The original "question " IMM has been sufficiently dicussed. Im exploring from where you drug up your assumptions and what would you do to correct> Apparently thats a bit too much to ask of you.
I maintaind a chair in a science dept for almost 10 yars and I observed as many Conserv as libs . Maybe not 50:50 but close.
Youre assumptions seem to come from dot com sites who lean Right neh?
Ive asked you how youd use your vast knowledge to "propwrly" teach a science (I chose chem an engineering), you can do whatever you wish.
Dont keep trying your Passive aggressive means with insult "light". As a scientist whose presented numerous papers for consideration and has been subject to really excellent insults, I dont believe you can scare anyone away.
Even your means of sneaking away from Bernie is based on PA insult. Like Pres Trump, you com out first and accuse the other guy of what you are doing yourself hoping noone notices.