Agreed - I was just trying to explain at least why I think he responds that way.
It is great to have an open and honest dialogue to try to "educate" someone on another viewpoint - do not have an issue with that at all.
I agree he does not have any empathy which is why it is great to explain it - not sure if he will ever get it or not. I think that is why I wondered before if goldman has a mild form of autism. In many situations he seemed to lack what is a normal emotional reaction. Not sure if it is his prior sheltered life or maybe a mild form of autism.
Do not mean anything negative goldman - just realizing you do lack empathy and are a bit of a different person.
His LGBT is probably a result of never really knowing anyone like that - I think often times knowing people can help you understand it ain't scary or weird.
Just like goldman isn't weird - he just marches to a different beat.