@Borat Sister,
Borat Sister wrote:I’m surprised Canadians are being dumb re distancing. I’d have thought you were getting good information as opposed to what anyone in the US who listens to Trump is getting.
Most, but by no means all, were young people. Apart from the tendency of the young to think of themselves as invulnerable, I suspect a lot of them think of it as a disease of the elderly. (The news here just reported on an infant who had died in the U.S.) But a lot of them were middle-aged and either oblivious or indifferent. Some even seemed resentful when I'd get off the sidewalk to walk around them. After two days of rain and cold, this afternoon the sun came out, and there were a lot of people out on the streets. Maybe twice as many as I'm used to seeing.
I walk in alleys when I can, but that's not everywhere. Also, there were a lot of people in the alleys with their children. But even in our neighborhood, only about a block from the house, there was a knot of people with a couple of kids playing ball hockey, and they looked surprised as I tried to navigate a path between them and the kids in the street. One older man who was out in the street with a hockey stick with the kids looked sheepish as he realized that they were, between them, blocking the entire street.