Let's fire Trump

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:51 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Do you really want to extend the discussion or foist your lopsided corrupt inaccuracies on everybody?

I bring up legitimate points that are worth thinking about. If you see them as 'lopsided corrupt inaccuracies,' it is because you are not interested in thinking.
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:53 am
livinglava wrote:

bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Do you really want to extend the discussion or foist your lopsided corrupt inaccuracies on everybody?

I bring up legitimate points that are worth thinking about. If you see them as 'lopsided corrupt inaccuracies,' it is because you are not interested in thinking.

Could be that - also could be because they are lopsided corrupt inaccuracies.
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:57 am
snood wrote:

livinglava wrote:

bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Do you really want to extend the discussion or foist your lopsided corrupt inaccuracies on everybody?

I bring up legitimate points that are worth thinking about. If you see them as 'lopsided corrupt inaccuracies,' it is because you are not interested in thinking.

Could be that - also could be because they are lopsided corrupt inaccuracies.

You can call anything a 'lopsided corrupt inaccuracy' just because you don't like its political implications.

Democrats simply don't want to discuss anything in a way that could question underlying assumptions that they propagate in all their speech.

Democrats operate by propagating certain ideas that are selected for the social-emotional effect they exert on people's voting preferences, and that's all.

Democrats don't actually want an active, thinking public discussion. They just want people to vote professionals into government and let government regulate and tax and structure the lives of all the unthinking people.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:06 am
Internet Mocks Trump as White House Mulls Presidential Address on Race: ‘What’s Next, a Speech on Sexual Consent?’



on June 8, 2020 at 09:25 AM ET

By David Badash

As the nationwide protests over the police killing of George Floyd enter their third week the White House is engaged in an internal debate over whether or not President Donald Trump should deliver an address to the nation on race and national unity. Americans on social media are having a blast mocking the idea. Many believe there is not a president less qualified to lecture the nation on race, given that many also believe this president is a white nationalist or white supremacist.

Given Trump’s bad behavior on a wide variety of topics, there are a wide variety of other equally bad opportunities, which many were only too pleased to point out.

This is like Harvey Weinstein giving a speech on how to behave in the workplace. https://t.co/XNUPItq9qI

— Francis Maxwell (@francismmaxwell) June 8, 2020

The guy who ran on racism is going to make a speech saying racism is bad? https://t.co/9oqAFKgZWe

— Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) June 7, 2020

What’s next, a Trump speech to the nation on sexual consent? https://t.co/2avfcsvjR3

— Miranda Yaver (@mirandayaver) June 8, 2020

Followed by one on how to keep ones wedding vows.

— DemocratNYC (@democrat_nyc) June 8, 2020

That’d be like Hitler giving a speech on how much he loves the Jews

— Chris white (@ChrisWhite04) June 8, 2020

First line of the speech: “I’m the least racist president you’ll find”

— Mavin Peachy Skies 🍑 (@MavinPeachy) June 8, 2020

Things I need to hear in Trump’s race speech:

1. I apologize to the Central Park 5.

2. I apologize to President Obama for bitherism.

3. I apologize to black athletes I called SOBs.

4. I apologize to black countries I called “shitholes.”

5. I resign.https://t.co/ht6I4USDQv

— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) June 8, 2020

He can’t wing it and no one in the WH can write it! Imagine Stephen Miller penning that one. https://t.co/H1bNcIUKF8

— HappyHarpy (@amanthat) June 8, 2020

Over/under number of times he utters the phrase “the blacks”. I say 3.

— Ryan Ciulla (@RyanACiulla) June 8, 2020

Your big race speech is going to be quite something.

— Helen Kennedy (@HelenKennedy) June 8, 2020

Too little too late. You can’t start a race war and then pretend to unite the country because you’re scared of your sinking poll numbers. https://t.co/H1EVfec85D

— Benj Pasek (@benjpasek) June 8, 2020

The Racist Is going to give a speech about race and unity. https://t.co/cTVpogKBPP

— Laura👠Marlin (@GiGicmka) June 8, 2020

Literally anybody else should be giving that speech https://t.co/gZ3dXGKGwj

— Jeremy Lagos (@Lagos_Jeremy) June 8, 2020

I hear it’ll be short. Just 14 words. https://t.co/TtaMZWATlr

— James Hesky (@JamesHesky) June 8, 2020

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 10:41 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Many believe there is not a president less qualified to lecture the nation on race, given that many also believe this president is a white nationalist or white supremacist.

What they believe is not true. That could be why the author put it that way. Not that a Leftist would worry too much about the truth.

The fact remains Trump has done more for the Black community than Obama ever did. Trump gave them criminal reform, the First Step act, opportunity zones, and jobs. The Democrats relegated Blacks to the inner cities where they agitate and exploit them.

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 11:13 am

What they believe is not true.
And you know thi HOW?. Youve accused others of not knowing whats in a persons mind, and then turn a 180 to assure us that YOU DO.

I believe that youre a boobnik , Im only guessing of course but you present us evidnce by the pound, juust like your "president"
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 11:44 am
Im only guessing of course but you present us evidnce by the pound,

I do not have to produce evidence, that burden would be on the people that call him a white supremacist.
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 05:28 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Im only guessing of course but you present us evidnce by the pound,

I do not have to produce evidence, that burden would be on the people that call him a white supremacist.

Farmerman said he reads Barrons, which seems to be some kind of periodical for organized crime, so he's probably involved in organized crime . . . but he'll probably prove me wrong since he believes the burden is on him to do so.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:04 pm
Barr contradicts Trump's claim he visited bunker for an "inspection" during protests

Source: Axios

Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed on Fox News' "Special Report" on Monday that the Secret Service recommended that President Trump go down to the White House bunker last week during tense protests nearby.

Why it matters: Barr directly contradicted Trump's claim last week that he'd only gone down to the bunker to "inspect" the facility. The president spent an hour in the bunker, which is typically used for emergencies such as terrorist attacks.

What they're saying:

Trump last week: "I've gone down two or three times, all for inspection. And, you go there, some day you may need it. I went down. I looked at it. It was during the day, and it was not a problem ... There was never a problem ... nobody ever came close to giving us a problem."

Barr on Monday: "We were reacting to three days of extremely violent demonstrations right across from the White House. A lot of injuries to police officers, arson. Things were so bad that the Secret Service recommended the president go down to the bunker. We can't have that in our country."

The big picture: Barr has come under scrutiny for directing federal law enforcement to clear Lafayette Park ahead of the president's photo op at St. John's Episcopal Church last Monday.

Read more: https://www.axios.com/barr-trump-bunker-white-house-protests-23f85814-1409-4fab-849d-b63854846106.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic&utm_content=1100
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:40 pm
The big picture: Barr has come under scrutiny for directing federal law enforcement to clear Lafayette Park ahead of the president's photo op at St. John's Episcopal Church last Monday.

From who? Certainly not the DOJ. Who besides the pundits and hacks are questioning his actions?
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 07:55 pm
so clearing peaceful demonstrators with rubber bullets sulfur dioxide gas and flashbangs is ok by you?? All for the fat gas bag that wants a photo op

I think the majority of real Americans would not agree with your feeble mind's conclusion

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:09 pm
With that post you just grced us with, I do not need any proof to state that you are just an ignorant fool.Every time you write something you dispell all doubt.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:45 pm
I believe that youre a boobnik , Im only guessing of course but you present us evidnce by the pound, juust like your "president"

0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:48 pm
so clearing peaceful demonstrators with rubber bullets sulfur dioxide gas and flashbangs is ok by you?

Tear gas was not used. Rubber bullets were not used. Barr said there were projectiles being thrown. What they did was fine and legal.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 10:40 am
0 Replies
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:45 am
I stand corrected, they didnt use tear gas , they used smoke grenades and pepper ball eye irritants AND flashbangs. WOW thanks for clearing that up for me, because it chaanges everything


The pepper balls contained capsicum not SO2 . Capsicum can cause blindness ,So2 can be washed away.
The bullets were the pepper balls fired at the demonstrators.

I wonder what caused the smoke ??

Sounds like youre trying to out Trump Trump. Today he said that an old guy who was pushed to the ground and got up al bloodied was a HOAX! because "HE FELL HARDER THAN HE WAS PUSHED"

Ya dont have to be a physicist to understand that Crap from der Fuhrer
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:46 am
I stand corrected, they didnt use tear gas

They did not use rubber bullets either. You lied.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:52 am
Police are going to ridiculous extremes in attempts to justify using violence against protesters

Mark Sumner
Daily Kos Staff
Tuesday June 09, 2020 · 10:25 AM CDT


On Monday evening, the commissioner of the New York Police Department, Dermot Shea, put out a call urging New Yorkers to be vigilant against a dire threat. Warning that the NYPD had found “concrete disguised as ice cream at George Floyd protests,” Shea urged the public to report to detectives if they knew anything about this dire plot. This followed an earlier police alert saying that police had found cups “filled with cement and made to look like chocolate chip ice cream” in the area of protests.

The only thing wrong with this story is … everything. First, the cups are not ice cream cups. They’re clearly small espresso cups. Second, there’s no attempt to disguise the contents as anything other than concrete that looks like concrete. Third, the side of each cup is marked with the percentage of different materials used in making the concrete. Because these cups were clearly created by construction workers testing out concrete mixes for use in a building or pavement, quite likely at the building where they were found.

But this attempt to convince the public that protesters are—secretly, secretly—threatening violence is far from the most ridiculous example of police attempts to justify treating peaceful protesters like a deadly threat.

If you’re going to justify all those tanks, body armor, and storm trooper helmets, it certainly helps to have a threat—even a make believe threat. And lots of make-believe crimes. Crimes like the one in this other NY Post story where a broken window was reported as: “Looters broke into a Soho Rolex store during rioting and stole $2.4 million worth of watches, police sources said Monday.” A statement that is backed up by a repeat: “’The Rolex store is empty,’ a police source said. ‘They stole like $2.4 million in Rolexes.’”

What was actually stolen? Nothing. A couple of windows were broken. That was it. But why should the Post report that boring truth when the NYPD was happy to join them in a much more exciting story of million-dollar looters?

Keeping the public on edge and convinced that protesters are violent and threatening is a demanding task, but police on both coasts have shown that they’re up for the challenge. In Seattle, there was the dastardly case of the “improvised explosives” reported by the police department there. Explosives that were clearly … smashed candles.

At about 7:30 p.m. demonstrators outside the East Precinct began moving barricades at 11th and Pine despite multiple requests from police to stop. Individuals began throwing rocks/bottles/and explosives at officers. Several officers injured due to improvised explosives. pic.twitter.com/cbW6hWhIvy
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) June 7, 2020

Still, there might really have been injuries involved. After all, anyone tearing a candle from protesters at a vigil risks getting a burn. And across the state in Spokane, there was the case of the nefarious flower pot.

#SeeSomethingSaySomething Thanks to alert citizens, this bucket of rocks staged downtown was secured so it could not be used for violence. pic.twitter.com/oVWrVxKTgg
— Spokane Police (@SpokanePD) June 7, 2020

This “bucket of rocks staged downtown” was clearly a handful of pea gravel providing drainage in the bottom of a flower pot. But it’s good to know that no one is going to be tempted to pull out one of these thumbnail-sized bits of stone and fling it. You could put an eye out with that. If you threw one really hard. Maybe.

Flower pots. Candles. Concrete samples. These are genuinely items that merited alerts from major police departments to convince the public that protesters were planning violence. And even where there might be some cause for concern, these same departments are definitely trying to inflate the threat into something that justifies their helicopters and tanks.

Here’s Shea again with a set of items from last Friday:

These are not the tools of peaceful demonstrators.

Conversely, these ARE the tools of criminals bent on causing mayhem & hijacking what we all know is a worthwhile cause.

These items were seized from individuals arrested in the Bronx last night. pic.twitter.com/tM39bKHkjq
— Commissioner Shea (@NYPDShea) June 6, 2020

Note that Shea doesn’t say how many different people these items come from. But even setting aside the idea that someone in the Bronx might actually carry tools for use as tools, take a second to look at these four photos. This isn’t a massive collection of items—it’s the same small collection, rearranged and photographed at different angles to make it appear like a bigger collection.

All of this is so over the top that it’s almost impossible to take it seriously. Except that it is serious. This is the police repeatedly not seeking to protect the public, but inflating the threat in a manner intended to justify use of extreme violence against the public.

These over-the-top examples of fearmongering are, in their own way, as clear an illustration as any video of police violence that the current system cannot be reformed. So long as the system excuses the use of violence when police claim there is a threat, the police will make up that threat.

Even if it’s just flower pots and candles.
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Daily Kos Staff

0 Replies
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 01:24 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

These over-the-top examples of fearmongering are, in their own way, as clear an illustration as any video of police violence that the current system cannot be reformed. So long as the system excuses the use of violence when police claim there is a threat, the police will make up that threat.

Even if it’s just flower pots and candles.

The question is when, if ever, this property destruction is going to stop if police don't stop it somehow.

In 1812, it was "the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air" that destroyed the cities. Today, no foreign government would risk an overt military attack on the US, so when terrorism happens, it is done under the guise of political demonstrations or whatever, and the denial will never stop because it is part of the defensive tactics of the attacking force.

Yes, I know I'm going to be accused of conspiracy theory now. And as long as people are convinced it's not a form of warfare to destroy cities like this, they will continue to tolerate it. So my question becomes how long the destruction will continue if police/military do nothing to stop it.

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