Winner vs loser, touchy and feely;
A bully bully might win out in a community because everyone fears him and has to shun him;
But who win out in science is Einstein. Einstein’s theory is standard course in university. Both the “authentic” scientific community and this “eccentric” realm of piggy ACCEPT his theory. 呵呵. Glory and eternity seems belongs to Einstein in science.
Pay attention to this subtle difference, please.

Piggy doesn’t think that the a2k community needs a what “winner”, and no one should become a “loser” too. We are all meteors in this galaxy. Perhaps we should hope that a2k galaxy win out.
A few days ago, piggy contacted Mr. Feng 冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor. He said that he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city. Piggy replied: piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. This case seems can count as the affair about what’s Relativity and what’s time too. 呵呵. Piggy has that feeling again: be defeated and has to surrender again unconditionally. The First Order seems to be the real / eternal winner in this cosmos. Shining like sun ray…
Today is Chinese lunar new year (Spring Festival). One more year passed away.
Happy Spring Festival, guys.
Liqiang Chen
Feb 1, 2022
两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。