Quote: I wouldn't describe tapioca as delicious, my dad liked it and I was forced to eat it as a kid.
I have heard you can make a coffee substitute out of acorns.
I love pearl tapioca. It makes a pudding that , when served cold ith whippd cream, is a favorite in our family.
Acorn coffee Ive herd of but never have tried it. My tatse for coffee has never been to high anyway. Im more aRussian tea guy,I love the Harney's teas and I seek out Lapshang Souchong teas and puehr.
My mom learned to make Acorn "butter" from her mom. It took a lot of "leaching"( many changes of boiling water) to rid the nuts of the tannin before you grind it into the butter. Its got a flavor similar to hickory nut and the butter is kinda reminiscent of Brazil nuts. so, pretty good. We used to use mostly swamp and black oak, although the black oak was rathr bitter even after leaching