Teacher vs Researcher

Tue 11 Jan, 2022 02:10 am
Nature says that + and - forces are not the same…you therefore require + and - forces on both sides of the equation to balance things out.

If your scientific equations do not follow this principle they are INVALID!!!!!
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 12:27 am
htam9876….+/- is NOT ABSTRACT…..it is REAL SCIENCE!!!!!

It might be ABSTRACT in the minds of modern day scientists who only accept the HALF logic GRAVITY theory and who don’t accept the FULL logic MAGNETISM theory……..but with REAL science a + can change to a - and a - can change to a +

Those who acknowledge REAL science know that with electromechanical processes, +/- “toggling” or VIBRATION is happening all the time in the cosmos at all levels (macro/micro).

In electromechanical processes you get a SINUSOIDAL wave form output.The wave form is an individual entity and it oscillates between a + and - ALL the time.The + and - peaks of the wave form are NOT a mirror image of each other at any set point in time..….therefore + and - they are NOT the same as science claims……………….this has also been confirmed by the 4 off +/- magnetic charge interactions which should all be the same according to modern day science.

Wed 12 Jan, 2022 01:21 am
This is why you need a + and a - on both sides of the equation in order to obtain balance….i.e. because + and - are NOT the same!!!

If ALL sciences are interconnected then perhaps we need to go back to the FOUNDATION on which ALL modern day science is built upon…..and that is the philosophical GUESS that good and bad are the same.
Sat 15 Jan, 2022 01:49 am
The magnetism theory completely does away with the need for newtonian mechanics and general relativity which are all based upon HALF science….
0 Replies
Sun 16 Jan, 2022 02:14 am
Ha Ha …there is asymmetry between matter and anti matter…..which once again proves my point….you need matter and anti matter on both sides of the fence to obtain a balanced equation…i.e. you need a +/- on both sides of the fence to balance things out…..exactly consistent with my magnetism theory…..the “toggling” +/- electromagnetic force concept is correct then…..

The magnetism theory has overtaken the gravity theory as the leading theory in science……because it is based upon sound full philosophy….and not BS half philosophy.
Tue 18 Jan, 2022 12:10 am
In summary then,

1.The c0smos is full of electromagnetic fields at both the macro/micro levels.
2.Electromagnetic fields are an essential component of electromechanical processes.
3.Electromechanical processes produce spin which is clearly observed at both the macro and micro levels.
4.The speed of spin is directly related to current input and magnetic field strength.
5. Spinning objects (stars/planets/holes/subatomic particles) at both the macro/micro levels are electromagnets.Electromagnets attract or repel other electromagnets/non spinning objects.
6.Electromechanical processes produce the 2 off +/- magnetic forces in nature.
7.Due to the very nature of electromechanical processes, these +/- forces are “toggling” which means that + and - forces are present on BOTH sides of the cosmos balanced equation.
8.Balanced “toggling” +/- magnetic forces is what holds matter together in like a push/pull spring like action.
9.The 4 off magnetic force combinations of -/-…-/+…+/-..+/+ is what explains big bangs and big crunches and not gravity.
10.The + and - magnetic forces in nature are NOT the same.Nature confirms this because the 4 off magnetic force combinations are different.2 force combinations produce attraction +/-…-/+…and 2 force combinations produce repulsion +/+…-/-.
11.The combination of “toggling” +/- magnetic forces along with the varying and perfect amount of differing +/- magnetic force field interactions between the spinning electromagnetic stars/planets/holes (each producing different electromagnetic +/- force fields as a result of their differing spin speeds) is what holds the stars/planets/holes in position within space and in orbit around each other.

Tue 18 Jan, 2022 12:28 am
So in response to the TITLE of this forum.

The teacher guides the researcher and tries to explain to him/her the importance of balanced philosophy in scientific research.
Sat 22 Jan, 2022 08:49 am

Those “authentic” guys argue such kind of issue endlessly and never can find a way out. They never can make clear what’s Relativity and what’s time. Piggy said ahead whether this pig can count as an old pig? Actually some “hard problems” has been solved in a2k, but in those authentic communities, they just confuse in their consciousness for ever.

0 Replies
Sat 22 Jan, 2022 12:11 pm
I’m not confused…it is totally clear to me….
0 Replies
Sun 23 Jan, 2022 03:30 pm
Continue the topic about SR going on in PHF.
Piggy is in another world different from yours. Piggy can’t see anything from YouTube. So, piggy doesn’t know what that OP talking exactly. Piggy guesses the headman travelling on board a train while his wife on the platform. There are two clocks in the train.

As benit13 said there “Actually, the observer on the platform *would* see the photon arrive at different times. However, this breakdown in simultaneity is normal in special relativity, so I'm a bit puzzled why this result is being interpreted by the video's creator as somehow evidence against special relativity.”
Yes. Natural rule is just that way. “Normal”.

The author of that thread logicman said “The headman sees that clock A has stopped at the hour Y+, and his wife sees that clock A has stopped at the hour Y. Even my she- goat knows that this is absurd. ”
No, he doesn’t understand SR. He views the cosmos in his own logic only.
A similar funny story about breakdown in simultaneity in Special Relativity: ManA in the front of a train and manB in the rear, shoot at eachother.Observer1 in the coordinate system of the train saw that it was manA fired firstly. But in another coordinate system of a spaceship flying very fast over the train,observer2 might see that it was manB that fired firstly. Logic can invert.
Now, replace observer1 with a judge and observer2 with G*. What a nice case!

The author of that thread logicman said “The Experiment of The Century showed that while the train was going around the earth, both for the headman and his wife, when clock B showed some hour then clock A showed the same hour.”
Piggy doesn’t understand what he is talking exactly. If the train turns around the earth and goes back to the platform and stop. Yes. But this point can’t “be interpreted as somehow evidence against special relativity.” At that moment, the affair has nothing to do with SR anymore. It can be interpreted as somehow evidence of piggy’s idea “time is the inherent property of matter”. Because no one changes anything of those two clocks. There for, their time is ever the same.
Mr. logicman’s case has deviated from the condition of SR. SR concerns only the sliding of reference frame while doesn’t concern “going around”. A photon would not go around the earth either. That’s something beyond the category of SR. It’s a typical example of a bully, who actually is not capable to understand science exactly.

Next come back to piggy’s own question “whether this pig can count as an old pig?”
Yes, absolutely. The long moustache is the evidence. It’s the inherent property of the pig. No matter who observe it or not, it keep growing longer and longer. First of all, it’s the own affair of piggy.
“Pretty boy”, baby pig, etc, is just that old farmer and Einstein’s “relativistic” view. The fun thing is that they are reasonable too.

Time is the inherent property of matter. It’s the affair in the first fundamental natural system of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.
While the spirit of SR is relative movement. SR is the affair of the second fundamental natural system of PRESENCE –PRESENCE.
0 Replies
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 01:40 am
Oh the full logic magnetism theory just gives and gives and gives…unlike the BS half gravity theory which is based upon half BS philosophical logic.

As I constantly mention…of what use is a scientific theory if nobody can relate to it at the psychological level……of no use at all to a united theory………the half BS gravity theory falls into this category.

What is hilarious to me is the explanation modern day science gives for how matter is held together based upon its half science/philosophy logic and also fails miserably to explain the purpose of spin at both the macro/micro levels.

The magnetism theory explains them both perfectly well.

Spin is required in order to keep stars and planets in place (due to the electromagnetic force interactions) and also to produce electrical signal impulses within the brain that initiate thought processes.

Mon 24 Jan, 2022 07:29 am
Ig – Pig Head Award
Mark’s comment in a2k:
Here is a principal - I abide by, without reservation. "A greater fool, is One who attempts to instruct a fool". My last ever message to you. Blocked for eternity. Bye.
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/556243-19

Whether the “a fool” referred to J – 10 bully bully, piggy is not quite sure, according to the context, it seemed to be.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
If somebody “sure enough” he can replace G* / Lord of creature. Why not establish his own church and sing his own “bible”? Not capable to do that? Or fear no one would go there to prey? G* vs fool, logic can invert. Bounce…
(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)

Game is over. Much time wasted.

0 Replies
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 08:08 am
How is it that more a explain this stuff the more I can hear people saying “oh yeah that makes sense, I think I might get it now”…..I’m not the bully or the one who is looking the fool my friend….Poor old mark is still trapped on the hamsters wheel by the way….I spoke to him a while back…he is still convinced that SELF is an illusion and we are nothing more than duality consciousness ………I had to explain to him that SELF isn’t the illusion……. ..it’s the 2 off duality consciousness’s that are the illusion.He hasn’t come back to me yet….lol…
bobsal u1553115
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 09:49 am
Not that Mark is a close friend, but what in the world do you you have against Buddhism?

He's working to eliminate illusion. It's hard and hard for others to understand and impossible for you. Instead of trolling Mark and insulting him, why not look into his struggle - like reading up on what Buddhism is or isn't.

One difference you don't seem to get is Buddhism seeks to peel away Maya (the illusionary world) while Nihilism just rejects out of hand everything real and unreal as valueless and dead.

BIG difference.

Get of Mark's personality and discuss the issue with some semblance of an open mind.
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 10:36 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Hey bobsal …get off my case you hypocrite…..if only you could practice what you preach…..Mark’s man enough to look after himself…he can dish it out as well….

That aside……most sects of Buddhism clam that SELF is an illusion ..BS…..as I have told mark it is the 2 off illusionary dual consciousness’s that are the illusion…

The Buddha was a prisoner of his own consciousness.
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 01:04 pm
Awareness Awareness Awareness sits ABOVE consciousness states ……..

SELF sits above Awareness and CONTROLS which consciousness state to reside in……

Do you have control of the consciousness states…..??

Or are you still “toggling” in UNAWARENESS backwards and forwards…backwards and forwards between manual and autopilot……….??
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 24 Jan, 2022 05:23 pm
Bull ****. You know nothing of Buddhism, either.
Tue 25 Jan, 2022 01:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
And you know absolutely nothing about Awareness and Control.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Jan, 2022 02:58 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I know all about Buddhism BS duality practices.
Tue 25 Jan, 2022 05:34 am
Here’s a REAL science conundrum for you bobsal…….forget about all that gravity theory BS…..

The cosmos is full of electromagnetic fields at both the macro and micro levels …scientists are just waking up to this FACT realisation…..

The issue is …how did these electromagnetic fields get there? because you need an electrical signal to produce an electromagnetic field, which means you need SPIN to generate the electrical signal……..however you don’t get SPIN unless you have an electromagnetic field in the first place…..haha….

This is REAL science my friend….and the magnetism theory will provide the answer because it just gives and gives and gives……lol….
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