I'm laughin' so hard Oh Thou Launcher of a Thousand Ships, that i may have to emmigrate . . .
Setanta - you may keep laughing (don't emigrate, we need literate people!) esp. when you think that the neocons thought they had set up Galloway into perjuring himself, are now working hard to find the least factual error in his statements, and - side-splitting this - had actually bamboozled the subcommittee chairman into believing they will bankroll him for a presidential run in 2008 if he manages to discredit the UN, Galloway, Pasqua, the Russians with the tankers, et al.
Sen. Coleman is now to be left slowly, slowly twisting in the wind, while neoconland regroups...
You need more Republicans on this site to stay informed on the political subtext <G>
Kinda scarey, but sad at the same time . . .
Com'ere little boy, howdya like to earn this bright, shiney new dollar . . .
Okay, don't know...
"This is G o o g l e's cache of
http://hsgac.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Hearings.Detail&HearingID=232 as retrieved on 19 May 2005 05:12:14 GMT."
aaand there, it just says:
Panel 2
George Galloway , Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow , Great Britain
no pdf at all, you can
still look it up
This becomes more truly bizarre . . . on May 18, i looked at the site for links, but the BBC link for the subcommittee report was faster, so i used that . . . there was a report, of what i don't know, there at that time. OE has a web page cache on May 19, which simply lists his name with no other comment. Today, May 20, the entry says he submitted no statement.
Winston from 1984 would know what's goin' on here, where is George Orwell when we need him?
Teaching duck-speak to the Republicans.
Went to the Congressional Record web site, nothin' . . . went to the Library of Congress, only mentions that Mr. Galloway testified, nothin' else . . . at the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs web site, in the testimony section, Mr. Galloway's name does not appear . . .
You'd have to ask Emmanuel Goldstein, anyways.... what would Winston know?
I'm wondering, has the page been cached anywhere else? Besides Google? Or does Google cache it on different machines, maybe at different intervals?
HofT wrote:Sen. Coleman is now to be left slowly, slowly twisting in the wind, while neoconland regroups...
By the By, Boss, i didn't congratulate you on the ironic use of the Erlichman quote . . .
Neh, echt?! Presumably I'm likened to the old Monsieur Jourdain in Moliere, who spoke prose all his life without realizing it!
Love you too, but goodbye until sometime in June
k, Google uses 'Datacenters' to store the cached versions, and there's the same version everywhere (I checked). More about that tech stuff
here, if anybody really cares....
It's reported now quite often elsewhere:
All other witness testimonies for the hearings on the Oil for Food scandal are available on the Committee's website in PDF form. But Galloway's testimony is the only document not on the site.
Press representatives for the Committee had no comment.
I wonder just how much came into the US on the good ship 'Condoleeza Rice', the Chevron oil tanker named for her.
'You have to get up oily to beat the U.N.'
Well bloody hell, Walter.
The "mother of all smokescreens", indeed.
How could they have the gall to do that?
You are being sarcastic, aren't you McTag?
These people will stop at nothing too petty or too low. I mean, really, to take a person's remarks off the web merely because it makes you look a buffoon is just too petty. I expect there will be excuses for it though.
I like the remark, "that Senator Coleman's McCarthy-like hearings."
Fancy screenshot, Walter, thanks.
Still casting around for a reasonable explanation -- that there were mistakes, they took it down to fix it and will put it back up, something -- but nothing comes to mind, really.