Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter?

Thu 9 Jul, 2020 03:17 pm
No, the same argument cannot be made. Atrocities by Christians are not inspired by the Christian doctrine. Therefore Christianity is not responsible. Islam says to kill, rape, and terrorize. That makes Islam responsible.

We have already established that the Klu Klux Klan was a Christian group. They killed and raped and terrorized. And they are undoubtedly inspired by Christianity.

Personally, I don't know what it means to hold either "Christianity" or "Islam" responsible. The religions aren't people. It make zero sense to hold an abstract idea "responsible".

The people who do these acts, whether they are Christian or Muslim or Buddhist should be held responsible for their acts. Their religion should have nothing to do with it.

Thu 9 Jul, 2020 03:29 pm
maxdancona wrote:
We have already established that the Klu Klux Klan was a Christian group. They killed and raped and terrorized. And they are undoubtedly inspired by Christianity.

We haven't established that there are a significant number of Christians who support and/or approve of the KKK.

I still suspect the number is well below 1%.
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Thu 9 Jul, 2020 03:29 pm
We have already established that the Klu Klux Klan was a Christian group.

Doing un-Christian things. Not condoned by doctrine. Your argument is toothless.
One more time, Islam teaches hate condones rape and terror. I can establish that with Islam's own words, you can't in Christian doctrine.

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Quran (61:4) - "Surely Allah loves those who fight in His cause"
0 Replies
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 04:53 pm
Quran Verses:

2:191-194 Religion is for Allah..."
2:216-218 "Fighting is Ordained for You Though You Dislike It..."
2:244 "Fight in the Way of Allah..."
3:28, 5:51 "Take Not the Jews and Christians as Friends..."
3:56 "Disbelievers Will Be Punished in This World..."
3:151 "We Shall Cast Terror into the Hearts of Those Who Disbelieve..."
4:74 "Sell the Life of This World for the Hereafter..."
4:89 "If They Turn Away, Seize Them and Kill Them..."
4:95 "Not Equal are the Believers Who Sit at Home and Those Who Fight for Allah..."
4:104 "And Do Not Be Weak in Pursuit of the Enemy..."
5:33 "Those Who Do Mischief in the Land Shall be Killed or Crucified..."
8:12 "I will Cast Terror into the Hearts of Those who Disbelieve... Strike off Their Heads..."
8:39 "Fight Them Until There is No More Fitna and Religion Be Only for Allah..."
8:59-60 "Make Ready Against [the Disbelievers] All Steeds of War..."
9:5 "Slay the Idolaters Wherever You Find Them..."
9:29 "Fight Those Who Believe Not in Allah..."
9:30 "They Say 'Son of God', May Allah Destroy Them..."
9:38-42 "If You March Not Forth, He Will Punish You With a Painful Torment..."
9:73 (9:88, 9:11) "Strive Hard Against the Unbelievers and Hypocrites and Be Unyielding..."
9:123 "Fight Those of the Unbelievers Who are Near to You..."
18:65-81 "They Proceeded, Till They Met a Boy, Whom He Killed..."
47:4 "When You Meet Those Who Disbelieve, Smite Them at Their Necks..."
47:35 "Be Not Faint-Hearted, Crying for Peace When You Should Be Uppermost..."
61:4 "Surely Allah Loves Those Who Fight in His Way..."
61:9 "He Sent Muhammad to Make Islam Superior over All Other Religion..."
66:9 "Strive Hard Against the Disbelievers and Be Severe Against Them..."

0 Replies
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 05:17 pm

How many Christians still support the Confederacy?

The Confederacy called itself a Christian movement. They believed that the Bible gave them the right (and maybe even the obligation) to own slaves. These Christians killed, raped, owned slaves, and had to be put down be United States. Hundreds of thousands of brave Americans gave their lives to fight the Confederacy.

This was 150 years ago.... but Christians are still celebrating the Confederate cause.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 05:28 pm
These Christians killed, raped, owned slaves

They did that on their own. It does not define the religion because the religion defines itself. It condones none of those things. Like Islam, it tells us what it is. It says it is violent. It tells it followers to hate and kill non-Muslims. It says it must dominate all other religions and rule the world with Sharia. Muhammad is the role model. That is why terrorists are churned out like cars.

You have lost this argument.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 05:38 pm

The declaration of succession from the United States; Texas wrote:
..in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 05:52 pm
and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations;

So what? It is not holy literature. It is a comment from a man.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 06:04 pm
The point being that Confederate Christians were inspired by their religion.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:08 pm
The point being that Confederate Christians were inspired by their religion.

Not to go to war. The doctrine says that is a no no. It was man again twisting the words to suit his needs, like you do. This is not about what man says.

In Islam the words are plain and are to be taken literally. The religion says to kill and to hate. That is what you see people acting on, daily.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:20 pm
Slavery is certainly in the Bible. Christians used the Bible to justify slavery. To be honest, it isn't that hard of a stretch.

Are you saying that Christians should never take part in a rebellion?
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:31 pm
Are you saying that Christians should never take part in a rebellion?

No, I have told what they can't do and connect to the religion to, according to doctrine. You are the one talking about Christians, not me. I have already proved my point.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:47 pm
What you are saying is quite unclear.

- I don't know if you think that slavery can be justified using the Bible. It sure seems like it can, slavery is accepted even in the New Testament.

- You also seemed to say that Christians couldn't justify war.... but then you backed off on that.

So no, it isn't at all clear what you are saying.

Do you believe that rebellion is, or is not, supported by the Christian Bible?

Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:57 pm
slavery is accepted even in the New Testament.

Show me where.

So no, it isn't at all clear what you are saying.

One more time, Islam teaches hate, condones rape and terror. That is what I been saying. You keep saying other religions are like it. They are not. Islam is different because it is basically just hate speech and obligates that hate to be done to further the religion.
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."

Osama bin Laden, May 1998

Thu 9 Jul, 2020 09:30 pm
Read Ephesians 6:5. Or anywhere in the Exodus, or Leviticus where God encourages slavery.

We seem to be stuck in a circle. Christianity also teaches rape and terror and slavery.

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Thu 9 Jul, 2020 09:52 pm
maxdancona wrote:

The worst thing Coldjoint is saying is that ISIS is right.

Coldjoint is arguing that people should be terrorists, and that they shouldn't use religion to be good people as part of a diverse American society.

For Coldjoint to be making the same argument that ISIS makes is really fucked up.

So you can't discuss that without bringing in another religion as a "They do it too"?
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:19 pm
What Coldjoint and Oralloy are doing is a form a bigotry. They are claiming that Islam is an evil religion. This is a claim you can't make without comparing it to other religions.

The trick, when it comes to bigotry is to take things out of context. It is a hatefulgame they are playing. It isn't real.

Coldjoint and Oralloy want to paint Islam as a religion of monsters . This includes my friend Coskun who isn't a monster.

The way to fight bigotry is to show that Muslims are humans.... no different than Christians or anyone else. It is valid to show that the same hateful games can be used against any of us.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:30 pm
maxdancona wrote:

I believe what Coldjoint and Oralloy are doing is a form a bigotry. They are claiming that Islam is an evil religion. This is a claim you can't make without comparing it to other religions.

The trick, when it comes to bigotry is to take things out of context. It is a hatefulgame they are playing. It isn't real.

When I show that the same game can be played with Christianity, I am making a valid point.

Sure you can. You choose not to.

You don't have to reply to every comment on every thread.

You are not making a valid point, all you are doing is trying to besmirch Christianity because someone else wants to talk about Islamic terrorism.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:43 pm
Really McGentrix?

Coldjoint and Oralloy are saying that Islam "teaches violence murder and rape", and you are worried that someone might "besmirch Christianity"?

You are full of crap. Coldjoint isn't even talking about "Islamic terrorism". He is attacking all of Islam.
Thu 9 Jul, 2020 11:06 pm
Coldjoint and Oralloy are saying that Islam "teaches violence murder and rape"

It is a fact. Nothing you can do but accept it.
He is attacking all of Islam.

Yes I am, and for good reason. If you think you saying that bothers me, you had better think again.
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