George Galloway blasts the Senate

Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 07:33 am
WhoodaThunk wrote:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I said

"Or maybe you just dont care, you have control of the bits of Iraq you are interested in, the rest of the country can go to hell, is that it?"

Although I asked this rhetorically, it does appear that YES is the answer.


Please refer to the previous reply to JTT.

My opinions seem to offend quite enough without you answering your own allegations and attributing those replies to me.



And annoying.

I did not attribute to you any answer to my question (which did not call for any direct answer). It was a rhetorical question, one not actually requiring answer. But having focussed on it, I decided it was a fair point and so decided to answer it myself. Again I state that the impression given is that the US cares nothing for Iraq, except the bits it holds. You are free to agree or disagree.

George said

"I will add that Steve , while on the attack a few pages back added a lot of nonsense about restrictions to freedom here (including habeas corpus)"

George I think you will find that I was referring to restrictions HERE in the UK. and if that wasnt clear from my post, now buried, it should have been.

[The point about habeas corpus is that house arrest/restrictions on liberty can now be implemented by administrative order but it only applies to Muslims of course, so no particular problem there...]
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 07:46 am
HofT.....My point, before it was deflected by you back thirty years to the first World War, was:-

If the Americans had voted against lendlease in the SECOND World War, chances are that America would :-

a) Not have chosen to enter the War when they did, as up until lendlease, America was NEUTRAL.
By entering into lendlease, America eliminated any semblance of neutrality, therefore set itself on the road to joining with Britain in the war.

b) Not have been able to successfully enter the war, even if it had changed from its neutral stance, because your "Land Base/foothold" (mainland Britain) would probably have been under German control, owing to the fact that Britain would not have had sufficient equipment or supplies to have defended itself properly.

Russia, no matter how much they did, or did not receive from America, would have eventually overwhelmed Germany, even if they sent their Soldiers in using pitchforks (and they would have done so, Russia was/is not averse to using their soldiers as cannon fodder) ...purely on numbers alone. The Russian Army (existing at that time, and new conscripts taken from their staggering number of young men) VASTLY outnumbered the Germans. Ask any historian.

My point was.....if that one vote, made with the heart instead of the head, made the difference between yes or no to lendlease, the world would probably be a totally different place today.
Georgie boy did NOT think with his head, when invading Iraq. He went with the heart. He went with the "popular" mood in the US at that time, which was to strike back after 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with the perpetrators of 9/11, if he wanted to hit AQ, he should have hunted them down where they were based in either Saudi, Yemen or both.

100,000 people have died as a consequence of George acting with his heart, and Galloway had the gall to bring this out into the open.

Lusitania? I wont dispute anything with you on that one. Our two Countries leaders were up to underhand tricks even then.
But maybe that is for another thread.

Link for lendlease....
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:03 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:

Eh? Lusitania?....Are we discussing the same war?

You wont start a dispute just because of dinky 30 years, don't you? :wink:

LOL....Walter....naughty naughty!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:04 am
Lord Ellpus said:

Georgie boy did NOT think with his head, when invading Iraq. He went with the heart. He went with the "popular" mood in the US at that time, which was to strike back after 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with the perpetrators of 9/11

I'm afraid that I am going to have to disagree with you on a couple of points.

Whatever attribution of 'heart' we might give to GWB, it was never clear that he did anything at that time without the advice and consent of his handlers. And the choice of Iraq is muddied by its convenience as a target and getting even for his father. Too calculating for the heart.

And I do not recall any particular popular mood at that time to strike back at any old target, however displaced. Quite the contrary.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:10 am
Regarding lend lease, I can quite understand why many people in the US did not want to become embroiled in another European war. Didn't Roosevelt make certain promises on that? It still puzzles me as to why exactly the US did get involved.

I don't think it was out of any particular love for the British. It was surely that Roosevelt was convinced that it was in the best long term interests of the US that Nazism be defeated. And that defeat would have been impossible without Britain holding out and eventually acting as a launch pad for the invasion of Europe.
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Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:12 am
HofT wrote:
Excuse me - GeorgeOB's father, not grandfather, was meant in the above post.

It hardly matters. Drunken Irishmen all the way down to the turtle.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:15 am
blatham !
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:25 am
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:37 am
sumac wrote:
Lord Ellpus said:

Georgie boy did NOT think with his head, when invading Iraq. He went with the heart. He went with the "popular" mood in the US at that time, which was to strike back after 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with the perpetrators of 9/11

I'm afraid that I am going to have to disagree with you on a couple of points.

Whatever attribution of 'heart' we might give to GWB, it was never clear that he did anything at that time without the advice and consent of his handlers. And the choice of Iraq is muddied by its convenience as a target and getting even for his father. Too calculating for the heart.

And I do not recall any particular popular mood at that time to strike back at any old target, however displaced. Quite the contrary.

Well then, the only thing I can say, is that his head doesnt function properly.....Is he alright, in the thinking department, your George?

And as far as the popular mood at that time is concerned, you could have dressed a Donkey up in an Arab Costume and someone would have shot at it!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:43 am
No, of course George W. is not OK in the thinking department. Hardly. He has just gotten more adept at covering up the deficit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:43 am
No, of course George W. is not OK in the thinking department. Hardly. He has just gotten more adept at covering up the deficit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 08:43 am
No, of course George W. is not OK in the thinking department. Hardly. He has just gotten more adept at covering up the deficit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 09:47 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
sumac wrote:
Lord Ellpus said:

Georgie boy did NOT think with his head, when invading Iraq. He went with the heart. He went with the "popular" mood in the US at that time, which was to strike back after 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with the perpetrators of 9/11

I'm afraid that I am going to have to disagree with you on a couple of points.

Whatever attribution of 'heart' we might give to GWB, it was never clear that he did anything at that time without the advice and consent of his handlers. And the choice of Iraq is muddied by its convenience as a target and getting even for his father. Too calculating for the heart.

And I do not recall any particular popular mood at that time to strike back at any old target, however displaced. Quite the contrary.

Well then, the only thing I can say, is that his head doesnt function properly.....Is he alright, in the thinking department, your George?

And as far as the popular mood at that time is concerned, you could have dressed a Donkey up in an Arab Costume and someone would have shot at it!

I could volunteer a few donkeys from this side of the puddle.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:11 am
blatham wrote:
HofT wrote:
Excuse me - GeorgeOB's father, not grandfather, was meant in the above post.

It hardly matters. Drunken Irishmen all the way down to the turtle.

Not fair or balanced. Please withdraw. George is a sober and thoughtful poster. Often wrong, mind you. But one of your thinking Irish. (I know and am fond of some of the drinking Irish Very Happy )
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:37 am
As this topic has run much longer than any other I've started, for some light relief? would anyone care to comment here?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:39 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
HofT wrote:
Lord Ellpus - the aid sent to Stalin over the Pacific route dwarfs "lend-lease"; e.g. 9 out of 10 trucks in the Russian army were in fact ours and so was the gasoline powering them. That assistance would have stopped long before Russians got anywhere near the Atlantic.


In the interest of full disclosure I support GeorgeOB grandfather's vote against "lend-lease", first in the spirit of Washington, second because I think it was monstrous to tar the German Navy with the allegation that the Lusitania was a "passenger" ship - any ship carrying guns and ammunition to a war zone is by definition a warship.

Churchill was first lord of the Admiralty at the time, so he must have known the nature of her cargo; don't bother refuting this, btw, since the ship has been located in the Irish Sea and her contents inventoried Smile

Eh? Lusitania?....Are we discussing the same war?

Lord Ellpus - since you chose to delete the George Washington quote from my post it may not be evident to you that he fought in yet another war <G>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:42 am
I fully agree with Helen's point that the history of the 2oth century would likely have beem a lot better if the United States had stayed out WWI. By late 1917 the U.S. had inserted about 700,000 troops into the Wesern Front, enabling Britain and France to put about 500,000 troops into the Middle East and Mesopotamia in their ill-conceived assault on the Ottoman Empire. Had we stayed out of the conflict this wouldn't have been possible and the unhappy political trajectory of the Moslem world would likely have been very different, sparing us a good deal of trouble today. Moreover a more balanced outcome in the war in Europe would likely have yielded a less harmful resolution to the conflict than was worked out in Paris in 1919 and signed in Versailles in i920. That might have spared Germany the subsequent hyperinflation and possibly even what followed.

The WWI/WWII confusion was probably my fault. Sorry.

It is far too early to assess the wisdon (or lack of it) in the U.S. action in Iraq. My opinion is that it will be beneficial, but I can no more prove that with the information now available than can those of you who oppose it prove the converse. A somewhat similar situation exists with respect to the esteemed Mr. Galloway. My experience in life leads me to consider him an opportunistic exploiter and manipulator who has got by on deception and bombast. I could well be wrong in this, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to investigate and prove the point. Others here evidently make quite different judgements on both questions, which they too cannot prove conclusively. How we judge such things depends on our respective world views and personal inclinations. I believe a betting man with high stakes in the game would be much better off taking my views, but some of you may see that differently too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:43 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
HofT.....My point, before it was deflected by you back thirty years to the first World War, was:-

If the Americans had voted against lendlease in the SECOND World War, chances are that America would :-

a) Not have chosen to enter the War when they did, as up until lendlease, America was NEUTRAL.
By entering into lendlease, America eliminated any semblance of neutrality, therefore set itself on the road to joining with Britain in the war.

b) Not have been able to successfully enter the war, even if it had changed from its neutral stance, because your "Land Base/foothold" (mainland Britain) would probably have been under German control, owing to the fact that Britain would not have had sufficient equipment or supplies to have defended itself properly.

Russia, no matter how much they did, or did not receive from America, would have eventually overwhelmed Germany, even if they sent their Soldiers in using pitchforks (and they would have done so, Russia was/is not averse to using their soldiers as cannon fodder) ...purely on numbers alone. The Russian Army (existing at that time, and new conscripts taken from their staggering number of young men) VASTLY outnumbered the Germans. Ask any historian.

My point was.....if that one vote, made with the heart instead of the head, made the difference between yes or no to lendlease, the world would probably be a totally different place today.
Georgie boy did NOT think with his head, when invading Iraq. He went with the heart. He went with the "popular" mood in the US at that time, which was to strike back after 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with the perpetrators of 9/11, if he wanted to hit AQ, he should have hunted them down where they were based in either Saudi, Yemen or both.

100,000 people have died as a consequence of George acting with his heart, and Galloway had the gall to bring this out into the open.

Lusitania? I wont dispute anything with you on that one. Our two Countries leaders were up to underhand tricks even then.
But maybe that is for another thread.

Link for lendlease....


Again to Lord Ellpus - where exactly do you get your "facts"?

Lend-lease was irrelevant in the decision to enter WWII - Hitler declared war on US, leaving us no choice in the matter. The deception pursuant to the sinking of the Lusitania, however, was instrumental in dragging the US into WWI.

Kindly educate yourself before making additional comments of this nature.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 10:45 am
Thanks George! Noticed how any overlap between demonstrable facts and statements by some posters here appears wholly coincidental at times?!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 11:17 am
McTag wrote:
blatham wrote:
HofT wrote:
Excuse me - GeorgeOB's father, not grandfather, was meant in the above post.

It hardly matters. Drunken Irishmen all the way down to the turtle.

Not fair or balanced. Please withdraw. George is a sober and thoughtful poster. Often wrong, mind you. But one of your thinking Irish. (I know and am fond of some of the drinking Irish Very Happy )

I acknowledge the lack of balance and thus include his mother's lineage as well.
0 Replies

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