What are you willing to do to ensure that Trump will not be reelected.
If the choice is between "pushing your political agenda" or defeating Trump... what do you choose?
You are exaggerating of course (although I did enjoy the chuckle). I am not asking you to cower in the corner or to make sandwiches with your legs spread (although I did enjoy the image).
What I am asking is that you..
1) Understand that the Democratic party needs to reach out to White middle class voters (half of them male).
2) Understand that if Democrats insult or disrespect these voters, they will not vote for the Democrats.
3) Understand that if this election is about policy, the Democrats have an advantage. If this election is about mudslinging, Trump has the advantage.
3) Stifle (yes I said stifle) your ideas that the average White middle class voter will find upsetting... especially when they don't matter to policy. Your ideas about how evil men want to take away your rights are not a good idea for a political campaign.
Anyone you think is ignorant, sexist or evil isn't likely to support your candidate. The Democrats are going to have to earn votes of people who don't think like you think, and they are going to have to respect people who disagree with them on some issues.
What are you willing to do to ensure that Trump loses in 2020? As it stands now, you are helping him by writing his campaign ads.