Lash wrote:McTag wrote:Bizarre, that one of our more right-wing posters should pretend to criticise right-wing policy in another country.
It would be bizarre if I were a proponent of xenophobic immigration policies and uncaring of poorer people who want a chance to better their lives.
Do you know what my immigration preferences are? Right wing? I think you could hardly call me right wing honestly.
I think there is a chance your immigration preferences are to MY right.
Again-- as dlowans own rhetoric shows amply--she is the only one throwing a temper tantrum, calling names and cramming her head in the sand over Australia's atrocities. We have all heard ad nauseum of the US' shortcomings. Just don't want other countries to feel left out.
Like dlowan said--the truth sets us free.
And, I am all about freeing people.
If I can take my truth, have a generous helping of your own. And, try to do it without losing your mental stability. No matter how many times you have a mental meldown, and call me names--and then say I'm the one who's angry--LOL!!--do be aware the evidence is here on the thread.

Lashie poohs, when you manage to address real issues, which you sometimes do touch on in your tantrums, we have always been happy to have them addressed. It is when you make nonsensical claims in your temper that you get ridiculed.
The no blacks in Oz is a classic of that genre.
I also think your comments on current immigration policy over wrought. I am happy for you to criticise mandatory detention and other aspects of the handling of illegal immigrants, though I wish you would take up invitations to do more than squawk about it. As Isaid, I think you have no skerrick of actual concern, but hey, mebbe someone with more integrity in these matters will read your comments, and come to the threads which deal with the matters, and actually take some very simple action.....such as emailing the relevant government ministers.
Criticism of past immigration is also very reasonable, and you will get no objection from an Ozzian here, unless we have any right wing nuts amongst us.
It is interesting that these outbursts of yours often occur when CURRENT American policy affecting the whole world is made. I also think that, generally speaking, criticism of past American policies is made when either Americans hold the US up to be almost faultless, or when they propose drastic action against other countries based on actions the US has often, itself, committed or helped to engineer heavy involvement in interfering with who governs another country and assassination of leaders. That is one of the reasons your comment in this thread re nobody but Americans having a say in who governs you, while factually correct, is so blackly laughable in the face of American history in these matters, and very annoying because of its hypocrisy.
Yours, and other's, normal response to this is to say "Oh, but that is in the PAST!" It is always then interesting to watch you attempt to annoy others by commenting on past actions of their countries.
Personally, I have no problem with that, when you are accurate. We need to face our pasts, though you seem signally unhappy to do so.
For instance, I think, though you referred, to Walter's signal lack of annoyance, to Germany's Nazi past, I would be surprised if you did not get steamed up if I then mentioned America's extensive sympathies for Nazi Germany, at the same time (epitomised by the "hero", Lindbergh) or lynching and mob murder of American blacks in the same eriod, as well as segregation and extensive economic exploitation?
Such was almost accepted at the time, raising equal rights movements in many countries other than the US....(including one in my own, modelled extensively on the work of Martin Luther King Junior and Gandhi before him).
These are darknesses we all share, especially we countries based on the killing and dispossession of the native ingabitants.
I have no cavil with all of us facing our darknesses.
But, I do and will call you when you speak nonsense in your fits, and for the extreme abuse you often use. That is the acid I refer to. That is a pretty tame name to use for what you do, and one which would pass for a compliment in the abuse you hurl at so many people.
Sometimes you need to be called on what you do, and I occasionally join those who do the calling.