JTT wrote:Ticomaya wrote:JTT wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Um ... no, I didn't.
But when you typed "Syl" I did assume you meant Rambo.
Wheeeeew! That's a heavy burden that's been lifted off my shoulders, Tico. Now, about those questions?
I'd presumed they were, like mine, rhetorical.
No you didn't Tico, but nice try. Maybe I spoke too quickly. Perhaps it was a freudian slip. Ah, let's leave that for now. It looks like I DO have to spell it out for you, Tico.
Indeed I did.
JTT wrote:Tico:
You seem to frequently articulate a disdain for American pop culture.
1) Are you one of those who cited quotes from Arnold's movies against him as he ran for Governator?
No, I am not.
2) You are able to distinguish between real and make believe, right?
Perfectly capable, I assure you, Tico.
Questions for you, Tico:
1. Why is it so inconceivable that some of "them" should hold to the same values?
2. Does anyone really think for a moment that "they" have no legitimate quarrel with certain western countries and their past and present policies?
1. Who are they? And are you talking about values in Stallone and Schwarzenegger movies?
2. Who is "anyone" and why would I answer for them? And I still don't know who "they" are. If by "they" you are referring to the terrorists who choose to attack America and its interests, the usual explanation that's given for why they do so is because America is trying to force them to adopt its culture. If your question is whether I think that's a legitimate quarrel with the US, the answer is "no." If you have a specific "past and present" policy you wish to identify which you feel lends legitimacy to "their" quarrel, please identify it.
JTT wrote:I'm amazed that I would have to spell this out for you, but we're not talking about these prisoners escaping to wreak havoc. We're talking about releasing these prisoners after a hearing before a military tribunal, whereupon they promptly go out to attack America and friends.
And I'm amazed that I have to spell this out for YOU. They were released after a HEARING. What is it about this you didn't understand. They are your own words, Tico.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for the practice of releasing these folks, is it?
1) Are you suggesting that the opposite, no hearings, would be a ringing endorsement for the American way?
2) What are the purposes of hearings, Tico? Even military ones?
3) Can you even consider, even momentarily, that an "innocent", after X years of unjustified imprisonment, might well change in their thinking?
4) Do you realize that as good as they are, our court and penal systems are far from perfect? Walter gave a figure for the number released, was it 38? No matter.
5) Do you propose that everyone caught in the sweep should be held indefinitely?
6) Does this fit your definition of justice? Is it reflective of your vision of America?
7) Do you honestly, honestly I said, think that we're going to fix the overall terrorist problem by maintaining "gulags" {definition: a prison maintained for political purposes}?
1. No.
2. To present evidence and have a judgment rendered. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes. I have no information about that.
5. At the present time, yes.
6. No. No ... it's not ideal, but we are at war.
7. No.