Lash wrote:If I'm not mistaken, a diagnosis of PVS rules out the ability to track an object with your eyes.
She clearly did that. She clearly responded to at least two people that I saw, laughing at a joke. Did she 'get' the joke; I don't think so. Did she respond to something--her father's smile, his tone, ... undeniably.
From what I read, these things are impossible for people in PVS.
Frist could have been right. I wouldn't hazard a guess on his motive, but he could have been right.
No one can, with absolute certainty, say he was wrong. And that, to me, is good enough reason to 'do no harm'.
LOL.. this has to be the biggest bunch of crapola I have seen yet..
"He COULD have been right" comes the plaintive cry of the brain washed.... Not according to known medical science he could NOT have been. For God's sake Lash, stop defending such insanity.
The medical tests conducted by the Drs there showed PRECISELY what the autopsy did. No cognitive brain function and an atrophied brain. There is no "He could have been right". There is NO WAY he could have been right based on the evidence then and now.
The video tape is an edited sham. Random head movements and facial tics that have been edited down to show some that just happen to occur at times appropriate to show a supposed response. I could edit a tape of me throwing a pair of dice and calling for the number 7 that would prove that I can control dice because the 7 comes up when I call for it. It would be as valid as the Schiavo tape. 4 hours edited down to 10 minutes.