Luck doesn't come into it, we make sure the police and fire brigade are adequately funded. And we're not so ignorant to assume that what is true for us is true for everyone else.
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Mon 4 Dec, 2017 03:00 pm
@extra medium,
Hades and Hell were often mis-translated by the early scribes. Jesus descent into Hades during his 3 day's in the tomb was to preach the Gospel. He took a "train" of them with him to heaven at his ascent; probably got them all. Hell is Gehenna; the "Lake of fire" no one is there. At the Great White Throne Judgement those that are thrown body and soul into Gehenna are destroyed instantly and forever. It has been suggested that during the Millennium rule of Christ it may be possible for the saved to get permission to enter Hades on a rescue mission of lost relatives. In short, try and talk some sense into their heads before the Great White Throne Judgement.