greatest bluff, to theology accommodates the homosexual origin. In name, the greatest bluff is that relaxation can be a socialist.

This doesn't mean, that socialism and relaxation can't be the same, it means that relaxation doesn't have the political remit to "become" a socialist.

For this offering, to homosexuality, what is the net effect:
the formula prize (doppelganger, of homosexuality), is the weekend visit to the supermarket entertainment. Entertainment, because the supermarket is where the horror gothic archetype lives, which is that the supermarket has to be the last image of the existence.

Why is this?
Essentially, it's because the supermarket arena is the 2D celebrity, of secret.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2022 02:22 pm
It’s genetic. There’s homosexual men with masculine dominate fathers (that’s why many are abandoned and thrown out on the streets) and there some with feminine fathers, are there are some with absent fathers. Sadly, there are still many people that are influenced by beliefs promoted by a religion that is itself a contradiction. They treat certain men as though they are equal to God despite the fact that Abraham isn’t supposed to worship anything but God. These men are under the impression that they aren’t sexual. But they are human, although many don’t treat them as such. And when those desires come about, they seek an outlet that is easy to control and silence, and children fall victim. Even more, they encourage their followers to get involved in other peoples bedroom habits rather than state that sex should be between adults PERIOD. That’s the main problem with society. Men pretending to be God, playing God on children (they’ve always done it), all while telling people how to live their lives. What experience of value do they have to share with average people when their feet aren’t planted. They claim that abstinence is important for ascension, but it’s ritual not spiritual. They give up a normal earthly life so they feel like they are owed. That makes them feel superior to average people. And thus it makes it easier for them to prey on children. Down here on earth, most people distract a child if they reach for their private area, but up there they engage with the child. And the parishioners blame the child. I say all this just to say, this is the sort of ignorance these people have. Some of them even take comfort if a priest only rubs his privates on a child. As though dry humping a child is a victory. It’s disgusting and depressing. If they truly believed in the God of Abraham, they might believe that He is the creator, and perhaps he created homosexuals. And that He only gave Moses ten laws. All the other laws after that just take away from their validity, giving people excuses to kill. If people would just say sex should be kept between adults, so many problems would be solved, mainly the sexualization of children and child molestation. Unfortunately, the religions end up swimming in the topic of sex just as much as anyone else. They create their own monsters. Homosexuality is genetic. Molestation is environmental. Men are not divine. The priests aren’t Jesus, but people treat them like they’re God. Ignorance is a choice and people choose it because they’re too proud to admit there’s something flawed within themself. Imagine how much better the planet might be if people like the guy that created this post focused more energy on explaining and preventing a seriously disturbing problem rather than same sex ADULT relationships. If you don’t understand it fine. It’s as simple as saying that people exist that aren’t anything like you, but try exerting some energy into addressing a real problem. They themselves claim that molestation was carried over from an ancient practice called pederasty. A practice that predates Christianity. That would indicate they’ve always done it. If your looking for “causes” of homosexuality. I accepted my sexuality when I realized that the religion I was “sacrificing” myself for was a big lie. That’s what caused my homosexuality. Thankfully, I held on to the belief of God the creator in the process. In doing so, I’ve realized a lot of people worship men and put their faith in men and end up getting bitten. Society and religions cause their own problems. I don’t cause them. I’m just living, working, and paying my bills.
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2022 02:36 pm
This thread has been dormant for a year.

You are just kicking the homophobes' nest.

Don't pretend you're doing anything else.
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2022 05:02 pm
Post before mine was less than a week ago. I was voicing my opinion that’s all. Yours offered no value to the topic one way or the other. Have I attacked you? Nope. I’ll post whenever I want. If you want to control something, get a dog.

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