@Borat Sister,
Borat Sister wrote:
Are you delivering face to face? There’s talk of delivery just being to the door, no contact. I’m thinking uber eats combines relative safety for an alert driver with great usefulness to the customer.
Hope you are doing ok.
I actually only had one delivery were the diners message said just leave by the door and don’t bother to knock.
I mean, they can see on the app when my chair pulls up. In this case they were on the 17th floor of a high rise. As I’m walking back to the elevator I mark it delivered and they see that also. So no reason to see me.
However, I did hand deliver to others, but everyone (including me) is being rather remote with each other. Just both parties reaching their arms out and not making the usual conversation.
Ha! Just remembered. One delivery was in another high rise inhabited by university students. I saw that the guy hadn’t put his apt number, and I was fairly sure this was a place where you need a code to get in, which he didn’t supply either.
So I called him from the street and asked him the code and apt. He seemed mildly confused by this and said “uh... oh. I’ll uh, come down”
So he’s there within a minute, he opens the gate, I hand him his food.
Then he took one step backwards and promptly drops his food on the ground. There’s a romaine and arugula with wild caught salmon salad, mostly still in its container, staring up at us. He totally knew dropping it was 100% on him, so I just thought “That’s what you get for not understanding you have to tell someone how to get food up to your dumb ass”
Picking up the food at the restaurants was the same. Just kind of a “here, now get away from me” vibe. 98% of the time is spent in one’s own car or walking by yourself anyway. Didn’t feel any big risk.
Good thing I had a roll of TP in the car (always carry TP in Mexico). I could have used that if needed in a hostage situation.