So a majority of the time, there are African Americans who get wrongfully killed by police, the media then puts them in the spotlight, and we, the general public, are supposed to feel bad because these people
chose to defy police. The African American community protests, riots and loots over the deaths of
I feel sorry that these people chose to act up around cops instead if complying with them. I feel sorry that there were racist cops who chose to handle dealing with those people the wrong way. I hope the people who were killed had gotten Saved before they passed, and I hope the cops responsible for their deaths had gotten Saved.
I recall hearing about a young African American man who went into a convience store with the intention of inciting trouble. When the police were called the young man had the nerve to try to take an officer's gun away and threaten the officer's life. The cop killed him in self-defense. The young man was a
thug. He was unarmed. I don't think he should have been shot. I think the officer could have maced or pepper sprayed him or tased him a bit as a warning. I think the cop should have proceeded to handcuff the young man afterwards and then taken him to a police station for questioning and had him sit in a locked cell.
I'm not an expert on standard police protocol.