Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 12:53 pm
Shocked Why would I be on a Mac? "Friends don't let Friends do Apple." Wink

Actually, on the Limewire configuration, I've tried the "use UPnP" setting, and I've also had it set to a specific manual port setting, which I've set up in the wireless router for Limewire. Either one still freezes up the router, and this makes me get up and reboot the router. Bloody inconvenient if you ask me. I'll figure it out eventually I'm sure.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 01:03 pm
For those who like limewire,

You'll love Soulseek. www.soulseek.com

0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 08:11 pm
Re: Newsweek Lied, People Died
gungasnake wrote:
From the nation's #2 communist propaganda organ:



...Newsweek apologized yesterday for an inaccurate report on the treatment of detainees that triggered several days of rioting in Afghanistan and other countries in which at least 15 people died....

Try picturing what FDR would have done to these suckers had they pulled such a stunt in 1942.....

ahhh..the venomless bite of the blank shooting reptilus rightwingus...

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 10:15 pm
I used to think the washington post was a serious newspaper too; the difference is I got over it.

Aside from being nonserious of course, they also own NewsWeek and stand to lose lots of money of Newsweek goes under.

Here's hoping NewsWeek goes under and the Wash Post loses lots of money...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 10:29 pm
gungasnake wrote:
I used to think the washington post was a serious newspaper too; the difference is I got over it.

Aside from being nonserious of course, they also own NewsWeek and stand to lose lots of money of [sic] Newsweek goes under.

Here's hoping NewsWeek goes under and the Wash Post loses lots of money...

CAUTION! Thread slippery when gunga's present!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 11:50 pm
JTT wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
I used to think the washington post was a serious newspaper too; the difference is I got over it.

Aside from being nonserious of course, they also own NewsWeek and stand to lose lots of money of [sic] Newsweek goes under.

Here's hoping NewsWeek goes under and the Wash Post loses lots of money...

CAUTION! Thread slippery when gunga's present!

It's very sad when a publication has to pull a basically well-sourced article due to politically-founded financial pressures.
This is not a free press.

"They hate our freedoms" -GWB
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 11:51 pm
Meanwhile, the Pentagon itself joins the ranks of leftist propaganda-peddlers, confirming at least of the Newsweek article. It does doesn't confirm the toilet-flushing detail, but ...

WASHINGTON, June 3 - A military inquiry has found that guards or interrogators at the Guantánamo Bay detention center in Cuba kicked, stepped on and splashed urine on the Koran, in some cases intentionally but in others by accident, the Pentagon said on Friday.

The splashing of urine was among the cases described as inadvertent. It was said to have occurred when a guard urinated near an air vent and the wind blew his urine through the vent into a detainee's cell. The detainee was given a fresh uniform and a new Koran, and the guard was reprimanded and assigned to guard duty that kept him from contact with detainees for the remainder of his time at Guantánamo, according to the military inquiry.

The investigation into allegations that the Koran had been mishandled also found that in one instance detainees' Korans were wet because guards on the night shift had thrown water balloons on the cellblock.

In another case, a two-word obscenity was written in English on the inside cover of a Koran, but investigators could not determine whether a guard or detainee had written it.

Last week, the head of the investigation, Brig. Gen. Jay W. Hood, commander of the Guantánamo Joint Task Force, announced at the Pentagon that his preliminary findings had uncovered five cases in which the Koran was mishandled at the prison, but he refused to provide details.

In releasing those details in a final report on Friday, General Hood emphasized that any abuse of the Koran was unusual and that the military had gone to great lengths to be sensitive to the detainees' religious faiths, including issuing more than 1,600 Korans at the detention center.

"Mishandling a Koran at Guantánamo Bay is a rare occurrence," General Hood said in a statement released by the military's Southern Command. "Mishandling of a Koran here is never condoned."

The investigation was started about three weeks ago after Newsweek magazine published an article asserting that a separate inquiry by the military was expected to find that a Koran had been flushed down a toilet at the detention center. The magazine later retracted the article, but the assertion led to violence in the Muslim world that left at least 17 people dead.

General Hood said last week that there was no credible evidence to substantiate the claim that a Koran had ever been flushed down a toilet at the prison.

The final report released on Friday said that four of the five incidents took place after January 2003, after written procedures governing the handling of the Koran had been put in place. That contradicted an account provided last Thursday by General Hood, who was asked directly whether all five of the incidents had taken place before January 2003, and replied: "Not all of them. One of them occurred since then."

A spokesman for the task force, Capt. Jeffrey Weir, said in a telephone interview that he could not explain General Hood's comments last week. "Maybe he misspoke," Captain Weir said. "I'm not sure why he would have put it that way."

The military released the findings of the investigation about 7:15 p.m., Eastern time, well after the broadcasts of the network television evening news programs. A Pentagon spokesman, Bryan Whitman, denied that the military was trying to bury bad news late on a Friday night, a tactic often used by government agencies. "It was completed and we try not to hold these things after their reviews are completed," Mr. Whitman said in a telephone interview.

Military policy acknowledges that some Muslims consider a non-Muslim touching the Koran as a desecration.

"The Southern Command policy of Koran handling is serious, respectful and appropriate," said Lawrence Di Rita, the Pentagon spokesman, who was traveling with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld at a security conference in Singapore. "The Hood inquiry would appear to affirm that policy."

The report said investigators had examined nine alleged incidents in which the Koran was mishandled, either intentionally or unintentionally, and confirmed five of them. Four involved guards at the detention center; one involved an interrogator.

According to the military's statement on Friday, this is what happened in the five confirmed incidents of Koran abuse.

In February 2002, a detainee complained during an interrogation that guards at Camp X-Ray had kicked the Koran of a detainee in a neighboring cell four or five days earlier, the inquiry's report said. The interrogator reported the complaint on Feb. 27, and confirmed that the guards were aware of the complaint.

The report said there was no evidence of any investigation into the incident, and investigators did not say why they believed it was credible or who might have been responsible.

On July 25, 2003, a contract interrogator apologized to a detainee for stepping on the detainee's Koran in an earlier interrogation. The detainee accepted the apology and agreed to tell other detainees and ask them to stop disruptive behavior caused by the incident.

The interrogator was later fired for "a pattern of unacceptable behavior, an inability to follow direct guidance and poor leadership," the military statement said.

On Aug. 15, 2003, two detainees complained to one set of guards that their Korans were wet because guards on the night shift had tossed water balloons on the cellblock. The complaints were recorded in the cellblock's log, but there was no indication that the incident was ever investigated. Investigators described the guards' conduct as "clearly inappropriate" but said it did not cause any disturbance among detainees.

Less than a week later, on Aug. 21, a detainee who spoke conversational English complained that someone had written a two-word obscenity in English in his English-version Koran. The complaint was recorded in an electronic log. "It is possible," the military's statement said, "that a guard committed this act; it is equally possible that the detainee wrote in his own Koran."

On March 25, 2005, a detainee complained to the guards that urine had come through an air vent in his cellblock, and splashed him and his Koran as he lay near the vent. A guard who had left his observation post to urinate outside acknowledged that he was to blame. He had urinated near the vent, and the wind blew it into the vent, from which it splashed into the cell.

The senior guard on duty immediately relieved the guard, and ordered that the detainee receive a fresh uniform and a new Koran. The guard was reprimanded and assigned to duty where he had no contact with detainees for the remainder of his assignment at the detention center.

General Hood's report found 10 other alleged incidents, 7 involving guards and 3 involving interrogators, where the military personnel accidentally touched the Koran, touched a Koran within the scope of their regular duties or did not touch the Koran at all.

The inquiry concluded that none of these events involved mishandling of the Koran, but that some were clearly alarming to detainees, including a case in late 2002 in which an unidentified marine, during an interrogation, was said to have squatted down in front of a detainee "in an aggressive manner."

In the process, the report said, the marine "unintentionally squatted down over the detainee's Koran," and "this provoked a visible reaction from the detainee."

The report also found 15 incidents in which detainees had mishandled the Koran.

The military's statement said the investigation had examined 31,000 documents, both on paper and electronically; classified and unclassified computer drives used by task force personnel; and legal documents and news articles for any mention of possible abuses of the Koran.

General Hood concluded that the current policy regarding the handling of the Koran was appropriate, but the military statement said that some additional minor changes, which it did not describe, were under review.

In other words, Newsweek got some thingswrong, but the claim expressed in the title of this thread is now contradicted by the Pentagon itself. If Newsweek had gotten the details right and reported what the Pentagon has now confirmed, it's a good bet people would have rioted and killed in Afghanistan anyway.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 11:53 pm
JTT wrote:

This is good. Thanks JTT
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 12:07 am
McTag wrote:
JTT wrote:

This is good. Thanks JTT

Despite Tico's and Whooda's protestations to the contrary, I aim to please, Mr McTag. :wink:

I actually had to go back and see what you were thanking me for. I've a grand memory, but 'tis a wee bit short, it is. Confused
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 08:00 am
Did you see the latest Pentagon report on Guantanamo, which said in part, and I paraphrase a bit but not much,

"The guard decided to urinate outside the cell but was standing near an air vent and unfortunately there was a fan blowing and drops of the urine was blown into the vent and unfortunately fell on the prisoner and the Koran. We are really sorry"

Good job he wasn't doing anything deliberately. That could have been misconstrued if the information had fallen into enemy hands, or been reported in the press.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 09:32 am
I wonder if there will be a retraction for this? Or an apology? Major media coverage of the correction? Slamming of the administration for relying on a single anonymous source?

Reports of terrorists meeting in Syria were flawed, U.S. officials say


Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - (KRT) - U.S. intelligence has no evidence that terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi visited Syria in recent months to plan bombings in Iraq, and experts don't believe the widely publicized meeting ever happened, according to U.S. officials.

Two weeks ago, a top U.S. military official in Baghdad, Iraq, told reporters that Zarqawi had traveled to Syria in April and met with leaders of the Iraqi insurgency to plan the recent wave of bombings against American troops and the Iraqi government. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

In the following days, top Bush administration and Iraqi officials increased their threats against Syria.

The reassessment comes amid a debate within the U.S. intelligence community over how to fight the insurgency and over Syria's role in it, the officials said.

Some analysts argue that, while Damascus has been unhelpful in stopping terrorists crossing its border, its importance is being exaggerated and that the key to defeating the insurgency is in Iraq, not in Syria or Iran.

Three officials who said that the reports of Zarqawi's travels were apparently bogus spoke on condition of anonymity because intelligence matters are classified and because discussing the mistaken report could embarrass the White House and trigger retaliation against them.

The allegation by the U.S. military official in Baghdad that Zarqawi and his lieutenants met in Syria suggests that, despite the controversy over the Bush administration's use of flimsy and bogus intelligence to make its case for war in Iraq, some officials are still quick to embrace dubious intelligence when it supports the administration's case - this time against Damascus.

One of the U.S. officials said the initial report was based on a single human source, who has since changed his story significantly. Another official said the source and his information were quickly dismissed as unreliable by intelligence officials but caught the attention of some political appointees.

These officials and two others said the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies were mystified by the reports of Zarqawi's visit because they had no such information.

Read the rest HERE
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 12:33 pm
gungasnake wrote:
I used to think the washington post was a serious newspaper too; the difference is I got over it.

Aside from being nonserious of course, they also own NewsWeek and stand to lose lots of money of Newsweek goes under.

Here's hoping NewsWeek goes under and the Wash Post loses lots of money...

so gunga, what think you of the front page pix of saddam in his underoos on the front of murdoch's new york post and the sun in england ?

haven't heard newscorp making any appologies or retractions for an action that got people all stirred up, including the whitehouse.

how come we just don't seem to hear much comment about it so soon ? but the newsweek thing just won't die.

do you think that it's because of murdoch's involvement ?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 01:52 pm
squinney wrote:
I wonder if there will be a retraction for this? Or an apology? Major media coverage of the correction? Slamming of the administration for relying on a single anonymous source?

Of course there will! If I gave you any other response, I would be slandering my Republican friends as applying double standards when in fact they would never do such a thing!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2005 09:06 pm
So, it is not a lie?
See here

And here
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 12:38 am
The worst of the right have already determined their strategy.


a. it never happened, and HOW DARE YOU BLACKEN THE NAME OF EVERY DECENT AMERICAN ON THE PLANET BY SUGGESTING IT DID - you must be aTERRORIST SYMPATHIZER- how long have you and saddam been in bed together - and on they drearily drone.

When it is proven - but ONLY according to the US military or government, the tack is:

b. It doesn't matter

Plan c - often used with a and b is -


Pardon my ire - I am watching my own government and the racists in it ducking and weaving re Australia's goddamn gulag....

Oh - I forgot plan d - we are moving on, that was in the past - point to something that isn't ancient history, you know, less than five minutes ago.

The very worst of the worst of the right snicker - and say, just try to stop us - Macht machts Recht.

And - the universal imperative - NEVER admit - NEVER apologise.

The non-existent WMD would have provoked that, if it were ever to happen.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 01:03 am
dlowan wrote:
The worst of the right have already determined their strategy.

Then there are those of us who have only been requesting Newsweek get its facts straight before it prints inaccurate stories. The Newsweek blurb was inaccurate on many levels. That fact hasn't changed.

Now, given that it never crossed my mind that there was a chance there was no mishandling of the Gitmo Korans, it isn't surprising to hear of the specific instances that have been identified. It also isn't surprising to see the media jump all over this story in their intense desire to embarass the Bush Administration, and as an added bonus, cast the United States in a bad light.

What I believe those of us on the right are asking for -- at least I am -- is a little perspective from the anti-war leftists. Terrorists cut off heads of innocent people, fly airliners into skyscrapers, detonate car and truck bombs next to buildings, and blow themselves up in crowded coffee houses. So the guards at Gitmo mishandled a few Korans. BFD.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 01:06 am
dlowan wrote:
The worst of the right have already determined their strategy.


a. it never happened, and HOW DARE YOU BLACKEN THE NAME OF EVERY DECENT AMERICAN ON THE PLANET BY SUGGESTING IT DID - you must be aTERRORIST SYMPATHIZER- how long have you and saddam been in bed together - and on they drearily drone.

When it is proven - but ONLY according to the US military or government, the tack is:

b. It doesn't matter

This posting has been borrowed in its entirety and moved to "The Great Qu'ran Carnival". Arigatou gozaimashita, dlowan sanma. [deep bow]
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 01:07 am
Oh - how interesting Tico - NO chance?

I am inclined to believe you - but I would be interested to see where you said there was no chance the Koran was not mishandled.

Tico - I actually have some perspective - your hysterical worse "ilk" accuse anyone who dares criticise any action of the US as what I have written above.

They do America nothing but harm.

Especially interesting are the christians who say that their invisible friend says that holy books are of no import - while screaming that Islam's invisible friend is wrong to say that they are.

Can you "get" some of the annoyedness that this irrational crap invokes?

I get labelled a bigot for trying to point out that duelling invisible friends are a nonsense.

Aaaaargh - I am sick and pissed off.

Real people are dying for this ****.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 01:07 am
Evidently prison guards can urinate wherever they want on camp. Just like any army establishment. No big deal. Maybe the toilets were blocked that day.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 01:11 am
Do you think it's time for Tom Tomorrow to do an encore, Mr McTag?
0 Replies

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