I hardly know where to begin, LordBadSpinOnAllThat'sAmerican, as you've managed to criticize just about everything except Mom and her apple pie although I'll stay posted for those addenda.
But to pick and choose my way through your tizzy:
Lord Ellpus wrote: ... I'm thinking OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson,
What can you say about OJ that's not been said already? 95.61239% (that one's for you McT) of Americans believe he killed his wife. The prosecution relied on a surferboy, a racist cop, & a shrunken glove handing the defense the small challenge of planting doubt in the jury's minds. All-in-all the system worked for OJ, but not Nicole. Ditto Jackson. Conniving mother, child caught in lies. 99.3251889% of Americans know Michael likes little boys way too much, but again the defense had fairly easy pickings.
and wrote:the "third strike" system, leading to horrendously long prison sentences for relatively minor offences,
I'll give you that one, but what should be done with these chronic abusers? Perhaps we should just transport them to a penal colony in Australia for a lifetime of exile ...
and wrote:the attempts to withdraw the teaching of evolution in schools,
I don't think this will ever happen. I've always felt a good teacher teaches his students to think. One then presents the opposing theories and allows the student to make up his/her mind.
and wrote:the worrying amount of power that religeon has in the USA,
Why shouldn't it? Are you advocating squelching freedom of speech to these groups?
and wrote:the biased News and Media programmes,
This criticism always amuses me as it conjures memories of pre-cable life a la Kennedy assassination, Gemini liftoffs, Nixon addresses, etc. when one's three (3) VHF channels were monopolized by the same coverage. There was no other choice on the television (or radio.) Today we have satellite dishes, broadband, and the internet with the blog of your choice. For God's sake, we watch Blair duking it out with MP's in a similar version of C-Span. Do you honestly believe 81.4444446% of Americans rely on Fox News? If so, I'll cling to my image of you hovering over your parcheesi board, pipe in hand, waiting for the government report on the wireless.
and wrote:the lack of open, unscripted debate between your politicians on live TV..............
We do have the presidential & vice-presidential debates which can get a little dicey. Still, it's widely agreed (59.00003%) that Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have stood a chance on live TV ... high-pitched and nasal, they say ...
and concluded when he wrote:Maybe I should reconsider?.......NOPE, I still think that you deserve at least fifth place.
Which brings me back to one of my premises ... should we change our way of life to suit a few disgruntled Brits? Monday next, we'll mark the 229th anniversary of the decision to that question.
Gosh, LordOfPatienceAndAdmirableUnderstanding ... I didn't even make it to your Galloway concerns. That shall be my goal. Until then, I'll leave you with the thoughts of one of Ohio's "finest":
To me, Mr. Galloway is but a bland replica of Mr. Traficant ... but with better hair.