Lash wrote: haven't set recovery as the standard Schiavo would have to meet to be allowed to live. Is that your standard?
oh? What standard did you set? You don't seem to have one? She would have ZERO recovery from her condition.
Quote:But we don't know what was going on behind her eyes. We DON'T know if she was suffering in the absence of food and water. PVS patients do react to painful stimulus.
We do know based on medical literature. But don't let facts get in your way from making outrageous claims.
Quote:When you're going to cause someone to die, it is a good reason to demand 100% information about what you plan to do and why you are planning to do it.
Yep, which is PRECISELY what those making the decision did. Now you come along without any facts and question them based on nothing. A standard that means an unintelligent person can demand that a reasoned decision not be implemented just because you say so.
Quote:I didn't think she'd "come back". I just thought it was wrong to starve her.
Oh? Where did you say that?
Quote:Do you know anything about compassion or respect for someone's life, who can't speak for herself? Take a class in that
. Compassion means you respect someone's decision especially when you know how hard it was to make. Respect says you do the same. I learned it from life. Life seems to be something you haven't lived much of yet. My father and my father in law both died in hospice care. Those people have compassion.
If you did know anything about compassion and death you would know about how the body reduces food and water intake as a person approaches death. It is in the literature handed out by hospice.
As for your opinion having validity in its interference with the real lives of others as they have to make end of life decisions, that is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever seen.
Tell you what Lash. Why don't you let A2K make all your life decisions for you from here on out. We can vote on it. Back up your opinion with your own life here. I bet you won't. You don't dare live by the rules you want to force unto others.