Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 10:55 am
Not that I believe she was murdered, but as someone said, sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

Let´s imagine you are right (you could of course). Let´s imagine it was a crime faking an accident. However, and despite all almost nobody believes it was an accident. It would be a bungling work by a clumsy criminal because it was unable to convince public opinion that it was an accident.

Besides, french police found no evidence about that. And there was a survivor.

A regard.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 11:12 am
If she was murdered, the murderer was not in the car, because if he was, he would have been more than likely to kill himself too. So that means the murderer (lets make the assumption there was a person or group involved) had somehow to persuade or compel the driver to accelerate to a high speed, on a public street, then deflect the car at high speed into a bridge support- presumably against the intentions of the driver- from a location ouside the vehicle and while photographers in pursuing cars were in the vicinity, and liable to take photos of whatever happened, or at least witness it.

I don't see how this would have been possible, and the likelihood of such a thing happening seems vanishingly small.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 11:32 am
On the face of it yes. But if we are talking conspiracy, and I'm the first to admit McTag that this is all speculation on my behalf...

if we are going to do conspiracy at least lets get sophisticated conspiracy. You cant kill someone by arranging a car crash. But you can interfere with the engine management system of a modern car. You can trigger an out of control event. Its possible to turn off the cctv cameras. And its possible to arrange for the driver of run away vehicle to crash.

OK well how do you engineer death I hear you say. No need. If we are talking conspiracy then the most natural thing to happen would be a nearby emergency ambulance goes to the scene. Diana was taken from the car alive, but died once in the care of the professionals.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 02:35 pm
Yeah but. She was seen, all smashed up (sorry ladies) and near death. All but dead. There was no need for anyone to finish her off "professionally".
The car was photographed. It was wrecked.

Are you saying that a remote control device was possibly fitted, whereby the car was forced to accelerate until it crashed? Or that all of the controls could be over-ridden; the accelerator control, the steering, the handbrake, the off-switch?
And the controller could wait until the car was on a fast stretch of road before operating the devices?
He knew in advance which way the driver would choose to go to escape the photographers?

All of that would presumably be necessary to engineer a fatal crash, and I don't see that as a credible possibility.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 02:46 pm
there didnt have to be a fatal crash

just a crash

the 'emergency response team' would do the rest.


I dunno its only speculation admittedly.

The whole thing was just too damn convenient for my liking.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 02:54 pm
Well if it had only been a little crash (and if Diana was anything like a certain lady I know, she probably habitually wore a seatbelt while travelling)
Then the "paramedics" would have been seen by survivors taking a relatively well woman into their ambulance.

If she then wound up dead, it could never have been covered up, in my humble opinion.

Still, you're right, it was damned convenient to some powerful establishment figures....most of them, in fact. No smoke without fire. So if they did it, how was it done?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 03:35 pm
ok let me spit it out

IF (and I stress that word, I accept accidents do happen) it was a murder I think the motivation and the method went something like this

Diana was still a young woman with immense appeal. She had made clear her intention at getting even with the house of windsor. She is on record as saying Charles is not fit to be king. And she said just before she died "the next thing I do will surprise you" or similar.

Was she going to marry Dodi Fayed? Might she be pregnant already? Was she going to convert to Islam? Would she turn the boys against their father?

Whatever, she was still young and had apparantly dedicated the rest of her life to doing down the British monarchy. She was quite capable of rallying public opinion to her and against Charles.

There were and still are people around who believe that the survival of the royal institution transcends that of a mere individual. I believe Diana was seen by some as posing a mortal threat to the continuation of monarchy.

I'm not saying the Royal family sat down after dinner and plotted her demise. Far from it. They would be kept out of it. But certain people felt they had a duty to act even without specific instruction.

So again if we are talking conspiracy, a car smash is engineered. A special crew are waiting nearby in an ambulance. Diana is taken to a particular hospital (not the nearest...and very slowly as it happens). The fact is she was alive when taken from the car. She was dead when she came out of hospital. OK so this is outrageous....but as I said we are talking conspiracy here.

You think it could never happen? Think of all the dirty tricks British secret services have got up to over the years. They are well capable of mounting such an operation, and very professionally. All that's needed is sufficient motivation. Would a threat to the continuation of the British royal establishment be sufficient spur to action?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 02:53 am
You're doggone tootin' it would.

But the question remains, how did they engineer a suitably near-fatal crash?
The driver was a bit inebriated. Maybe his drink was spiked with some helpful chemicals.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 01:09 pm
So Steve, is this the classic "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" situation, or do you contend that misguided others would have acted? That's crucial because if the former, something indeed is rotten in the state of Denmark that the Saxe-Coberg-Gothas would, any of them, act in such a manner, and worse the security services would do their bidding in such a matter. If the latter, then one might suggest that any members of security services acting in the matter were "rogues."
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 01:59 pm
it didnt have to be near fatal, just a crash.

its easy

tampering with the engine management system

flash grenade causing swerve

it really is not that difficult.

Set I dont think they were necessarily misguided, just motivated from a sincere sense of duty. Well of course if I believed all this conspiracy cr*p which to preserve my security I dont necessarily, just speculating phew hope that will do
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 02:11 pm
You personally have nothing to worry about Steve--one of the Venusian crew of Elvis' space ship has told me that transubstantiated spirit of Edgar Cayce has big plans for you . . .
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 08:07 am
I am relieved to hear it.

I don't know if Diana was murdered. But everytime I think about this I'm struck by how convenient it was. And why if it was a straightforward accident have the British and French authorities gone out of their way to make it look suspicious.

Where, I ask again, did the carbon monoxide come from in Henri Paul's blood sample? Mercedes dont use CO to fill airbags. He died almost instantly from a broken neck, no time to breathe in exhaust fumes.

Its a very simple question, and one that MUST HAVE a simple answer...yet none is forthcoming as far as I can tell.
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Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 11:05 am
As coincidence would have it, Australia's Herald Sun has the following article in today's edition:
Di death driver paid $180,000 (Herald Sun, 14 June 2005)

THE chauffeur who crashed the car in which Princess Diana died received almost $180,000 in the weeks leading up to the accident.
The mystery payments to Henri Paul, who also died in the 1997 Paris tunnel car crash, dwarfed his annual $47,000 salary as a driver.
The payments -- mostly from British banks -- were discovered by auditors assisting the UK investigation into Diana's death.
The revelations will fuel conspiracy theories that Mr Paul was being paid by British spymasters -- an allegation first raised by an ex-MI6 agent shortly after the crash.
Mr Paul was already known to have built up a small fortune in a global network of 13 separate bank accounts.
This was despite his modest salary as a driver at the Ritz, owned by Mohamed Al Fayed, retail tycoon and father of Diana's boyfriend, Dodi, who died with her.
The new findings are the first evidence Mr Paul received payments directly from Britain. "The money arrived via a banker's draft and was converted into French francs from sterling," a source "close to the investigation" told Britain's Daily Express.
It is also understood French police have reopened investigations into Mr Paul's blood sample amid continuing allegations that it was swapped. The sample provided to police indicated Mr Paul was high on a cocktail of drink and drugs at the time of the crash. The complexity of the money trail has delayed the investigation's scheduled conclusion from December last year to next January. The Scotland Yard investigation, led by former British police chief Sir John Stevens, will precede the official British inquest on Diana.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 12:20 pm
"The sample provided to police indicated Mr Paul was high on a cocktail of drink and drugs at the time of the crash."

yet he was seen on camera acting quite normally

the carbon monoxide alone would induce a state of near unconsciouness. Would Diana and Dodi's bodyguard, i.e. the guy responsible for their safey, allow a semi comatose drunk to wisk them off into the night?
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 08:04 am
I was confounded that Henri Paul was able to tie his shoes!

But, seriously, the news article I found indicates that investigations are going on in both London and Paris.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 10:39 am
Now the coroner has resigned. What a farce. They are spinning this out hoping people will either forget or die of boredom.

But some people would actually like an explanation of how Diana came to die in Paris.

The establishment dont want an inquest because they are terrified what might come to light.

Lets look at the other way. Diana's death was certainly convenient...I dont need to say for whom. If she died in a tragic accident, clearly an accident or one caused by negligence or carelessness, dont you think all the details would be immediately laid bare for the public to see it was just such an accident - and hence destroy any possibility of rumours developing? All the proper procedures would have taken place. The inquest verdict would have been "accidental death". Any charges of negligence or carelessness contributing to the accident would have been rigorously prosecuted (for example her body guard who allowed a drunk to drive her) and any prison sentence served by now.

Instead nearly 10 years on, they still "cant agree" about an inquest, which they are obliged by law to hold, and now the coroner has resigned.

I dont know whether Diana was the victim of a conspiracy or not. But the failure to follow proper procedures, in particular the near permanent postponement of any inquest, lends weight to the proposition that she was.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 10:52 am
Very interesting, Steve!
One would think that William and Harry - who are both old enough now -
had an self-interest to pursue their mothers death. Apparently they have
accepted that it was an unfortunate accident.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 01:08 pm
well i cant say i'm surprised.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 01:45 pm
If Diana had married Dodi and had kids, there would be a mixture of Arabic/Muslim blood in the Christian Royal Family - they had no choice but kill them both.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 03:30 pm
How do I know?
'Cause Elvis told me so.
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