yeh, its all in his self- esteem issues. He cant argue issues intelligently, he can only use empty insults.
I really think he flunked a science .His attempted position is not well thought out and merely an emotional response , because he may have been the "brain" of the family. e all have met the reality that, maybe we werent all that smart and our IQs dont always parallel our effort. I recall getting my firt meting with a graduate adviser and after reviewing the GRE's and Undergrad degrees, my advisor said that "you just werent challenged". Anyboy can earn A;s in a big student body.
I was put in my place and realized that, if ya want to leave a mark, you need to go on the road less travelled by. So worked my ass off . That sorta became my philosophy with students and advisees.
You can do that or just get all full of yourself and try to mount a position where , you claim youre a victim of a fixed system. (The "system" begins to get fleshed out the more FOX or CNN that anyone watches )