Teacher vs Researcher

Mon 27 Dec, 2021 06:45 pm
Next, go on with normal scientific research.

Rigorous scientific analysis / examination, touchy and feely:

The fact is that many many guys in all kinds of sites either insist the “standard” or can come up with some “new” ideas. Different guy different mind different ideas. All “sure enough” that his ideas must be correct. Then, whose ideas science has to accept?
Some “ambitious” guys even “sure enough” he can represent philosophy, science, in CONTROL of this cosmos and should replace G* / Lord of creature. Then, which G* science has to follow?

How science should operate?

As Mr. izzythepush said in other’s thread a few days ago: “rigorous scientific analysis / examination”…
Yes, science should be a “rigorous” affair.

1. Guys can see that piggy spent nearly one year to “rigorously analyze / examine” Einstein’s relativistic principles, systematically analyze them from different angles, with different methods, from theory to practices. At last confirm them. Established. Real science. (Actually such “rigorous scientific analysis / examination” has already undergone for more than one century around the globe.)
2. Also, piggy “rigorously analyze / examine” the conception of probability wave, although it’s considered as “truth” in the “authentic” community. Those two base stones of modern physics can not be compatible is a specific big problem in science. There should be no contradiction in nature. If there is any, it must be the flaw in man’s theory. (For details, please see relevant post ahead about double slits and relevant post in the thread of “m vs anti m”.)
3. Why people can’t see the so called Hawking radiation in astronomical observation? Piggy also “rigorously analyze / examine” the theory of quantum foam / vacuum fluctuation. (For details, please see relevant post in the cosmic thread.)
4. Some “authentic” guys consider that the core of black hole is “singularity”, also the “authentic” BB theory considers that this cosmos came from “singularity”. That means a cosmos might boost from a black hole at any time. Such wonderful affair of course is worthy to “rigorously analyze / examine”. (For details, please see relevant post in the cosmic thread.)
5. Piggy heard some “authentic” theoretical guys said that neutrino is massless. It’s “standard”. But also piggy heard some “authentic” experimental guys said neutrino should have mass. Then, which “authentic” should science follow? Piggy also “rigorously analyze / examine” what happened in their theory. (For details, please see relevant post in the physics thread.)


6. The odd one might be this: if somebody doesn’t know what’s a virus, how can he “sure enough” virus has two mouths, one on the left cheek while another one on the right cheek, + / -, + / -…crunch all people dead? Then, bliss, glory and eternity belong to the First Order and virus? The so – called what + / - logic is also undergoing “rigorous scientific analysis / examination”. Piggy determines that the so – called + / - logic is artificial tool rather than basic natural rule. (For details, please see relevant post ahead.) It is plotting to “claim a limitation” for the method of scientific research as well as human’s thought.

Science absolutely is not merely some casual imagination / miscellaneous ideas boost from whose mind + bully bully. Absurd.
There would be more “rigorous scientific analysis / examination”.

Have a lovely day, guys.
Tue 28 Dec, 2021 02:39 am
htam9876…now don’t get upset…..this is a debate…. or should be….and I disagree with your top level reasoning.

In your last paragraph you are STIL claiming I use half +/-…-/+ logic in my philosophical/scientific theories…..That is untrue.I don’t use that logic philosophy and you should know that by now …….you and modern day science use that half logic. …….

I use full -/-….-/+…+/-…+/+ logic in philosophy and scientific theories because that is what I observe and experience.Why don’t you use -/-…+/+ logic to develop your scientific/philosophical ideas? Maybe not a good idea though because you /modern day science would probably end up being able to poorly explain the Big Bang but be at a total loss when it comes to the Big Crunch.

Are you saying that 2 magnets with the same charges don’t repel? Are you saying that there are no electromagnetic fields in the cosmos at both the macro/micro levels ?Are you saying that things don’t spin in electromagnetic fields? Are you saying that the “toggling” effect (vibration/pulses) are not experienced/observed in the cosmos AND the human psychological experience?

Modern day science’s explanations to the above are not convincing enough and quite frankly some of the explanations are hilarious to me as you know….come on…GLUE!!! ….really?….

How many times have we discussed this….you can’t base your science and philosophy on HALF logic possibilities…..Science and. philosophy use full logic in their structure.If you adopt full logic in your scientific and philosophical enquiries you get better results…..hence the magnetism theory.

The magnetism theory is a sound philosophical and scientific theory because it is fair and caters for all personal choice reasonings….

Tue 28 Dec, 2021 04:42 am
The above is based upon “rigorous philosophical analysis/examination”…..
0 Replies
Tue 28 Dec, 2021 04:58 am
…and what is this - called +/- logic that you have now DREAM’T up in your casual imaginings……I haven’t dream’t that up either you just have…lol……
Wed 29 Dec, 2021 02:22 am
The magnetism theory predicts that there are enormous amounts of energy fluctuations/toggling of +/- charges happening in the cosmos at the macro/micro levels….
0 Replies
Wed 29 Dec, 2021 05:45 am
You attitude totally sums up modern day science and its utter arrogance and reluctance to acknowledge that other science’s including philosophy has its finger on the pulse and their opinions matter.It could be argued that philosophy has come up with a better theory than modern day science with the magnetism theory….I’m not making this stuff up….the magnetism theory is based upon sound logic…..what is wrong with that?

Everyone who is in the know knows that modern day science is in real trouble….it is all over the place with its theories….

I am not trolling or bullying ….if anything that should be attributed to you with your recent posts …I am just challenging your top level theories which you seem to think are a sound basis for science ….
0 Replies
Wed 29 Dec, 2021 07:37 am
Pig Head Award for Peace (special):
With regard to the brave PRESENCE of Mr. izzythepush in the effort of anti J – 10 trolling / bully bully:

URL: https://able2know.org/topic/456432-3
Piggy hereby specially nominates Mr. izzythepush the Pig Head Award for Peace.

The behavior of the J – 10 bully bully is just alike a boring rat, which **** everywhere and move rubbish to your place.
The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. 呵呵
I am very sure.

J – 10 rubbish has receded to be a stumbling stone in the development of science. I am sure.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k community and plaguing science and society, damaging the reputation and future of a2k community. I am sure.
What he can do in the rest of his time will be DREAMing (satisfy his mind with his psychology) and TROLLing others and waste others’ time and the resource of the Earth. I am very sure.
That sort of social scum is just alike a rat **** everywhere. Boring. He should AUTOPILOTly go to hell.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Dec, 2021 05:40 pm
Mr. izzythepush suggested J – 10 bully to “submit a paper” “for rigorous scientific analysis / examination”. It seems a good idea.
Yes, J – 10 bully has to submit a paper (in his own new thread) to introduce his theory. Piggy invites scientists, researchers and experts around the globe to rigorously analyze / examine it, and see whether J – 10 bully discovered new continent and qualified to replace / overtake G* / Lord of creature or not.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jan, 2022 02:10 am
Rigorous scientific analysis / examination 2, touchy and feely:

Piggy also “rigorously analyze / examine” the conception of relativistic mass in counter way, namely “rigorously analyze / examine” the problems of non - relativistic mass. Non - relativistic mass has two problems, while relativistic mass has no problem. (For details, please see relevant chapter in the physics thread.)
It’s all around “rigorous scientific analysis / examination”.
Now, if some guys can feel that no – problem actually is a bit better than problem in science, piggy will be very happy.

Science absolutely is not merely some casual imagination / miscellaneous ideas boost from whose mind + bully bully. Absurd.
There would be more “rigorous scientific analysis / examination”.

Have a lovely day, guys.
Wed 5 Jan, 2022 04:40 am
Science allows for a truth and an untruth….htam9876…..get real…and tune into “real science”…..this is clear from 0,0…0,1…1,0…1,1 logic possibilities…….the same logic that magnetism i.e. NATURE adopts…..how many times have I told you this!!!!!!!
Wed 5 Jan, 2022 08:13 am
Here’s a question for you htam9876…

Will modern day scientists drop their gluon theory if antigravity turned up tomorrow?…and if so why are they claiming to the world now that the gluon (GLUE …lol ..for those who are unsure) theory can be trusted as fact now? ….and if it is fact (lol) why are they still looking for their antigravity ?

If the truth be known it IS just a patch up (try desperately to keep your credibility) theory until the elusive antigravity turns up…….

Thu 6 Jan, 2022 09:47 am
Now getting back to real science.

The magnetism theory is the leading theory now having overtaken the gravity theory.

It has now been established that you need a + and a - force on both sides of the FULL logic output possibility equation in order to balance things out…….the magnetism theory having confirmed that + and - forces are not the same because if they were then the 4 off logic force interaction outputs -/-…-/+…+/-…+/+ would be the same and they are not.

Phew….. these calculations are complex!!!

Fri 7 Jan, 2022 12:21 am
Continuing on with real science……

So the magnetism theory states a new force equation:

+/- (toggling) = +/- (toggling)

These are the push/pull forces which hold matter together.

The +/- toggling occurs due to the spin of objects at both the macro/micro levels.The overall spinning objects are electromagnets as well which have +/- charges associated with them.These objects are attracted or repelled from other objects depending upon the force interactions at play i.e. -/-…-/+…+/-…-/-

The spin of all objects at both the macro/micro levels occurs due to electromagnetic effects…….electromagnetic fields being present throughout the cosmos at both the macro/micro levels.

Electrical signals are produced as a result of electromechanical processes.

Fri 7 Jan, 2022 01:08 am
Correction………These objects are attracted or repelled from other objects depending upon the force interactions at play i.e….-/-….-/+…..+/-….+/+
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 04:47 am
Einstein may have been a genius in many peoples eyes whereby maths is concerned….the jury is still out on that possibility……Nikola Tesla certainly didn’t think so….

…..however, my view is that when it came to philosophy Einstein was extremely lacking.

….perhaps if he had a more balanced philosophical approach then he may have been able to better progress his united theory more….

….anyway all that modern day science is left with is a HALF science….
Sun 9 Jan, 2022 02:08 am
Why is modern days science looking for/still trying to prove it’s GravityAntigravity when it knows one is dubious and the other can’t be found (but admittedly is a better replacement to it’s embarrassing GLUE patch up theory) when it already has known and available equivalent components in + and - forces in nature?

The is the very reason why the magnetism theory (full theory) has overtaken the gravity theory (half theory) as the leading theory……the gravity theory makes no sense…..

Sun 9 Jan, 2022 02:27 am
The two key realities that modern day science needs to grasp is :

1.The “toggling” effect of these +/- MAGNETIC forces.
2.+/- MAGNETIC forces are not a mirror image of each other.

Mon 10 Jan, 2022 12:49 am
Why do planets and sub atomic particles spin?

1.Due to conservation of angular momentum….lol…..now that one comes straight out of the “GLUE” comic book.


2.Due to Electromechanical principles……….REAL SCIENCE!!!!!!…..….the same principles that explain how matter is held together.
Mon 10 Jan, 2022 01:48 am
Prisoner of logic 5, touchy and feely
PENDULEM phenomenon vs rabbit – shaped balloon phenomenon.

People can employ some abstract symbols or some tools to DESCRIBE them.

For example, in the PENDULEM case, “+” to DESCRIBE “bungee to left side” while “-” to DESCRIBE “bungee to right side”. Exactly the terminology for this case is “vibration”. “Vibration” is BASIC natural phenomenon while “+ / -” is just ABSTRACT symbols / tool for the sake of DESCRIPTION.

In rabbit – shaped balloon case, “+” to DESCRIBE “inflation” (pump air) while “-” to DESCRIBE “deflation” (Guys can imagine the valves open and the air inside “peeeeee…”). Exactly the terminology for this case should be up to the decision of that “authentic” rabbit Dandan himself in PHF. “Dandan” is BASIC natural phenomenon while “+ / -” is just ABSTRACT symbols / tool for the sake of DESCRIPTION.

Only a fool would try to ABSTRACT such specific things in nature and pull them onto a generalized and illusive “logic base + / -”. And that fool became a prisoner of logic. Such operation is useless, meaningless and unnecessary at all, even inappropriate in science. The “vibration” and “rabbit – shaped balloon” are different “independent events” in different sub – category of physics, which don’t need to be “unified”. It’s redundant game. Say it in counter way, neither “vibration” nor “rabbit – shaped balloon” is based on artificial / abstract so called what “ + / - logic”. The so called what “ + / - logic” is not a basic natural rule but artificial tool / means.

There are many more other specific things than just “+ / -”. For example, in the PENDULEM case, the cycle time “T”, the length of the PENDULEM “L”, the gravitational acceleration “g”, the mass “m” of the PENDULEM and the amplitude angle “Ф”, etc… what science care is the relationship between these elements (the formula). In the “rabbit – shaped balloon” case, the rate of flow “Q”, the temperature “T”, the pressure “P” and volume “V”, etc… what science care is the relationship between these elements (the formula).

Only that fool would try to toggle toggle there all day all night to waste time and DREAM to replace G*. But unfortunately, according to that fool’s logic, +/-, +/-…he never can walk 10 miles and reach the church to negotiate with G*... Oh Lord, what he can do in this world though? Trolling only? The most happy guys of course would be the First Order.

(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)
Mon 10 Jan, 2022 01:51 am
…but presently, normal scientific research isn’t REAL common sense scientific research……..large parts of it are isolated and make no reference to other sciences………..ALL SCIENCES ARE INTERCONNECTED!!!!!!!

The magnetism theory is a better theory than the gravity theory because it is a full theory based upon known science components……..it doesn’t have to DREAM stuff up………it explains things far better than the gravity theory….

Seriously……..modern day science has a real challenge now and that is to come up with a better theory than the magnetism theory.

…..the gravity theory didn’t have another reputable theory to challenge it ….…..

……IT DOES NOW!!!!!!!!!!…….

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