@Harry Blake,
Harry Blake wrote:Yes, Ecclesiastes says when you're dead you're dead, but that's in the OLD Testament when they didn't know any better.
If God wanted us to stick with the Old T, he wouldn't have sent Jesus to give us the NEW T..
Jesus said:-
"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life" (Matt 25:46)
The "Old T"?
So, as far as you are concerned, Adam and Eve could not have existed?
Or, Jesus was having mental lapses when he quoted from the "Old T"?
For that matter, why would Paul quote from the "Old T"? Especially when he was inspired to say at 2 Timothy 3:16 " . . . all scripture is inspired of God . . .?
Or perhaps, you are saying God himself "didn't know any better" when he inspired Solomon to write?
You suffer from an affliction common to many nominal christians: the inability to connect natural Israel with spiritual Israel. The Hebrew and Greek (Aramaic) writings are linked.
Also, you must know that there are many "testaments" contained in the Hebrew texts. Only one of them has been made obsolete by Jesus' sacrifice.
So, you do realized that the soul is mortal . . . . Or, do you?
Harry Blake wrote:When Jesus returns, the dead get a wake-up call-
Jesus said- “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” (Mark 5:39)