its what I said. PCR is a technique to duplicate and replicate, not identify . It will still be used to make many copies of the antibodies or antigens, but it can still MISS the chocolate chips in the cut up hunks of mRNA and tRNA.
Theyve come up with an antibody test (like the prgnncy test ues monoclonal antiboies).
What the article was doing was telling us the obvious. PCR, is a TOOL in the determination of covid antigen, but its not the one tht does the detection. It "xeroxes" the teeny amounts of genetic material that the detection is seeking
Most epidemiologists and geneticists already know this. That article was for the general public not the researchers.
So you agree with me and all it took was reading a mag article.
Heres what I said ovr at Palinroms site
@mark noble,
trubble with Kaufmann's hypotheses is that, PCR is not a selective testing procedure .It uses electrophoretic methods and is sort of like chopping up a chocolate chip cookie where sometimes the choco chips are absent and all you got is sampling of the dough. PCR does NOT recreate whats it doesnt have in enough content. actually PCR is just like a xerox, not a intelligent design, it needs to take severl samplings and piece them together only by data inference .
We know the FULL genetic structure of the novel corona virus. We have all the genetic materiqals and we dont need to "guess" using electro -chromatography. Further, we have thousands of others all covid-19 :cousins and more direct relatives that show structural mutations (ancestors) and arent just globs of proteins like an exosome.
In molecular cloning, after the synthesis of cDNA from mRNA molecule templates, a PCR program must be designed to amplify the gene of interest, as well as add additional elements such as restriction sites or detection/purification tags. Intrinsic properties of gene sequences such as high GC content, long stretches of the same polynucleotide, and sequences encoding hairpin loop structures can all hinder PCR efficiency.
You made light of wht I said but now agreed with this pop article. I think you guy suffer from the "Duning Kruger" syndrome. You wanna sound like you know what youre saying but in reality you guys just have yer heads up yer asses and speak in word salads .