Yes for the most part. Having a close friend in which her job is to promote the safety, rescue and general well being of marine life and having a daughter wanting to work in the field of wildlife biology - I get an earful. Not bad in any way and not forced in a sense - just that I get some information from that aspect and an explanation of why "zoos are bad." for example.
In any case as far as all of these - there are "good" and "bad" ones. Aquariums for example that have animals performing - like killer whales and dolphins (which is kind of redundant as killer whales are a type of dolphin and not a whale at all) and not to mention pretty much any creature they have performing at an aquarium - it is actually very stressful for the creature and their life span is significantly less as a result than in the wild - add to that killer whales need much more space than even the largest tanks due to they way the migrate.
However, some aquariums are better - they do not have creatures perform, they do not keep in captivity any in which it is not good for their health. Many also help promote those creatures that are endangered by educating the public and also having breeding programs.
Same with zoos - if you have very natural habitats, educate the public and provide awareness of taking away their natural environments and promoting breeding for those that are endangered - in my friend's opinion these zoos and aquariums although not ideal for the creatures living there - help the greater populations of animals.
Most circuses are doing away with animal performances besides domestic animals. Again many of these performances are stressful for certain animals and harmful for them - think about an elephant and how heavy one is - to force him to stand and balance on one leg puts huge stress on that leg - it is not natural and is harmful and stressful for the creature.
So most circuses now are not politically incorrect as most do not have wild animals performing - only domestic ones - good ones only have them perform in positive ways - like was stated above - no whips and punishments only rewards.
And peta tends to be on the extreme side - rather than a more balanced approach.