Okay...let's see...where was I...

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 03:43 pm
CerealKiller wrote:

Your logic is infallible. You are completely right -asserting something doesn't exist is quite different than there is no evidence to support somethings existence.

However, I have a very hard time even taking into consideration the possibility of entities whose existence has no evidence to support; a fairy, for example, is a most likely conceptual and imaginary entity.

And I agree....a fairy is most likely conceptual and imaginary stuff. But there is a fairly large body of evidence (not unambiguous at all, I will acknowledge) that pretty much establishes fairies, ogres, and the like as fiction.

It purports to be fiction.

The "god" thing...is different...no matter how much atheists would like it not to be.

The question actually being asked is: What is the true nature of the Ultimate REALITY (of existence and of the megaverse)?

I certainly do not know the answer to that question....and I strongly suspect neither does anyone else. I am not saying that no one else does know....I am saying specifically that I strongly suspect no one else does.

I cannot rule in or out any possible explanation for all this...and most assuredly cannot rule out any possibility of a god.

I MAY BE GOD! Or at least, the mind that I use and consider mine, may be GOD.

I have no idea of what I am.

I have no idea if I am what appears to be the case....a human who will die with no spirituality aspects at all....or if I am what the Christians suppose humans are.

I CANNOT RULE OUT ANY OF THESE POSSIBILITIES...if only because they do not seem unreasonable guesses about WHAT MAY POSSIBLY BE.

I have never observed one, nor have I ever seen evidence supporting the existence of such a being - so why even take into consideration its existence?

Lemme go out on a limb here, Killer. I am going to guess that you have never seen any beings from any of the planets circling the nearest 50 suns to our own Sol. I am going to guess that you have never seen any evidence that beings exist on the planets circling the nearest 50 suns to our own.

Would you therefore suggest that we can all discount the possibility that any alien life exists on any planet circling any of those suns?

Or would you more logically simply acknowledge that you do not know?

Why cloud my judgement with a proposition that has absolutely no factual bearing on reality whatsoever (under the current sum of human knowledge)?


And also don't assert that there is no possibility that gods exist.

No problem.


I am curious (since certainity has always been a personal interest of mine) what your positions on scientific certainity are, and the nature of an arbitrary argument. Should arbitrary arguments be dismissed outright, or should one take them into consideration as "possibilities", even though there is no evidence to even suggest that they are possible?

IF scientists throughout the years had discounted "possibilities" for which there was no evidence....we'd still be in the stone ages.

I acknowledge that we cannot "know" many of the things we claim to "know." And I certainly see the reasoning behind accepting reasonable certainty.)

But insofar as the atheist position is stated as: There are no gods....or the probability that there are no gods is greater than the probability that there are....

...I object.

I do not know if gods exist....I do not know if there are no gods...an d the evidence available to me is way, way, way, way too ambiguous to make a guess in either direction.

I strongly suspect all the rest of you are in the same position.

My problem now is: How do I get the rest of you to acknowledge this...and to abandon atheism in favor of agnosticism?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 03:48 pm
I'm pretty flexible when adequately bribed. Atheists have no morals.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 04:01 pm
Obviously...the flexibility of which you speak is not of the physical variety!
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 09:52 pm
dyslexia wrote:
I'm pretty flexible when adequately bribed. Atheists have no morals.

Really? Is that true? I have never thought that to be the case.

Is there nothing about which you would say "That is wrong." ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:05 pm
Real life . . .

heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .


. . . oh god . . .

0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 10:22 pm
Setanta wrote:
Real life . . .

heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .


. . . oh god . . .


Relax fair citizens of Gotham.

As his meds adjust, this temporary state is to be expected. The adjustment in dosage causes him to experience great joy at the slightest experience.

He is not himself at present, as evidenced by the fact that he began to pray, however he will soon stabilize.

Go back to your lives. All is well.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 11:27 am

You claim to be agnostic and stating your position...I don't know if there is a God..I don't know if there are no gods..and I don't see enough unambigious evidence in either direction to make a meaningful guess.

But I've also read in several places you say something to the effect...but I do have enogh evidence to make a meaningful guess about the god described in the bible.

Aren't you leaving the arena of agnosticism when you say...if there is a god my guess is IT is nothing like the comic book god described in the bible.

Are you not claiming to be athiest when it comes to that god ?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 11:38 am
CerealKiller wrote:

You claim to be agnostic and stating your position...I don't know if there is a God..I don't know if there are no gods..and I don't see enough unambigious evidence in either direction to make a meaningful guess.


But I've also read in several places you say something to the effect...but I do have enogh evidence to make a meaningful guess about the god described in the bible.

I have indeed.

Aren't you leaving the arena of agnosticism when you say...if there is a god my guess is IT is nothing like the comic book god described in the bible.

Not at all. An agnostic can make guesses and estimates.

My guess is that if there is a GOD...it is nothing like the cartoon god described in the Bible.

How is that leaving agnosticism?

I am clearly identifying my guess as a guess. I am not trying to pretend it is something more by calling it a "belief."

It is a guess.

(I may be wrong....and if I am...I am in for one hell of an eternity!)

Are you not claiming to be athiest when it comes to that god ?

Not at all.

Most atheists....except for a few who participate here....would flatly deny that the god of the Bible exists.

I seriously doubt that it does...but I am not asserting that it doesn't...merely sharing a guess about it.

In short...I am saying that I look at the Bible....and after reading what it has to say....I am convinced that it makes more sense to suppose (guess) that it is a book which contains the rather self-serving early history of the Hebrew people....and that it has an almost comical mythology interspersed.

I think the people who invented the god....and who put their morals and sensibilities into its mouth...did a marvelous (and probably necessary) job of it.

I commend them....and stand in awe of their work.

I think it is beyond reason that anyone still regards it as divine.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 12:15 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
In short...I am saying that I look at the Bible....and after reading what it has to say....I am convinced that it makes more sense to suppose (guess) that it is a book which contains the rather self-serving early history of the Hebrew people....and that it has an almost comical mythology interspersed.

I think the people who invented the god....and who put their morals and sensibilities into its mouth...did a marvelous (and probably necessary) job of it.

I commend them....and stand in awe of their work.

I think it is beyond reason that anyone still regards it as divine.

Read it again.

How could you suppose that Hebrews would write a history of their people with the intention of being "self serving" that continually puts them in a bad light (to be charitable about it).

They are constantly described by God as faithless, selfish, rebellious, sinful in every way, weak willed, compromising, divided, bickering..... and the list could go on.

In short , it accurately describes a group of humans with all of the human failings included.

Does that sound like a self serving history written to flatter the family?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 12:30 pm
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
In short...I am saying that I look at the Bible....and after reading what it has to say....I am convinced that it makes more sense to suppose (guess) that it is a book which contains the rather self-serving early history of the Hebrew people....and that it has an almost comical mythology interspersed.

I think the people who invented the god....and who put their morals and sensibilities into its mouth...did a marvelous (and probably necessary) job of it.

I commend them....and stand in awe of their work.

I think it is beyond reason that anyone still regards it as divine.

Read it again.

How could you suppose that Hebrews would write a history of their people with the intention of being "self serving" that continually puts them in a bad light (to be charitable about it).

They are constantly described by God as faithless, selfish, rebellious, sinful in every way, weak willed, compromising, divided, bickering..... and the list could go on.

In short , it accurately describes a group of humans with all of the human failings included.

Does that sound like a self serving history written to flatter the family?
Yeah, what you said.

I feel a cussin' a comin'.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 03:33 am
real life wrote:
Read it again.

If you don't see the history as self-serving...perhaps it is you who ought to read it again...or read it for the first time.

How could you suppose that Hebrews would write a history of their people with the intention of being "self serving" that continually puts them in a bad light (to be charitable about it).

Ah....so you think self-serving has to put one in a "good light!"

Open up your brain!

Some people think the most "self-serving" thing that can be said about themselves is that they are constantly under ordeal....and that they are constantly failing to live up to some arbitrary perfection standard.

Hell...if you are not perfect but almost so...it ain't so bad.

They are constantly described by God as faithless, selfish, rebellious, sinful in every way, weak willed, compromising, divided, bickering..... and the list could go on.

And perhaps they are constantly described that way by themselves....for their self-serving purposes...rather than by a fictional god that they invented.

I really don't know. Best I can do is guess. I suspect that's the best you can do too.

So we can guess that GOD...the "creator" of everyone...told them they could own and traffic in slaves...or we can guess that to be a self-serving bit of bullshyt they put into the mouth of their fictional god.

You make the guess!

You are the one who supposes a GOD exists....and if you want to tell that GOD you think It feels there is nothing wrong with slavery....be my guest.

YOUR RELIGION, Life....is as much a joke as that Bible.

In short , it accurately describes a group of humans with all of the human failings included.

Yeah...but, in a self-serving way, it always has them kicking the shyt out of anyone who screws with them.

Does that sound like a self serving history written to flatter the family?

Once again...try opening your brain. Truly you won't hurt yourself if you use it to think with. And you won't wear it out!

HOLD ON NOW: It is not necessary to flatter one's family in order for it to be self-serving!

Got it?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 09:38 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yeah...but, in a self-serving way, it always has them kicking the shyt out of anyone who screws with them.

Let's see. It has them in slavery for 400 years in Egypt. That's not exactly whoopin' up on those who mess with them.

They escape from Egypt and the whole generation of triumphant escapees dies in the wilderness because of their spinelessness.

They finally enter Canaan and promptly lose control of it.

They establish a kingship and the best king (David) murders a man to steal his wife. This is not a self serving martyrdom story, always under ordeal type stuff. This is " the best we had was a slimy character" type stuff.

The majority of kings afterward , with a very few exceptions are portrayed as conniving or bumblers or worse.

They are conquered and become exiles.

Back into the land, they are nonetheless subservient to pagans.

These events transpire over a 1500 year time span, so your conspiracy theory would necessitate that successive writers all wished to portray their people in the same fashion and carried on the "self serving" tradition (which is anything but) without a hitch for that period of time.

Not only did the writers of all these generations all toe the same line, but they were able to convince successive generations of Jews under various circumstances and among various dominant cultures that they should accept their country's history the way that it was written for alleged "self serving" purposes. Each generation along the way would have known that their history was being misrepresented, if it was.

Does anyone really think that this collection of history was written by a group of men to be "self serving" and that a proud ethnocentric group maintained this focus for 1500 years, accepting it as their legitimate history while knowing it to be false?

Your Theory of the Self Serving Writers is just too far fetched , Frank.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 09:40 am
Real Life . . .

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . .

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 09:46 am
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yeah...but, in a self-serving way, it always has them kicking the shyt out of anyone who screws with them.

Let's see. It has them in slavery for 400 years in Egypt. That's not exactly whoopin' up on those who mess with them.

They escape from Egypt and the whole generation of triumphant escapees dies in the wilderness because of their spinelessness.

They finally enter Canaan and promptly lose control of it.

They establish a kingship and the best king (David) murders a man to steal his wife. This is not a self serving martyrdom story, always under ordeal type stuff. This is " the best we had was a slimy character" type stuff.

The majority of kings afterward , with a very few exceptions are portrayed as conniving or bumblers or worse.

They are conquered and become exiles.

Back into the land, they are nonetheless subservient to pagans.

These events transpire over a 1500 year time span, so your conspiracy theory would necessitate that successive writers all wished to portray their people in the same fashion and carried on the "self serving" tradition (which is anything but) without a hitch for that period of time.

Not only did the writers of all these generations all toe the same line, but they were able to convince successive generations of Jews under various circumstances and among various dominant cultures that they should accept their country's history the way that it was written for alleged "self serving" purposes. Each generation along the way would have known that their history was being misrepresented, if it was.

Does anyone really think that this collection of history was written by a group of men to be "self serving" and that a proud ethnocentric group maintained this focus for 1500 years, accepting it as their legitimate history while knowing it to be false?

Yes. Almost anyone with a functioning brain would.

Your Theory of the Self Serving Writers is just too far fetched , Frank.

Only for folks who do not fall into that category I just mentioned.

By the way....there really doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the myth outlined in Exodus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:25 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
By the way....there really doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the myth outlined in Exodus.
You know me. I can think of only one or two things at a time.

Now, where was I? (OH, go back and read the quote.)

What sort of corroboration would you like, Frank? Do you think the Egyptian historians would have dared to record the defeat of Pharaoh, their god? Those fellows were much less forthcoming than Jewish writers. It was a personal safety issue, you know.

Verification or lack thereof proves nothing. It is interesting to note that shortly after this 'myth' is said to occur, the Israelites themselves began to rebel. So much for good intentions.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:30 am
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
By the way....there really doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the myth outlined in Exodus.
You know me. I can think of only one or two things at a time.

Now, where was I? (OH, go back and read the quote.)

What sort of corroboration would you like, Frank? Do you think the Egyptian historians would have dared to record the defeat of Pharaoh, their god? Those fellows were much less forthcoming than Jewish writers. It was a personal safety issue, you know.

Verification or lack thereof proves nothing. It is interesting to not that shortly after this 'myth' is said to occur, the Israelites themselves began to rebel. So much for good intentions.

The Egyptians were excellent at detailing their history. Like every civilization...they often favored their side in the telling.

But there is no corroboration for the supposed enslavement of the Hebrews.

What sort of corroboration would I like?


Ya got any?

Do I think the Egyptians would dare to record the defeat of their god, the Pharaoh?


Are you suggesting they never did?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:31 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yeah...but, in a self-serving way, it always has them kicking the shyt out of anyone who screws with them.

Let's see. It has them in slavery for 400 years in Egypt. That's not exactly whoopin' up on those who mess with them.

They escape from Egypt and the whole generation of triumphant escapees dies in the wilderness because of their spinelessness.

They finally enter Canaan and promptly lose control of it.

They establish a kingship and the best king (David) murders a man to steal his wife. This is not a self serving martyrdom story, always under ordeal type stuff. This is " the best we had was a slimy character" type stuff.

The majority of kings afterward , with a very few exceptions are portrayed as conniving or bumblers or worse.

They are conquered and become exiles.

Back into the land, they are nonetheless subservient to pagans.

These events transpire over a 1500 year time span, so your conspiracy theory would necessitate that successive writers all wished to portray their people in the same fashion and carried on the "self serving" tradition (which is anything but) without a hitch for that period of time.

Not only did the writers of all these generations all toe the same line, but they were able to convince successive generations of Jews under various circumstances and among various dominant cultures that they should accept their country's history the way that it was written for alleged "self serving" purposes. Each generation along the way would have known that their history was being misrepresented, if it was.

Does anyone really think that this collection of history was written by a group of men to be "self serving" and that a proud ethnocentric group maintained this focus for 1500 years, accepting it as their legitimate history while knowing it to be false?

Yes. Almost anyone with a functioning brain would.

Your Theory of the Self Serving Writers is just too far fetched , Frank.

Only for folks who do not fall into that category I just mentioned.

By the way....there really doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the myth outlined in Exodus.

Then Frank you have to add another conspiracy theory to your already outlandish conspiracy theory.

It would be like someone coming to America today and selling us on the idea that our TRUE history was something completely different from anything that anyone here had ever heard of, filled with supernatural happenings........ and that the history of our people that we and our parents all grew up learning about never happened.

Then, the SECOND CONSPIRACY, these inventors of the new American history myth would also have to foist upon us HUNDREDS OF UNUSUAL LAWS that we had never heard of and convince us that these had been our laws for hundreds of years.

This is what you are supposing happened to the Jewish people. Someone or group of conspiring someones over hundreds of years collaborated to invent a new history and new laws for the Jews and were successful in convincing them that these had actually been their laws all along, and that the history they thought they knew was actually not true at all but these other events had really been their history AND THAT SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS HAD ALREADY ACKNOWLEDGED IT EACH STEP ALONG THE WAY.

Sorry Frank. I don't buy your 1500 year conspiracy theories (now plural).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:33 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Do I think the Egyptians would dare to record the defeat of their god, the Pharaoh?


Are you suggesting they never did?
If they had, that would be corroboration, right?

Just asking.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 11:47 am
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yeah...but, in a self-serving way, it always has them kicking the shyt out of anyone who screws with them.

Let's see. It has them in slavery for 400 years in Egypt. That's not exactly whoopin' up on those who mess with them.

They escape from Egypt and the whole generation of triumphant escapees dies in the wilderness because of their spinelessness.

They finally enter Canaan and promptly lose control of it.

They establish a kingship and the best king (David) murders a man to steal his wife. This is not a self serving martyrdom story, always under ordeal type stuff. This is " the best we had was a slimy character" type stuff.

The majority of kings afterward , with a very few exceptions are portrayed as conniving or bumblers or worse.

They are conquered and become exiles.

Back into the land, they are nonetheless subservient to pagans.

These events transpire over a 1500 year time span, so your conspiracy theory would necessitate that successive writers all wished to portray their people in the same fashion and carried on the "self serving" tradition (which is anything but) without a hitch for that period of time.

Not only did the writers of all these generations all toe the same line, but they were able to convince successive generations of Jews under various circumstances and among various dominant cultures that they should accept their country's history the way that it was written for alleged "self serving" purposes. Each generation along the way would have known that their history was being misrepresented, if it was.

Does anyone really think that this collection of history was written by a group of men to be "self serving" and that a proud ethnocentric group maintained this focus for 1500 years, accepting it as their legitimate history while knowing it to be false?

Yes. Almost anyone with a functioning brain would.

Your Theory of the Self Serving Writers is just too far fetched , Frank.

Only for folks who do not fall into that category I just mentioned.

By the way....there really doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the myth outlined in Exodus.

Then Frank you have to add another conspiracy theory to your already outlandish conspiracy theory.

It would be like someone coming to America today and selling us on the idea that our TRUE history was something completely different from anything that anyone here had ever heard of, filled with supernatural happenings........ and that the history of our people that we and our parents all grew up learning about never happened.

Then, the SECOND CONSPIRACY, these inventors of the new American history myth would also have to foist upon us HUNDREDS OF UNUSUAL LAWS that we had never heard of and convince us that these had been our laws for hundreds of years.

This is what you are supposing happened to the Jewish people. Someone or group of conspiring someones over hundreds of years collaborated to invent a new history and new laws for the Jews and were successful in convincing them that these had actually been their laws all along, and that the history they thought they knew was actually not true at all but these other events had really been their history AND THAT SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS HAD ALREADY ACKNOWLEDGED IT EACH STEP ALONG THE WAY.

This is among the most illogical posts I've ever read on the Internet.

Sorry Frank. I don't buy your 1500 year conspiracy theories (now plural).

I have no 1500 year conspiracy theory for you to buy.

I have suggested some possible alterntives to that shyt you are buying.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 11:49 am
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Do I think the Egyptians would dare to record the defeat of their god, the Pharaoh?


Are you suggesting they never did?
If they had, that would be corroboration, right?

Just asking.


But you should also be thinking!

1) It may never have happened....so there may be nothing to record.

2) I was asking if they ever recorded any defeats by their god, the Pharaoh.

Try to keep up.

I know it is hard for you.
0 Replies

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