Buncha frolic goin' on in here of late, bipartisan-like. Oh, well - long as everyone's having fun, I suppose, and nobody gets their eye poked.
<boink> <Holds up karate hand between the eyes.>
You act as though you wrote the abusive immigration policy yourself--as indicated in your hysterical response to my posting of two articles.
You continue to mis-assign your hysterics to me--when anyone who reads can see you reacted wildly to the posting of a couple of articles about Australia's poor immigration history.
Articles written by others was what you called my 'acid'.
When you mentioned meeting those you mistreat while on your way up, again when you're on your way down--applies to my country AND yours. I merely stated that fact--and from there, you put on your "Who ME??" show.
Yes, YOU!
You love to dish it out--but you prove you can't take it.
You're burnt out.
dlowan wrote:Lash wrote:dlowan wrote:LionTamerX wrote:And just what has all this to do with gloating Democrats ?
Heehee Lash's behaviour deserved a slap, and I was in the mood to give it to her....
Now, sadly, I am back at work, and the task will fall to others...
It's always fun watching the reaction, though.
As if.

She's on the wrong side of her desk. LOL!!!!!!
And, it must be a lie that you work at all. No one could spend so much time yakking online and get any work done. I wonder if the people who pay you--the state is it?? know how much time you steal from them.
Lol. A little education for you.
In other countries, believe it or not, it is a different time.
Here, it is 7.30 am.
That would be a reasonable explanation IF YOU WEREN'T HERE 24/7!!
Heehee actually, I be remarkable refreshed (waiting for iron to heat up, WHY don't I do it the night before???) having just changed jobs, and the mighty influx of wee sexually acting out kiddies not having swamped me yet.
Prolly why I was in the mood to take Lash on.
Speaking of time zones, hands up how may of you Murricans can:
a. Tell me what season it is here
b. Explain the International Dateline.
I find these terrible gaps in many an American education, and have tied myself in knots trying to find a simple enough explanation.
I wonder if more Dems or Repubs will know?
a. It must be Spring
b. That international date line thing always confused me.
Do I get half a prize?
It's Open Season on Asian and black immigrants.
And, Oz doesn't have an International Date line. They only date nationals--who are severely screened.
She never goes away. Just watch.
A high level of personal frustration often leads one to transfer their toxic anger to others.
I hope you get the rest you need. You really needed that three week vacation you requested, but were denied.
FreeDuck wrote:a. It must be Spring
b. That international date line thing always confused me.
Do I get half a prize?
You did very well.
And a lemon for the lady with the acid below you, who clearly doesn't know!
Pathetic. I doubt there's anyone here who doesn't know. You twist in all manner of contortions, trying to pat yourself on the back.
Yeah, its Spring, approaching Summer down there in Oz. And the International Dateline is a hookup service for multi-lingual cosmopolitan swingers, I think.
Lash wrote:A high level of personal frustration often leads one to transfer their toxic anger to others.
I hope you get the rest you need. You really needed that three week vacation you requested, but were denied.
Lash, I hear you recently went back to college. I commend you for that, but I wonder if you took Psychology. There's something they study called projection. When I learned about it, it was very helpful to me because I would hear the words coming out of my mouth and realize that I knew they were true (about the other person) because they were true about me. But of course, I didn't want to think they were true about me. It's very interesting to read your own words sometimes.
You're a little late to dlowan's diagnosis. If you read back, you'll see that I calmly posted a couple of articles about an issue she obviously can't tolerate--and she began calling me names and accusing me of being angry, when I was laughing at her.
She's a bit overwrought.
I am often a bit jazzed and honed in on a good heated discussion--but one only has o read from page 12, on--and be honest--to see who was nuts and who was not.
Of course, I don't expect objectivity.
It's not necessary to have agreement.
I wasn't attempting to arbitrate or moderate. That's beyond my power.
<arches eyebrow>
Hatchets buried - and not in each other's foreheads? This I gotta see.
I think they're buried in a safe place for future use.
I just can't believe she actually went to work.
LionTamerX wrote:And just what has all this to do with gloating Democrats ?
Lash wrote: The main connection is that the Democrats were spamming the "Bush Supporters" thread--where I wanted to enjoy conversation with buds.
It was like a Ghost Town over here, so I have taken up residence.
I think this is related somehow to what goes around.
Lash ,
There is also the high road...
Ignore folks who seem to be trolling you.
Enjoy your buds.
Eventually your trolls will leave you alone.
Maybe the Democrats enjoy the sounds of crickets in the evening...
I know I do.