blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:tico
Question for you this time: have the DoD lied to the Tillman family and to America regarding their son?
From the account I've heard, they seem to think so.
Is it your conception that such a reply gains you anything but disdain?
Is it your conception that I particularly care? You have this irritating propensity to ask questions of people, myself included, which you obviously feel make your point, but frankly do nothing of the kind. I've no idea whether the DoD lied to the Tillman family. I've read the headline, and nothing more. You seem to operate on the assumption that if you read it in the New York Times, or, then it is gospel. And you struggle with the notion that someone else out there might not do the same. That the Tillman family believes they've been lied to appears to be the case, but I'm afraid I have no information beyond that to give you. Perhaps you'd like to actually state your point, rather than ask the indirect question as you did, if you feel my response to be less than satisfactory.
Quote:You continue to prove yourself an ideological hack, tico, afraid to speak truthfully or to apply your own values consistently whether those values are religious or legal.
I'd be real interested if you would please point out where you think I've been less than truthful or consistent in any of my postings or either my religious or legal values.
Quote:You have become exactly as interesting to talk to as any wooden-headed puppet.
You are equally as riveting, I'm sure.