Mistreatment of copies of Mein Kampf: Lawsuit....

Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 06:23 am
One other thing I should mention is this. I have family members and friends who are pinkos and leftists; that doesn't bother me a great deal. What DOES bother me is the sort of gangsterism which the democrat party has come to represent in recent years, particularly with the KKKlinton regime. Franklin Roosavelt used to use the term "international gangsterism" in speaking of the nazi German state, and I have to assume he would have been sickened by the KKKlinton regime.

Democrats and other pinkos and leftists need to get themselves out of denial and come to grips with the fact that they put a pure psychopath into the whitehouse and kept him there for eight years, and that the damage is compounded by the fact that democrat leaders knew what they were dealing with very early on and yet did nothing other than try to cover up:


Anybody wishing to understand what the terms 'psychopath' or 'psycopathy' mean should buy a copy of Robert Hare's "Without conscience" and read it. It's not a made-up term or anything which is ambiguously or circularly defined, and it involves real brain malfunction and electroencephalograms which are at variance from those for normal people. In fact Hare notes that he and several grad students once submitted a paper to a scientific journal only to have it rejected, the editors telling them that several EEG charts included in the paper (from psychopaths) could not have come from actual people.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 06:28 am
Perhaps, you really should ask someone for help, gunga.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 06:30 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Perhaps, you really should ask someone for help, gunga.

In other words, if you lack the intellectual wherewithal to try to argue a case on merits, you can always fall back on the ad hominems...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 06:32 am
Setanta wrote:
It is worth noting at this point, Miss Wabbit, that the Serbs of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo were motivated to their acts by their Orthodox Christianity. Croatians and Serbs speak the same language, but the Serbs are Orthodox and use Cyrillic characters, and the Croatians are Catholic and use Roman characters--reason enough to slaughter them, no? Karadzic, the mad Sarajevo psychiatrist who was the heart and sould of Bosnian Serb propaganda made it a point that the Bosnian Serbs refer to the Bosnians as Turks--dredging up the centuries long hatred. The Kosovars were easy, though, many of them were descended from Turks, and many are practicing Muslims, unlike the Bosnians, who are largely Muslim in name only.

You shouldn't have to wait long for Gunga Din to start ranting about ethnic cleansing being practiced against the poor, sweet Serbs.

Vicious Christian violence is not a thing of the past, it is with us to this day. Think Eric Rudolf, for example, and the murder of abortion clinic doctors and workers. The main reason the Christians are not as viciously violent as in the past is because, as you justifiably observe, the societies of which they form the majority inhabitants are secular today. The beast lurks just beneath the surface, however, and it takes but little to bring it forth.

Yeah - that is my view - it would be interesting if we had a real expert on the scriptures of both Islam and Christianity - Gunga is posting just what I expected, so that isn't gonna help.

I know there have been some threads where the scriptures of both religions have been discussed - I do not recall if there was intelligent, informed debate - or what Gunga is posting, with its mirror image from similarly partisan Islamic people.

Be great if some really knowledgable and dispassionate people joined the discussion.

What I don't get is how that awful hatred in the balkans emerged as if by black magic from years of apparent neighbourliness.

I have no doubt you may be able to speculate on this, Set?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 06:41 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Perhaps, you really should ask someone for help, gunga.

One other dumb question here....

Have German scientists tried dissecting a few Albanians to see what might be behind this "Power of the Penis" thing? I mean, it sounds like the sort of thing which, if you could bottle it, you might could make a hell of a lot of money with and possibly even do something about the declining population levels of European countries. I mean, I don't really know where German science is today but I have to assume somebody like Joseph Mengele would have been straight on top of something like that.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 07:28 am
When you say so.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:44 am
Lash wrote:

Hilarious. And apropos!!!

One doesn't have to hate anything Muslim to see the incredibly ridiculousness of "...It seems their god doesn't like their book mussed."

It showed a notable parallel. For other hateful things to be attributed to you for that delightful, timely analogy is beyond reason.

Hitler did declare himself the god of a religion. Thank you for that welcomed bit of levity. Hope you can give us another.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:46 am
gungasnake wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Perhaps, you really should ask someone for help, gunga.

In other words, if you lack the intellectual wherewithal to try to argue a case on merits, you can always fall back on the ad hominems...

Here is the pot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 03:17 pm
dlowan wrote:
"If I ridicule an aspect of Islam, I must be a bigot. Because people know they aren't supposed to criticise Islam. It may have been OK to criticise Islam before 911, but now... it's just not done. Now, it's a political issue--and well, criticising them may incite someone to burn down a mosque or something.... Not bloody likely. But the more left we are, the more concerned we are that the unwashed masses may not understand the complications of the lives of Islamics...because the masses are just so backward, nationalistic, uneducated...So, the lefties become guilty of the same thing they are trying to save the wretched masses from committing. "

Sheer crap.

If you criticised an ASPECT - well and good. You consistently post blanket hateful material about Islam and Muslims - NOT delineating aspects.

You continue to make the accusation, as you did with Fox News, but can never seem to prove your point. Show the proof of my blanket hateful material.

This is what really pees me off. You and Gunga are crying how mean people are to challenge your hateful posts - "oh how PC - how LIBERAL. You are trying to censor us...waaah How humourless."

Poor reader. Or maybe you just make crap up because you're no longer reading, but scanning for key words and assuming. You seem to do a great deal more assuming that reading actual content. I'm not complaining in the least. Were you crying when you took issue with Gunga's initial post? And, I don't care that you don't get what I consider humor. Does it seem to you that I am defending myself--that I am trying to change your mind about something? If so, relax. You say what you please--as do I.

If you are trying, though, to rest your bloated indignation on the cruel bigotry of "It's stupid to revere a book", you have your work cut out for you.

I am a very harsh critic of aspects of Islam as it is practised in some countries - just as I am of christianity ditto.
What I am against is blanket hatefulness and constant derision of a whole religion and its adherents.
Aren't we all.

Then you cry bigot and so on when someone dares to post anything similar in tone to yours about your favoured things.
This is a bald-face cowardly lie. Something you practice indulgently on a wide scale. Find proof of this baseless accusation. If you don't cease your loose creation of 'facts' to pad your weak, or intentionally dishonest, self-righteous exhortations, I will start doing the same to you. I don't appreciate being lied on. YOU SAID YOU WERE BIGOTED. I AGREED. AS I SAID, I WOULD LIKELY NOT HAVE MADE THAT ACCUSATION. .

Do not dare to say I deny your right to criticise aspects of Islamic practice.
You attempt to deny my right to criticise Islam and Muslims!!It is generalised nastiness and prejudice I deride.
Deride your own, first.


0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 03:20 pm
dlowan wrote:
"So, you lefties can save the unwashed from their errors....and I'll save you.


Lol - that is really kinda amusing.

Or you might try just washing?


I do have to check myself on a regular basis.

But, you don't,...do you? Perfect in every way--on constant guard for others' failings--if oblivious to your own.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 03:43 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
You're missing a lot of good stuff, Lash, your compadre Gung(I hate a lot of things I can't spell)Snake worked extra hard putting together that list of noxiousness and you defend him but won't read through it.


It is pretty hard to take, the news that Islamists are raping their way across Europe has, as you might say, escaped the attention of the mainstream press. I was struck by how parallel that news was to that of the members of the Negro race doing the very same thing across 20th century America (bringing us cases like the Scottsboro Boys, the rash of lynchings and the recently exhumed Emmett Till) and the same news about Jews engaged in the very same behavior, the very same!, in pre-Third Reich Germany. Striking!

You would think they would change the lies, but they don't.

There's a lot more, but you already know the propaganda and you know where the list can be found, so hold your nose and dig in. All I can say is that if Gungasnake is going to represent us as a warrior anytime soon he'd better get his head on much straighter, blind people tend to miss things going on around them, and if he is a product of a Christian education, Jesus ought to sue the school for breach of Covenant.

Joe(doing my bit for the poor forgotten Prince of Peace)Nation


Could it be that you are livid at the simple fact that the list has been compiled--but that you actually can't point to anything in those links that is a lie?

THIS, if it is true, is the reason I appeared on this thread.

His initial post is no worse than MANY I have seen here lampooning other religions, yet I don't recall you jumping in to accuse...say Frank...or any of your buds of isms.

No justice, no peace.

I really think one of you should either find the offensive content or apologize to Gunga.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 06:40 pm
Atkins wrote:
Lash wrote:

Hilarious. And apropos!!!

One doesn't have to hate anything Muslim to see the incredibly ridiculousness of "...It seems their god doesn't like their book mussed."

It showed a notable parallel. For other hateful things to be attributed to you for that delightful, timely analogy is beyond reason.

Hitler did declare himself the god of a religion. Thank you for that welcomed bit of levity. Hope you can give us another.

<insert unladylike suggestion here Razz >

Really. Deleting my stunningly apt rejoinder, yet leaving his beckon... <6> out of a possible <10> points for the Moderating Team in the category of Thread Re-alignment. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 09:01 pm
Lash wrote:

I really think one of you should either find the offensive content or apologize to Gunga.

A couple of these guys are trying to argue by demonization. I don't think they're really bright enough to read any of the articles on that list and try to comprehend them; they're simply working on the assumption that if they shout "hate monger" loud enough and often enough everybody who doesn't think like them will just sort of go away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 09:11 pm
yeah! that's what I do.
ok, now I'm going away---
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 09:13 pm
You were right, Gunga!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 09:48 pm
Lash wrote:
You were right, Gunga!

Not that there aren't people who really hate slammites out there putting up hate-monger anti-I-slam sites of course. You might want to check this one out:





In conformance with the spirit of the Homeland Security Act, CACI is proud to introduce the Pershing Series of pre-lubricated small caliber ammunition. With our proprietary coating product, this series is designed to be the ultimate in anti-terrorism rounds, and is available to registered dealers, wholesalers, and firearms suppliers only from your authorized CACI dealer/distributor.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 09:52 pm
The other thing that sort of throws me of course, is how demokkkrats would begrudge anybody ELSE the enjoyment of engaging in hatred, like they're supposed to have some sort of a monopoly on the emotion or something...
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 06:30 am
gungasnake wrote:
Lash wrote:

I really think one of you should either find the offensive content or apologize to Gunga.

A couple of these guys are trying to argue by demonization. I don't think they're really bright enough to read any of the articles on that list and try to comprehend them; they're simply working on the assumption that if they shout "hate monger" loud enough and often enough everybody who doesn't think like them will just sort of go away.


Where was I when we got locked out? Oh, yes, finding the hate and the offensive.

Finding the Hate and the Lies in Gungasnakes's List
by Joe(not shouting nothing)Nation

This thread began with what I thought was a good example of hate propaganda- the use of an example of your own bad behavior turned against your opponent by connecting him with something even more hateful. I asked what I thought was a pretty good question, what did Gungasnake believe and why did he believe it? He replied with the list containing the "ravening wolves' quotation raising Dlowen's ire concerning the irony of one believer in Christ thinking all other believers in imaginary friends were somehow canine-like, less than human, but he never, and has never, replied as to the why portion of the question. We know he hates Islam. Indeed in his most recent post he wonders why anyone would begrudge him the enjoyment of his hatred and we know that his hatred is okay with Lash, she said so.
Then Gungasnake posted his list to aid in our education which I characterized as hate speech sites and got told I was in denial. To be completely honest, when I posted my opinion I has only surfed through about a third of the sites and some of the ones linked to them. So in order to be better educated I went back through a lot more of them, still not every single one, I got a little bored with one more accusative article regarding the spreading horror of Islamic rape across Europe where you get this mid-way through
Ali Dashti comments: "Stories like this are in Swedish newspapers every week. Swedish media usually take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the perpetrators, but you can usually read it between the lines."
yeah. That's from here. Oh, and read the forum following the article(s) wherein the writers urge the Army to use a shoot to kill attitude towards Muslim rioters in Scandinavian countries.

I could tell you about the rest but you can read them, though a lot are in Swedish and German and some of the links that were up a few nights ago are now dead, but the important thing is I think I now know the answer to my question of why? Why hate Islam? It is because Gungasnake and others writing the links he provided believe that hate is essential to our winning the war.

Like this: (and I apologize for it's length but I didn't want to edit it) And sorry Lash, the writer calls the Bush Administration liars in the second sentence.

The Awful Truth.
Can America win this war? I am very concerned that we may not. From the first pronouncement by the Bush administration that "Islam is a religion of peace", my heart sank into my stomach at the magnitude of the lie, and the self-evidently precocious dissemination of such an absurd conclusion. It was -after all- in the eyes of the administration, a "necessary lie". Necessary not to "offend" the Arab world. Necessary not to jeopardize the flow of oil. Necessary to prevent average -but armed- Americans from shooting Muslims on sight and demanding all out war on Islam. But there was a price attached to this lie. One which I have a bad feeling may make the magnitude of the lie go down in the annuls of history as one of historic proportions. The price attached has been huge. With this lie, America lost any chance to effective(sic) identify and expel the Fifth Column residing within her borders. How could the government justify going into mosques and arresting people practicing "a religion of peace"? With this lie, America can not even effectively hold Al Qaida fighters off-shore without bitter recriminations from the ACLU and other civil rights groups. With this lie, the government has put a ring into the nose of the media as well. How could a "leftist elite" -the common mantra of the right- media possibly negotiate a field of "politically correct" landmines installed by a "conservative" republican administration? How could the media even begin to deal with the boycotts and pull outs from advertisers as they told a politically incorrect truth to the shreiks(sic) and whining of the ACLU and CAIR?

Imagine if you will, that this was 1942 and one Adolf Hitler had come into the worlds view. Now imagine an American president saying "National Socialism is an ideology of peace". This is the correct analogy. What would the implications have been for the world were such an outrageous and absurd proclamation to have taken place? The President has tied the hands of this nation squarely behind it's back in the face of our enemies with this proclamation. There is no hope of naming the enemy now unless the American people do it themselves. An enemy unnamed is free because they are unidentifiable. They're not going to face deportation if they're here legally -as were most of the suicide pilots- . They're not going to face an outraged media being lead by our leader and government. They're not going to have to deal with something which I believe is the greatest price we must now pay for the lie: the unmitigated murderous rage of the American public. The out and out hatred of the American people for this enemy was a priceless commodity to any government bent upon winning a war. We needed it to grant us strength for what would have been a third world war of horrific proportions. That world war is still coming, like it or not. The difference will be the price we pay.
Emphasis and corrections mine.

So, and I won't go on much longer here, the message of the list is that Hate is good. We need hate. And here's another list linked to several of Gungasnake's. here. Watch for pop-ups.

I disagree. I think hate blinds you and makes you do things like put too many KKKs in some words and dashs where they don't belong in others, but more, hate destroys your own spirit and does not make any of us stronger. Hate is a sign of weakness, not only in our enemies, but in ourselves. When we defeat our enemies, not Islam, but our enemies, it will not have been hatred that will have won the day, but the strength of our better principles.

Joe Nation
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 06:24 pm
I will say that the balance of my post refers to the excerpt and not Gunga. I don't want to guess his motive. He may not have read that particular passage, or he may not be serious about it. He can ably speak for himself.

I found the bolded portion of the second paragraph horrible and dangerous.

I would hope no one would agree with that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2005 01:33 am
The list of links I'd posted was a list which is occasionally posted on FreeRepublic and basically amounts to a bookmark list which somebody has compiled of everything notable which came across that site in a certain period of time involving islam or muslims. It doesn't surprise me that such a list includes two or three outright nazi articles or commentaries.

To point that out and accuse me of hate mongering still amounts to argument by demonization. A more honest argument might have been to take the article concerning Sweden and its problems with muslim immigrants and show where the translations were in error or where the sources were known Swedish nazi sources or some such. The honest truth is, I don't think you could do it; I've seen those same kinds of stories in too many places, here for instance:


From what I read, the die is already cast in parts of Europe. I don't see how some of those situations can end other than by civil war and massacres or by the mass expulsion of some of those immigrant groups who clearly have not made themselves welcome.

My own feeling about islam in western countries is this: Islam is not like other religions and cannot be treated as if it were. Ultimately, western nations will have three choices as to how to deal with Islam:

Ban it.

Be subjugated by it.

Establish some official and tightly controlled version of it which is tolerated, and ban all others, particularly Wahhabism. That, more or less, seems to be Russia's approach.

At the very least we need to pack all of the Wahhabi immams and other islammic officials, which would be nearly all of them in the case of the US, off to Saudi Arabia and declare all Wahhabis persona non grata for future time.

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