Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 16 Nov, 2005 05:29 am
??????? wrote:
muslim1 wrote:
Why does Christianity prevent priests from their natural desires (marriage, having children), doesn't this go against the nature that God created in people? And also, why does Christianity prevent priests from marrying and having sons (because it maybe goes against their purity) and then attributes sons to God (who is the Most Pure and is far from any imperfection)?

Can you please who me where in the scriptures it says this?

Take Care for now and God Bless!

Not entirely sure, but according to this, Priests mustn't shave.

Priests must not shave their heads or shave off the edges of their beards or cut their bodies - Leviticus 21:5.

The same chapter states that Priests can only marry virgins in order to stay pure (possibly the Catholic stance is, better not to marry so to be on the safe side) and that Priests may not enter place where there is a dead body. Doesn't that, however, make church graveyards and doing funeral rites impossible?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Nov, 2005 05:34 pm
Hello Sir!

Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Not entirely sure, but according to this, Priests mustn't shave.

Priests must not shave their heads or shave off the edges of their beards or cut their bodies - Leviticus 21:5.

The same chapter states that Priests can only marry virgins in order to stay pure (possibly the Catholic stance is, better not to marry so to be on the safe side) and that Priests may not enter place where there is a dead body. Doesn't that, however, make church graveyards and doing funeral rites impossible?

I would like to begin by saying that no Christian is obliged or commanded to follow the Levitical Laws of the Old Testament, secondly the Levitical Laws were specifically for the Jews and the above passage refers specifcally to Jewish High priests and not Christians. Furthermore, Christians are under the covenant of Grace, not the Law. There are over 600 laws found in the Old Testament and , the scriptures state:

I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. (Galatians 2:21; 5:4)

The apostle Paul was pointing out that one would deny the grace of God by accepting Christ's atonement and then viewing His atonement as having little value, reverting back to the law in order to secure salvation. If so-called Chrisitians rely on legalism to secure divine favor, then they demonstrate that they never really knew Gods Grace to begin with. The Levitical laws were external rituals symbolizing acceptance f the Law. This means that one is depending on legal works rather than Gods grace as the means of salvation. Any religion which teaches that we can work our way to Heaven is teaching salvation by works, and if anyone believes that they are justified by their own merits or that by keeping the commandments or doing good deeds can earn Heaven are "Self Righteous". If we can earn our way to Heaven by being "good enough", or doing good deeds then we can boast to God on the day of Judgment and say "I have earned my way to Heaven". Not only does that sound self-righteous and arrogant, but whoever believes this does not understand that we are not justified by works of the Law or how good of a life we live, but by the precious blood of Christ, the Son of God and realizing that we are never good enough in the sight of God.

God Bless!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 10:56 am
Thank you ??????? for your response and remarks,

??????? wrote:
Thats a complete fallacy, and neither you nor anyone can question what I know to be the absolute truth. Furthermore I don't force my belief upon others, as an evangelist, one of the biggest mistakes is forcing your beliefs upon others. I obey what the scriptures instruct me to, and not what man tells me what I should do. Here are examples of when to cease from conversing with those who cross the line. Not only does the bible condemn debate, but that Jesus said:

John 15:20 - Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

Jesus also said:

Matthew 10:14 - And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

It is not about forcing your belief on the others, but rather to try your best to save the others from God's punishment. You said that as a Christian, you love your enemies: If you choose a moment to stop calling others (who "cross the line") wouldn't this mean letting them face punishment and Hellfire? isn't this incompatible with your love for them?
In Islam, since only God knows the moment from which there is no hope to guide a person, we have to spend our whole life in trying to save people from Hell, not by forcing Islam on them, but by presenting the truth of Islam to them as best as possible.
And who knows? maybe we will be the cause of guidance of a person and then have a tremendous reward in the Hereafter from your (and my) Creator.

??????? wrote:
if a person fails to love one person who is their enemy, this doesn't make them an apostate

So what other sins (besides not loving Muslims) make you describe America as "an apostate Nation and an example of what false Christianity is founded on"?

??????? wrote:
So basically in context, according to you, Allah is saying not to take Jews and Christians as a godlike person, since our Guardian and Protector is God!

Notice that I also wrote "We also rely and collaborate with those who share our belief, namely Muslims". The comparison could be done between a Muslim A relying on his/her brothers and sisters (Muslims), and a Muslim B relying on Jews and Christian. A is obeying God while B is not. A takes his/her Creator as a Guardian when he/she obeys Him, B can't pretend taking God as a Protector because B relies on Jews and Christians who reject the last and final Messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

??????? wrote:
That sounds contextually incorrect, why would Allah compare Himself to human beings?

In Islam, it is clear that Allah (God) is incomparable to anything besides Him: "there is nothing whatever like unto Him"[Glorious Qur'an 42:11]

??????? wrote:
Don't be so sure about this, Quran from God???

1) I am absolutely sure and have no doubt about it,
2) Regarding the link you provided:
a) The issue of "abrogation" (Naskh) has already been discussed in this forum. If you are interested in knowing why there is Naskh in the Noble Qur'an, then please tell me so that I give a detailed answer (especially on "the prohibition of alcohol" and "the challenge to produce similar verses").
b) Satan can't be the author of some verses of the Noble Qur'an for two reasons:
- No one is cursed in the Glorious Qur'an more than Satan.
- The Holy Qur'an is a far superior Arabic literature containing superior knowledge that no creature can author. God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, is the only One Who can reveal such extraordinary book.

??????? wrote:
Fine with me, I have absolutely no doubt that Christ (The word of God) created you and thus is your Creator. We can go back and forth and this, however this would be "debate" rather than a civil discussion.

I think we've had a fruitful discussion so far. I try my best to write logical and convincing but firm posts. It is my duty to use the brain and heart that your Creator (Allah) gave me, to present my religion to you.

??????? wrote:
Once again, you are being ridiculous (perhaps not intentional). When I meant imperfection, nearly all the muslims and even Christians would agree that I was referring to sin and a fallen nature.

1) I did not appreciate the use of the expression "nearly all the muslims...would agree that I was referring to sin". Do you really know how my brothers/sisters (Muslims) think?
2) If you follow the chain of our discussion, you will notice that my original statement (in page 41 of this thread) was "this inimaginably beautiful and complex universe is created and run by a God Who is so Perfect, and would not have a human, imperfect state". It is not the question of sin or fallen nature here, I rather refer to God being Perfect (in His Power, in His Ability, in His Majesty...) and I said that the human state is an imperfect one, because humans are weak (compared to God), needy (while God does not need anyone)...
So in other words, why would God have to appear in a human, imperfect state?

??????? wrote:
No offense, but that seems like a cop out. That would also mean that it wouldn't be necessary for me to study the Quran, since the bible tells me that "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue" (2 Peter 1:3), which means that the Bible alone is sufficient, not mormonisms extra-biblical teachings or the Quran. Your only argument would have to be that the Quran is the only truth, however that is feeble since anyone who stands firm in their belief can say the same in regards to their faith.

But, while in Holy Qur'an is described the belief of the Christians in detail, in the Bible there is no reference to the specific belief of Muslims. I think it is important to know about Islam (just out of curiosity) because it a religion that plays a major role in today's world. One may wonder, what makes people revert to Islam despite the extraordinarily distorted image of it in the media?

??????? wrote:
OK! I'll bear with you a little longer....BTW, I believe that the Bible is the absolute truth and stands above the Quran, do you believe that I must try convining you to the end? and do you believe that even if I tried that you will change your belief? and if not, then why bother? Do you see my point now?

Yes, I perfectly see your point.
On the other hand, even if I fail to convince you that the Holy Qur'an is the truth, I will have achieved two things:
1) I will have done my duty in conveying God's message. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), every Muslim is responsible, depending on his/her position, to convey God's message as best as possible.
2) God prepared a big reward in the Hereafter for those who call others to Islam even if they don't succeed.

??????? wrote:
human beings are responsible for translating both the Quran and the Bible, and no human is infallible.

I agree with you. But, what I am talking about is the Arabic text (which is still present today). As you know, the Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom."[Glorious Qur'an 12:2]

??????? wrote:
Quoting and singling out a passage from the Quran doesn't validate is authenticity, because it says so? and because the person who says this describes Himself as God?

??????? wrote:
your only argument is the "possiblity" of manuscriptural or copyists errors, which the Quran is also subject to

As I said before, you can refer to my discussions with Steve in this same thread (on pages 26 and 28 for example) on the integrity of Holy Qur'an Manuscript.

??????? wrote:
I would like to begin by saying that no Christian is obliged or commanded to follow the Levitical Laws of the Old Testament, secondly the Levitical Laws were specifically for the Jews and the above passage refers specifcally to Jewish High priests and not Christians. Furthermore, Christians are under the covenant of Grace, not the Law. There are over 600 laws found in the Old Testament

Does it mean that priests are not obliged "not to marry and therefore have son"? If it is the case, why do they choose "not to marry and therefore have son"?
In Islam, this unnatural practice is forbidden: "We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him (Jesus) Compassion and Mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them"[Glorious Qur'an 57:27]

I look forward to continuing our interesting discussion.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 10:58 am

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
But, Jesus (peace be upon him) is not God nor the son of God.

where did that come from, you or the Koran?

From the Noble Qur'an:

1) Jesus (peace be upon him) is not God:
- "Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" [Glorious Qur'an 5:75]
- Verses with the meaning "There is no god but Allah" are mentioned in no less than 27 places in the Holy Qur'an.

2) Jesus (peace be upon him) is not the son of God:
- ""Say: "Praise be to Allah, who begets no son, and has no partner in (His) dominion"[Glorious Qur'an 17:111]
- "It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is. "[Glorious Qur'an 19:35]
- "For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son. "[Glorious Qur'an 19:92]
- "No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him"[Glorious Qur'an 23:91]
Further, that He may warn those (also) who say, "(Allah) hath begotten a son":
No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying what they say is nothing but falsehood!
[Glorious Qur'an 18:4-5]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 11:15 am
Momma Angel,

Thank you for your remarks and questions.
Momma Angel wrote:
Muslim1, I do not believe in your religion I am sure you know. But, I am willing to try to understand it more than I do now.

Thank you for asking about my religion. It is my honor and my duty to tell you as much as I can. In fact, it is a reality that today, Islam is a major player in the international scene. It is always important to try to know why a great deal of people are reverting to Islam in spite of the image it has in the media.

Momma Angel wrote:
1. Please explain the crusades to me, then. This was Islam and Christianity at war.

I will not enter in the the details of the crusades, it would require an entire thread. Crusades confronted Christians with Muslims throughout centuries, millions (especially innocent Muslims) died as a result. Here is an example:
When Muslims arrived in Andalusia, they found medieval people with no civilization at all. Islam transformed Spain into the most cultured and industrious land of all Europe, and remained so for centuries. But, once the Muslims in Andalusia had divided, the armies of the Church gained a foothold in the country, aided by the some Christians living within the Muslim domains, who had grown in numbers and flourished under the tolerant Muslim rule. Commencing with the Burgundian Crusades of 1017, the precursors of the more notorious crusades to the east, the Christians began to make significant inroads into the Iberian peninsula. The taking of Barbastro in 1064, in which thousands of Muslims were slaughtered. The Christian Inquisition in Spain left hundreds of thousands of Muslim Martyrs.

Momma Angel wrote:
2. Please explain to me why I heard with my own two ears, a devout Muslim say, "Allah commands us to kill the infidels of Los Angels, and Sydney, Australia. Allah commands us to slit the throats of the infidels."

As I wrote in a previous post, there is no proof in the Noble Qur'an nor in the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) that we should kill all non-muslims. Yes, on the battlefield, in a war, in an occupation, Muslims are ordered to kill the infidel enemies. If those non-muslims in Los Angels, and Sydney do not attack Islam, do not help the invaders then we have to treat them nicely: "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just."[Glorious Qur'an 60:9]

Momma Angel wrote:
3. Why do you deny that Jesus Christ is and was the Son of God? Can you give me reference for this belief?

This is your belief and I fully respect it. However, do you think that God (Allah in Arabic), who has the most perfect and exalted of attributes and has no partners ruling the heavens and the earth, would have a son?
God is so far above Mankind that it is a bit of an insult to His Majesty to say he has a son.
As for the Quranic references on God not having a son and why, you can refer to my above response to Steve.

Momma Angel wrote:
Muhammed was not a true prophet. True prophets do not marry six year old girls and have sex with them when they are nine years old.

For details on the marriage of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon) with Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) and the wisdom behind it, you can read the following article:

Marriage of Aishah (May God be pleased with her)

I welcome any other questions on Islam.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 11:55 am
There is no wisdom whatsoever in a grown man marrying and raping a child. None. You, nor anyone else can justify it as such. In the US, we call that rape, paeodophilia, and put people in jail for it.

Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the Son of the Living God. He died on the cross to save the entire world from its sins. You don't believe it. You obviously don't want to believe it. Shall I then seek you out and sit you down and talk to you until you do? No. You are offered the truth. If you do not accept the truth, then that is on you. I plant the seed, you allow the seed to take root, and the Lord makes it grow.

And that Muslim that was telling me and others about killing infidels seemed to be quoting the Qu'ran in almost every other sentence.

I won't be asking you anymore questions. I do appreciate you answering what you have. But, I have learned enough to know that Allah is not God. He may be your god, but he is not the one true God.

My prayers are with you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 12:21 pm
Muslim 1, Thank you for posting the interesting link regarding the marriage of Muhammad and Aishah. The information in the article is consistent with the information I recently read regarding the age of Mary at the time of Jesus' birth.

If Mary was an unmarried virgin then she must have been younger than 12 when she gave birth. Otherwise she would have been married. It is reasonable that she was betrothed to Joseph, whose age has traditionally been assumed to be older, or even married to him but their relationship was not consummated because she had not yet reached puberty.

The transcript of this presentation discusses current thoughts on the birth story and includes biblical scholars, and liberal, moderate, and conservative evangelical theologians.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 04:09 pm
Welcome back muslim1!

muslim1 wrote:
Thank you ??????? for your response and remarks,

Likewise muslim1!

muslim1 wrote:
It is not about forcing your belief on the others, but rather to try your best to save the others from God's punishment. You said that as a Christian, you love your enemies: If you choose a moment to stop calling others (who "cross the line") wouldn't this mean letting them face punishment and Hellfire? isn't this incompatible with your love for them?
In Islam, since only God knows the moment from which there is no hope to guide a person, we have to spend our whole life in trying to save people from Hell, not by forcing Islam on them, but by presenting the truth of Islam to them as best as possible.
And who knows? maybe we will be the cause of guidance of a person and then have a tremendous reward in the Hereafter from your (and my) Creator.

Hmmm....actually you missed my point, do you believe that I can convince you that Jesus is both the Son of God and the Saviour of the World? And if not, since you by your very words stated that it is not possible, should I continue? and If I don't does this mean that I failed to love you? And if I continue in attempting to open your heart and your mind til the very end, I would be at the same time neglecting thousands of others who are willing to hear the precious message of the Gospel while wasting my time discussing the truth with someone who has hardened their heart to it. Which would true love? Genuine loves action would be to leave you to your free-will and seek to bring thousands of souls to salvation through evnagelism (those who are willing to listen with an open heart). If you still don't see my point, then there is no point discussing this issue with you, siince discernment can point to factors on whether parties are willing to accept it.

muslim1 wrote:
So what other sins (besides not loving Muslims) make you describe America as "an apostate Nation and an example of what false Christianity is founded on"?

I'm not going to put America under the microscope any longer, you as well as I understand the definition of "sin", and since you live on "EARTH", your eyes and ears would have been cognizant of them.

muslim1 wrote:
Notice that I also wrote "We also rely and collaborate with those who share our belief, namely Muslims". The comparison could be done between a Muslim A relying on his/her brothers and sisters (Muslims), and a Muslim B relying on Jews and Christian. A is obeying God while B is not. A takes his/her Creator as a Guardian when he/she obeys Him, B can't pretend taking God as a Protector because B relies on Jews and Christians who reject the last and final Messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Yeah! Although your semantics are somewhat difficult to understand, I think I see your point. Does this however give "some" muslims the right to "kill" Christians since they don't share their belief? Do you know how many Christians were martyred (beheaded) by muslims over the past few years alone? Does this demonstrate the love of God? and does this convince Christians the Islam is the truth? Jesus pointed to the fulfillment of these events in the scriptures, I will point to them as the bible is not only a book of Prophecy but of warning:

John 16:2,3 - They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.[/b] And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.[/b]

muslim1 wrote:
In Islam, it is clear that Allah (God) is incomparable to anything besides Him: "there is nothing whatever like unto Him"[Glorious Qur'an 42:11]

Yeah, the bible says the same to, however I don't believe that the God of the bible is the God of the Quran. But you are entitled to your belief.

muslim1 wrote:
1) I am absolutely sure and have no doubt about it,
2) Regarding the link you provided:
a) The issue of "abrogation" (Naskh) has already been discussed in this forum. If you are interested in knowing why there is Naskh in the Noble Qur'an, then please tell me so that I give a detailed answer (especially on "the prohibition of alcohol" and "the challenge to produce similar verses").
b) Satan can't be the author of some verses of the Noble Qur'an for two reasons:
- No one is cursed in the Glorious Qur'an more than Satan.
- The Holy Qur'an is a far superior Arabic literature containing superior knowledge that no creature can author. God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, is the only One Who can reveal such extraordinary book.

Have you ever studied Criminology? And do you know that the Devil is the "Father of all lies". Just because the Quran calls satan "the most cursed" doesn't mean that satan himself threw that verse in to throw the readers off guard. If satan himself wrote that, then apparently it would seem that he wouldn't call himself the most cursed, correct? That is the perfect example of deception, do you also know that satan used this same method on Eve in the Garden of Eden? Example: [A.] Satan is indeed the most cursed (truth), Satan can also be responsible for integrating that passage into the quran and claimed it was from (GOD)(false). [B.] Satan told Eve that eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , her eyes shall be opened, and she shall know good and evil (truth). Satan also told Eve that in the day she eat of the tree, she shall not surely die "spiritual death" (false). Truth mingled with falsehood equals deception! This is why Jesus sends the"Spirit of Truth" to indwell all believers and to lead them away from deception and into absolute truth which will set us free.

muslim1 wrote:
I think we've had a fruitful discussion so far. I try my best to write logical and convincing but firm posts. It is my duty to use the brain and heart that your Creator (Allah) gave me, to present my religion to you.

Thats fine, I respect that!

muslim1 wrote:
1) I did not appreciate the use of the expression "nearly all the muslims...would agree that I was referring to sin". Do you really know how my brothers/sisters (Muslims) think?
2) If you follow the chain of our discussion, you will notice that my original statement (in page 41 of this thread) was "this inimaginably beautiful and complex universe is created and run by a God Who is so Perfect, and would not have a human, imperfect state". It is not the question of sin or fallen nature here, I rather refer to God being Perfect (in His Power, in His Ability, in His Majesty...) and I said that the human state is an imperfect one, because humans are weak (compared to God), needy (while God does not need anyone)...
So in other words, why would God have to appear in a human, imperfect state?

Why would God have to appear in human form since He is perfect? OR Why would God need you or me to speak on behalf of Him since He is all-powerful and perfect? OR why couldn't God just reconcile man altogether and grant them all access to paradise since He is all-powerful? It appears you don't understand the beauty of perfect submission, and how humility is exalted in the end. The Son of God incranated Himself and left His heavenly abode to stoop down to human flesh and to reconcile man to God out of His infathomable love and honor towards His Father and the world, and you consider this imperfection? The Son of God voluntarily submitted to the will of His Father in Heaven, and became both intercessor and mediator between God and Man. God cannot be in the presence of Sin since He is absolutely Holy, so sending His Son in the likeness of human beings is the only way to reconcile man to God, or does this sound too complex for you to understand? This is not imperfection, it is Gods will and how He operates.

muslim1 wrote:
But, while in Holy Qur'an is described the belief of the Christians in detail, in the Bible there is no reference to the specific belief of Muslims. I think it is important to know about Islam (just out of curiosity) because it a religion that plays a major role in today's world. One may wonder, what makes people revert to Islam despite the extraordinarily distorted image of it in the media?

Is the word "bible" found in the bible? Any Christian who follows the word of God can see that this passage among many others refer to the Quran and all other religions which deny Christ as the Son of God and His atoning sacrifice for the Sins of the World:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (John 14:6; Galatians 1:8)

So why do people revert to Islam despite the distorted view brought upon by the Media? Does the media lie when it shows graphic footages of muslims decaptitating Christians? and do you know the influential power of deception? As I stated before that the scriptures teach of a great apostasy before the return of Christ to establish His 1,000 year reign on earth, this is due to deception and disregard for the truth found in scriptures.

muslim1 wrote:
Yes, I perfectly see your point.
On the other hand, even if I fail to convince you that the Holy Qur'an is the truth, I will have achieved two things:
1) I will have done my duty in conveying God's message. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), every Muslim is responsible, depending on his/her position, to convey God's message as best as possible.
2) God prepared a big reward in the Hereafter for those who call others to Islam even if they don't succeed.

If you go back to my first response, you will see that although I choose to discontinue convincing others who are adamant in their belief, I will in fact bring in a harvest of many who decide to submit to the truth and accept the Gospel and the sacrifice of Gods only Son as the only way of Salvation, as opposed to one person who will more than likely never accept the Gospel. The scriptures teaches long-suffering and bearing with one another, however there is no point in continuing when every point of truth is considered untrue to others.

muslim1 wrote:
I agree with you. But, what I am talking about is the Arabic text (which is still present today). As you know, the Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom."[Glorious Qur'an 12:2]

...Arabic or non-arabic, this doesn't change the fact that no human is infallible in translating texts. What is funny is that my last name is only 2 letters and it is misspelled 75% of the time, especially by those who either speak english in the correct grammar or by english teachers themselves back in my ancient days. So your response doesn't validate the authenticity of the Quran at all.

muslim1 wrote:
As I said before, you can refer to my discussions with Steve in this same thread (on pages 26 and 28 for example) on the integrity of Holy Qur'an Manuscript.

Once again, this doesn't deny the fallibility of human beings who are subject to error.

muslim1 wrote:
Does it mean that priests are not obliged "not to marry and therefore have son"? If it is the case, why do they choose "not to marry and therefore have son"?
In Islam, this unnatural practice is forbidden: "We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him (Jesus) Compassion and Mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them"[Glorious Qur'an 57:27]

Thats not your original question, your original question was:

muslim1 wrote:
Why does Christianity prevent priests from their natural desires (marriage, having children), .....

That is not what Christianity teaches, Christianity teaches that we are not under the bondage of the Law such as the levitical law. "Galatians 5:1 - Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

Please read my second half of my response to Wolf.

Take Care for now and God Bless!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2005 04:40 pm

Amen! Amen! Amen! Well said.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2005 09:21 pm
Thank you ??????? for your response,

??????? wrote:
do you believe that I can convince you that Jesus is both the Son of God and the Saviour of the World? And if not, since you by your very words stated that it is not possible, should I continue? and If I don't does this mean that I failed to love you? And if I continue in attempting to open your heart and your mind til the very end, I would be at the same time neglecting thousands of others who are willing to hear the precious message of the Gospel while wasting my time discussing the truth with someone who has hardened their heart to it. Which would true love? Genuine loves action would be to leave you to your free-will and seek to bring thousands of souls to salvation through evnagelism (those who are willing to listen with an open heart). If you still don't see my point, then there is no point discussing this issue with you, siince discernment can point to factors on whether parties are willing to accept it.

On my part, I consider that I am not wasting my time with you, since I am discussing the truth of Islam with an evangelist. God says: "And nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant."[Glorious Qur'an 5:82]
At the same time, I call many others to the truth. In Islam, we consider that God (Allah) only knows which heart is hardened and which is open.

??????? wrote:
Does this however give "some" muslims the right to "kill" Christians since they don't share their belief?

??????? wrote:
Does the media lie when it shows graphic footages of muslims decaptitating Christians?

Would you mind giving specific examples so that I can answer you conveniently?

??????? wrote:
Do you know how many Christians were martyred (beheaded) by muslims over the past few years alone?

What I am absolutely sure of, is that hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims were martyred over the past years, and that tens of thousands of Muslims were captured, jailed and tortured mainly by Christian countries.

??????? wrote:
and does this convince Christians the Islam is the truth?

It is the "sword of intellect" which convinces many Christians Islam is the truth. You said it is a "great apostasy before the coming of Christ", it is your belief and I respect it (although I believe it is not true).
No one is forcing Christians in Europe, North America and elsewhere to revert to Islam. They are coming to Islam by their own will.

??????? wrote:
however I don't believe that the God of the bible is the God of the Quran.

On my part, I will follow the commandment of your Creator (Allah) who orders Muslims, when discussing with Christians or Jews, to say: "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."[Glorious Qur'an 29:46]

??????? wrote:
Have you ever studied Criminology? And do you know that the Devil is the "Father of all lies". Just because the Quran calls satan "the most cursed" doesn't mean that satan himself threw that verse in to throw the readers off guard. If satan himself wrote that, then apparently it would seem that he wouldn't call himself the most cursed, correct? That is the perfect example of deception, do you also know that satan used this same method on Eve in the Garden of Eden? Example: [A.] Satan is indeed the most cursed (truth), Satan can also be responsible for integrating that passage into the quran and claimed it was from (GOD)(false). [B.] Satan told Eve that eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , her eyes shall be opened, and she shall know good and evil (truth). Satan also told Eve that in the day she eat of the tree, she shall not surely die "spiritual death" (false). Truth mingled with falsehood equals deception! This is why Jesus sends the"Spirit of Truth" to indwell all believers and to lead them away from deception and into absolute truth which will set us free.

Some Christians say that the Holy Qur'an is satan's handiwork. In reply to a similar allegation put forward by the pagans of Makkah, the following verses were revealed:
"That this is indeed
A Qur'an most honourable,
In a Book well-guarded,
Which none shall touch
But those who are clean:"

[Glorious Qur'an 56:77-79]
Kitabim Maknoon means a book well guarded or a protected book, referring to Lauh-e-Mahfooz in the heaven, which none shall touch except the Mutahhareen (those who do not have any uncleanliness or impurity or evil like sin). This refers to the angels. Satan is absolutely prohibited.

Now if you say that even this verse is also from satan, then you are giving him more intelligence than he really has. No my friend, compared to Almighty God, Satan is insignificant, and Allah (God) is far more intelligent. He knows satan's evil intentions and hence no wonder that He has given the reader of the Holy Qur'an several proofs to show that it is God's word, and not satan's word.
- Satan can't write the Noble Qur'an, since it is a superior knowledge that no one except God can reveal.
- If satan could do that, he has no interest in writing verses against himself: Even the Bible says:
"And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that
kingdom cannot stand."
"And if a house be divided against itself,
that house cannot stand."
"And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end."
[Mark 3:24-26]

??????? wrote:
Why would God need you or me to speak on behalf of Him since He is all-powerful and perfect

God uplifted human beings and gave them the responsibility to run the world in His way and to call each other to His truth: "We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it"[Glorious Qur'an33:73]
and also: "Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth.""[Glorious Qur'an 2:30]

??????? wrote:
why couldn't God just reconcile man altogether and grant them all access to paradise since He is all-powerful?

Your Creator says: "Do not the Believers know, that, had Allah (so) willed, He could have guided all mankind (to the right)? "[Glorious Qur'an 13:31]

??????? wrote:
It appears you don't understand the beauty of perfect submission

Do you know what Islam means in Arabic? it means "Submission". As a Muslim, by definition, I am in complete and perfect submission to my Lord.

??????? wrote:
God cannot be in the presence of Sin since He is absolutely Holy, so sending His Son in the likeness of human beings is the only way to reconcile man to God

But God the Son is absolutely Holy and cannot be in the presence of sin, how can he then take the likeness of human beings?

??????? wrote:
...Arabic or non-arabic, this doesn't change the fact that no human is infallible in translating texts. What is funny is that my last name is only 2 letters and it is misspelled 75% of the time, especially by those who either speak english in the correct grammar or by english teachers themselves back in my ancient days. So your response doesn't validate the authenticity of the Quran at all.

??????? wrote:
Once again, this doesn't deny the fallibility of human beings who are subject to error.

Whenever the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received a revelation, he would first memorize it himself and later declare the revelation and instruct his Companions (who are the most righteous and honest people after the prophets) who would also memorize it. The Prophet would immediately ask the scribes to write down the revelation he had received, and he would reconfirm and recheck it himself. In this way, the complete Qur'an was written down under the personal supervision of the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The complete Qur'an, along with the correct sequence of the verses, was present during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The verses however, were written on separate pieces, scrapes of leather, thin flat stones, leaflets, palm branches, shoulder blades, etc. After the demise of the prophet, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), the first caliph of Islam and the most righteous of the Companions, ordered that the Qur'an be copied from the various different materials on to a common material and place, which was in the shape of sheets. These were tied with strings so that nothing of the compilation was lost.

The third Caliph of Islam, Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) borrowed the original manuscript of the Qur'an, which was authorized by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), from Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet's wife. Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) ordered four Companions who were among the scribes who wrote the Qur'an when the Prophet dictated it, led by Zaid bin Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him) to rewrite the script in several perfect copies. These were sent by Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) to the main centres of Muslims.

If you want, I can give you detailed links to articles that prove and validate authenticity of the Holy Qur'an.
And since we discuss the matter of authenticity, I have another misconception about the Bible:
God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?
(a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13)
(b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12)

??????? wrote:
If you still don't see my point, then there is no point discussing this issue with you, siince discernment can point to factors on whether parties are willing to accept it.
??????? wrote:
however there is no point in continuing when every point of truth is considered untrue to others.

??????? wrote:
while wasting my time discussing the truth with someone who has hardened their heart to it.

On the contrary of those three statements, I look forward to continuing our discussion.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2005 09:33 pm
Thank you Momma Angel for your remarks,

Momma Angel wrote:
There is no wisdom whatsoever in a grown man marrying and raping a child. None. You, nor anyone else can justify it as such.
Momma Angel wrote:
In the US, we call that rape, paeodophilia, and put people in jail for it.

The US law is a man-made one, not revealed by God. Even your Christian friend ??????? said that the US is "an apostate Nation and an example of what false Christianity is founded on".
All Praise be to God (Allah in Arabic), thousands of people in the US revert to Islam every year, and follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Momma Angel wrote:
Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the Son of the Living God. He died on the cross to save the entire world from its sins.

That is your belief and I respect it. You can refer to my discussions with ??????? to see why Islam does not agree with it.

Momma Angel wrote:
Shall I then seek you out and sit you down and talk to you until you do? No. You are offered the truth. If you do not accept the truth, then that is on you. I plant the seed, you allow the seed to take root, and the Lord makes it grow.

I appreciate your efforts in trying to "guide" me. However, I believe and am absolutely sure that "It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him![Glorious Qur'an 19:35]. I also believe that my Creator and your Creator is One, Unique and Has no partners ruling the Heavens and the Earth.

Momma Angel wrote:
And that Muslim that was telling me and others about killing infidels seemed to be quoting the Qu'ran in almost every other sentence.

Would you mind specifying which verses the brother was referring to? Any case, you can refer to a previous post of mine and that of J_B about the definition of infidels.

Momma Angel wrote:
I won't be asking you anymore questions.

If you change your viewpoint and have any question, problem, remark... about Islam, I would be glad to try my best to answer it for you.

Momma Angel wrote:
But, I have learned enough to know that Allah is not God. He may be your god, but he is not the one true God.

My God is the One who Created the Heavens and the Earth, who made the beautiful Universe, the One who Created Adam and Eve. I worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). I worship your Creator. Allah is the Arabic word for my God. Do you have a different God?

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2005 11:57 pm
Welcome back again muslim1!

muslim1 wrote:
On my part, I consider that I am not wasting my time with you, since I am discussing the truth of Islam with an evangelist. God says: "And nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant."[Glorious Qur'an 5:82]
At the same time, I call many others to the truth. In Islam, we consider that God (Allah) only knows which heart is hardened and which is open.

I'm not sure if your purposely trying to ignore my point in clarity, or just flat out refuse to come to terms with common sense. Or perhaps another reason unbeknownst to me??? Do you actually think you can convince me of turning to the Islamic faith? In all honesty, I wouldn't renounce my faith even if it costed me my life! Is Allah telling you this, because he would agree with me 100% What does the Holy Spirit who is the "Spirit of Truth" tell me? It tells me that I can continue posting for 100 more posts and you will continue to harden your heart to the Christian belief. I have actually missed valuable discussions with men and women who are "willing" to hear the precious message of the Gospel, men and women who are humble enough to admit that they are no better than anyone else and cannot earn their way to heaven, and realize that they are sinners worthy of God's divine recompense. Not self-righteous men and women who declare to God and men that they deserve to enter heaven because they feel as if they lived a good enough life, seems arrogant and what many would call self-righteous, the religious leaders in Jesus' day were guilty of the same, they were blinded to their legalistic pride and their own meritorious deeds. What would God or Jesus consider arrogant? Christians by definition who follow Christ and only Him, so what would make a Christian arrogant according to Jesus? willing to be open minded to other paths which seemingly lead to God. Remember, Jesus said that "Broad is the way to destruction", and many go that way. And "Narrow is the way to Eternal Life", and only a few find it. Think about it....

muslim1 wrote:
Would you mind giving specific examples so that I can answer you conveniently?

Now you may deny that Islam denies that killing non-Muslim civilians and Christians is prohibited in Islam, however not only is there proof that Islam is violent (CAUTION: STRONG VIOLENT CONTENT)http://www.apostatesofislam.com/media/video/stoning_video_100kbps.wmv , but that muslims worldwide are known for killing and persecuting Christians http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills-christians-news.htm

muslim1 wrote:
What I am absolutely sure of, is that hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims were martyred over the past years, and that tens of thousands of Muslims were captured, jailed and tortured mainly by Christian countries.

America is supposedly a Christian nation, so are men and women in America or other Christian nations who jail and torture muslims Christians? I am not referring to whether the country is Christian or Islamic, but those who strongly adhere to their faith and take cruel and unusual actions to those who oppose them.

muslim1 wrote:
It is the "sword of intellect" which convinces many Christians Islam is the truth. You said it is a "great apostasy before the coming of Christ", it is your belief and I respect it (although I believe it is not true).
No one is forcing Christians in Europe, North America and elsewhere to revert to Islam. They are coming to Islam by their own will.

You not believing its true comes as no surprise (no offense), since you hold firmly to your belief. However the scriptures state, the "SPIRIT SPEAKS EXPRESSLY", or explicitly that false professors and false converts will apostasize towards Islam and other religious beliefs, departing from the truth (in the last days). The scriptures doesn't use "sword of intellect", it describes "many" being deceived by "seducing spirits" and "doctrines of demons", "false prophets", angels masquerading as "angels of light", and satans ministers masquerading as "ministers of righteousness".

muslim1 wrote:
On my part, I will follow the commandment of your Creator (Allah) who orders Muslims, when discussing with Christians or Jews, to say: "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."[Glorious Qur'an 29:46]

Allah is not my creator, and I find it somewhat forceful that you constantly call Allah my creator. You may say that Allah simply means God, but the God you worship is not the God I worship. Thats like me calling Jesus your Master and Creator. And once again, that is your belief which you cling to so tightly, you cannot prove that those words from the Quran are in fact from God, I on the other hand can prove that the words of the Bible are from God, seems somewhat arrogant at first, however if you would be willing to experiment then you will "see" for yourself that the way of absolute truth will open the door to your heart. You cannot convince a child that a stove is hot if the child has never seen or felt a stove while it is hot, however when the child touches the stove he/she experiences the sensation of burning heat scalding their skin. Likewise, unless you actually partake and apply the teachings found within scripture, it will remain null and void. EXAMPLE:

Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John 10:7,9)

Have you entered into that door?

muslim1 wrote:
Some Christians say that the Holy Qur'an is satan's handiwork. In reply to a similar allegation put forward by the pagans of Makkah, the following verses were revealed:
"That this is indeed
A Qur'an most honourable,
In a Book well-guarded,
Which none shall touch
But those who are clean:"
[Glorious Qur'an 56:77-79]
Kitabim Maknoon means a book well guarded or a protected book, referring to Lauh-e-Mahfooz in the heaven, which none shall touch except the Mutahhareen (those who do not have any uncleanliness or impurity or evil like sin). This refers to the angels. Satan is absolutely prohibited.

Now if you say that even this verse is also from satan, then you are giving him more intelligence than he really has. No my friend, compared to Almighty God, Satan is insignificant, and Allah (God) is far more intelligent. He knows satan's evil intentions and hence no wonder that He has given the reader of the Holy Qur'an several proofs to show that it is God's word, and not satan's word.
- Satan can't write the Noble Qur'an, since it is a superior knowledge that no one except God can reveal.
- If satan could do that, he has no interest in writing verses against himself: Even the Bible says:
"And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that
kingdom cannot stand."
"And if a house be divided against itself,
that house cannot stand."
"And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end
[Mark 3:24-26]

hmmm.....Why are you quoting the Bible since you question its authenticity? Is satans Kingdom really being divided? Remember how I told you in the past that the devil is the "Father of all lies", and the master of deception. You may feel as if satan would be casting himself out, but if the Quran is a master handiwork of the devil, is he really casting himself out? Do you know how ancient the serpent is? the bible calls him the "serpent of old" and he as been around for ages and has extensive knowledge in worldly affairs, this would include, literature, history, science and others areas of expertise which would increase his deception. So to say that he is incapbale of conjuring up such words in the Quran is underestimating him, it is not giving credit to satan, but rather how many underestimate his deception. BTW, since you quoted from the words of Jesus found in scriptures, do you accept it as truth? and if so, do you also accept the statement that Jesus made when He said that He is the only way to God? And if not, wouldn't this be nitpicking which portions of the bible you consider to be true? Just a thought to ponder on...

God uplifted human beings and gave them the responsibility to run the world in His way and to call each other to His truth: "We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it"[Glorious Qur'an33:73]
and also: "Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth.""[Glorious Qur'an 2:30]

hmmm......but according to you God is ALL-POWERFUL, He doesn't need our help or the help of man, wasn't that your point in your previous post? Why would God need Jesus? to reconcile sinful man unto Himself since He cannot be in the presence of sin.

muslim1 wrote:
Your Creator says: "Do not the Believers know, that, had Allah (so) willed, He could have guided all mankind (to the right)? "[Glorious Qur'an 13:31]

Again, the God of the Quran is not my creator, he is your god and you worship him. I suppose in all fairness it would be appropriate to call Jesus "Your Creator", correct? Furthermore, you missed the point! He could have but chose not to! In the same token it could have been said of Jesus, however with divine purpose is there divine will and reasoning. God reconciling sinful man unto Himself who is absolutely Holy and Just not only shows imbalance in His perfect nature, but eliminates free-will altogether.

muslim1 wrote:
Do you know what Islam means in Arabic? it means "Submission". As a Muslim, by definition, I am in complete and perfect submission to my Lord.

And? submission and perfect submission are not the same. Is fasting and complete fasting the same? If you understood perfect submission and how it is exalted in the end, then perhaps you would have understood why Jesus submitted to His Father, and look past what you call His "Imperfections".

muslim1 wrote:
But God the Son is absolutely Holy and cannot be in the presence of sin, how can he then take the likeness of human beings?

He can be in the presence of sin by taking on Human flesh, thats how!

muslim1 wrote:
Whenever the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received a revelation, he would first memorize it himself and later declare the revelation and instruct his Companions (who are the most righteous and honest people after the prophets) who would also memorize it. The Prophet would immediately ask the scribes to write down the revelation he had received, and he would reconfirm and recheck it himself. In this way, the complete Qur'an was written down under the personal supervision of the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The complete Qur'an, along with the correct sequence of the verses, was present during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The verses however, were written on separate pieces, scrapes of leather, thin flat stones, leaflets, palm branches, shoulder blades, etc. After the demise of the prophet, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), the first caliph of Islam and the most righteous of the Companions, ordered that the Qur'an be copied from the various different materials on to a common material and place, which was in the shape of sheets. These were tied with strings so that nothing of the compilation was lost.

The third Caliph of Islam, Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) borrowed the original manuscript of the Qur'an, which was authorized by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), from Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet's wife. Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) ordered four Companions who were among the scribes who wrote the Qur'an when the Prophet dictated it, led by Zaid bin Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him) to rewrite the script in several perfect copies. These were sent by Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) to the main centres of Muslims.

If you want, I can give you detailed links to articles that prove and validate authenticity of the Holy Qur'an.
And since we discuss the matter of authenticity, I have another misconception about the Bible:
God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?
(a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13)
(b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12)

It doesn't matter how you try and authenticate the validity of the Quran, it all boils down to the fact that the Quran was translated by human beings. Regardless of whether it was tied with strings so that nothing of the compilation was lost does not dismiss the FACT that the orignal copies were written on scrapes of leather, thin flat stones, leaflets, palm branches and what not, leaving room for copyists errors, do you see my point? We can argue forever on whose book is authentic, unless you experience what is written in the scriptures, it won't suffice your argument. OK, now lets see this so-called error you presented. Go to the source which is still available, The original manuscripts read 3 years since 3 years are found in the LXX Septuagint. Now you may argue that the Septuagint may be a copyists error, however the same can be said about the Quran in terms of the original manuscripts. You can look for minute errors dealing with "numbers" in the bible but you are wasting your time. Since the number you mentioned from the bible concerning copyists error has absolutely NOTHING to to with the major theme found throughout the scriptures. That is Jesus Christ is the only way to be reconciled to God, and without our reliance upon Him as our Saviour, we remain dead in our tresspasses and the wages of sin is death. Because of His unfathomable love, God sent His only Son into this fallen world to pay the ultimate penalty for us, and in order for mankind to realize their dependence upon Him, and receive Eternal Life and a personal relationship with Him.

muslim1 wrote:
On the contrary of those three statements, I look forward to continuing our discussion.

Then I suppose there is a probability that I am able to convince you to turn to the Christian faith. :wink:

God Bless!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 11:20 am
Muslim1 Wrote:


1. What does a man remaining faithful to his wife (as he should) while he is married have anything to do with him then marrying a six year old child and raping (yes, I am sorry, but it is rape) that child at the age of nine? A nine year old female has not gone through puberty. A nine year old child is just that, a nine year old child. That is called pedophilia in this country and is punishable by law. And, I highly doubt you will find many that disagree it was rape.

2. Yes, I realize that in Biblical times women married at YOUNGER ages. However, I don't believe that included SIX YEAR OLD CHILDREN. Do you?

3. Women in Arabia reach puberty at an earlier age than woman anywhere else on earth? Can you provide some proof of this?

4. Well, perhaps if she was able to get over the trauma of being raped at the age of nine she would have been able to be a witness to things. But, do you really believe that God would ask a prophet to do such a thing in God's name?

Mulim1 Wrote:

The US law is a man-made one, not revealed by God. Even your Christian friend ??????? said that the US is "an apostate Nation and an example of what false Christianity is founded on".
All Praise be to God (Allah in Arabic), thousands of people in the US revert to Islam every year, and follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Yes, it is a man made law. It was made because the act of pedophelia is wrong! The Bible tells us to follow man's laws unless they are in direct conflict with God's law. This law is not in conflict with God's law. Well, thousands reverting to Islam is a complete mystery to me, Muslim1. Personally, I would never follow anyone that would condone the rape of a child.

Muslim1 Wrote:

appreciate your efforts in trying to "guide" me. However, I believe and am absolutely sure that "It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him![Glorious Qur'an 19:35]. I also believe that my Creator and your Creator is One, Unique and Has no partners ruling the Heavens and the Earth.

Well, perhaps this is where we disagree the most. You think you have the right to decide what is befitting to God or not. I believe God tells us what is befitting to us and not the other way around. He created us. We did not create Him. If we went on the premise that it is man's right to decide what is befitting to God or not, hmmmm, could make excuses for anything then, couldn't we?

Muslim1 Wrote:

Would you mind specifying which verses the brother was referring to? Any case, you can refer to a previous post of mine and that of J_B about the definition of infidels.

I wish I could. But, it was a long speech and I was pretty shocked by it and didn't write any of it down. The point is, he was preaching it and everyone was agreeing with it. Well, all the Muslims anyway.

Muslim1 Wrote:

If you change your viewpoint and have any question, problem, remark... about Islam, I would be glad to try my best to answer it for you.

I appreciate your willingness to answer me. However, at this point, I have to tell you that my motives will be to show you in the Bible where I believe you are wrong and I will let God's word stand without commenatary from me, after this posting.

Muslim1 Wrote:

My God is the One who Created the Heavens and the Earth, who made the beautiful Universe, the One who Created Adam and Eve. I worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). I worship your Creator. Allah is the Arabic word for my God. Do you have a different God?

If this were true, then you would also have included: I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died on the cross to save the world from our sins. That is what the Bible says, so no Muslim1, we do not worship the same God.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 10:41 am
Thank you ??????? for your response,

??????? wrote:
Do you actually think you can convince me of turning to the Islamic faith? In all honesty, I wouldn't renounce my faith even if it costed me my life!

I know many Christians - some who are very knowledgable in Christianity - who renounced their faith when they discovered and studied the truth of Islam.
So don't be so sure! It is God and only God who knows the future...

??????? wrote:
I have actually missed valuable discussions with men and women who are "willing" to hear the precious message of the Gospel

On the other hand, I am discussing Islam with many people who are in quest for the truth. I am very optimistic on the outcome of those discussions as well as the one on this thread.

??????? wrote:
men and women who are humble enough to admit that they are no better than anyone else

Islam teaches us to be humble: "Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster"[Glorious Qur'an 31:18]. At the same time, your Creator teaches to be proud: "So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. "[Glorious Qur'an 3:139]

??????? wrote:
Not self-righteous men and women who declare to God and men that they deserve to enter heaven because they feel as if they lived a good enough life, seems arrogant and what many would call self-righteous, the religious leaders in Jesus' day were guilty of the same, they were blinded to their legalistic pride and their own meritorious deeds.

In Islam there is no self-righteousness : "Therefore justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against evil."[Glorious Qur'an 53:32].
At the same time, we have to be proud of following the last and final Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

??????? wrote:
Now you may deny that Islam denies that killing non-Muslim civilians and Christians is prohibited in Islam, however not only is there proof that Islam is violent (CAUTION: STRONG VIOLENT CONTENT)http://www.apostatesofislam.com/media/video/stoning_video_100kbps.wmv , but that muslims worldwide are known for killing and persecuting Christians http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills-christians-news.htm

1) Stoning is indeed a punishment decreed by your Creator for certain crimes. Rape, adultery are abhorrent crimes that are forbidden in all religions and in the minds of all wise people and those who are possessed of sound human nature. The laws of Islam came to protect women's honour and modesty. Islam has a clear stance which states that this repugnant action is haraam and imposes a deterrent punishment on the one who commits it. Islam closes the door to the criminal who wants to commit those crime. The punishment for rape and adultery in Islam is stoning if the perpetrator is married, and one hundred lashes and banishment for one year if he is not married.
2) The issue of apostasy in Islam has already been discussed in this thread (pages 7 and 8).
3) The links you provide in our discussion are mainly from "biased" sites (apostatesofislam , answering-islam ...), whilst mine are from objective sites, that promote the teachings of Islam without attacking other religions.

??????? wrote:
You not believing its true comes as no surprise (no offense), since you hold firmly to your belief. However the scriptures state, the "SPIRIT SPEAKS EXPRESSLY", or explicitly that false professors and false converts will apostasize towards Islam and other religious beliefs, departing from the truth (in the last days). The scriptures doesn't use "sword of intellect", it describes "many" being deceived by "seducing spirits" and "doctrines of demons", "false prophets", angels masquerading as "angels of light", and satans ministers masquerading as "ministers of righteousness".

Islam is not a religion of "demons", but it is the religion of God (Allah): "The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will)"[Glorious Qur'an 3:19].

??????? wrote:
Allah is not my creator, and I find it somewhat forceful that you constantly call Allah my creator. You may say that Allah simply means God, but the God you worship is not the God I worship. Thats like me calling Jesus your Master and Creator. And once again, that is your belief which you cling to so tightly, you cannot prove that those words from the Quran are in fact from God, I on the other hand can prove that the words of the Bible are from God, seems somewhat arrogant at first, however if you would be willing to experiment then you will "see" for yourself that the way of absolute truth will open the door to your heart.

Since I fear none but your Creator Allah, there is nothing that will prevent me from saying the truth.

??????? wrote:
hmmm.....Why are you quoting the Bible since you question its authenticity?

Because you did not accept my Quranic references. And I want our discussion to go through.

??????? wrote:
You may feel as if satan would be casting himself out, but if the Quran is a master handiwork of the devil, is he really casting himself out? Do you know how ancient the serpent is? the bible calls him the "serpent of old" and he as been around for ages and has extensive knowledge in worldly affairs, this would include, literature, history, science and others areas of expertise which would increase his deception.

As I wrote before, no creature (including satan) can produce a SINGLE chapter like the Holy Qur'an, what about producing the whole book?

??????? wrote:
So to say that he is incapbale of conjuring up such words in the Quran is underestimating him, it is not giving credit to satan, but rather how many underestimate his deception.

Seems you give more importance to satan than he really deserves, which is a problem. I advice you to say: "A'uzu Billahi min-ash-Shaytan ar-Rajeem" (I take refuge in Allah against the accursed Satan). Your problem will then be solved.

??????? wrote:
BTW, since you quoted from the words of Jesus found in scriptures, do you accept it as truth? and if so, do you also accept the statement that Jesus made when He said that He is the only way to God? And if not, wouldn't this be nitpicking which portions of the bible you consider to be true? Just a thought to ponder on...

You missed my point. My quoting from the Bible is a message for you: "Read the Bible scriptures first before criticizing the Holy Qur'an Manuscript".
My position on today's Bible has been expressed many times. Pray re-check my previous posts.

??????? wrote:
hmmm......but according to you God is ALL-POWERFUL, He doesn't need our help or the help of man, wasn't that your point in your previous post?

But God, the most Gracious, gave us the responsibility of conveying His message for our benefit, to enter Paradise. Your Creator does not need us but we need Him: "O ye men! It is ye that have need of Allah. but Allah is the One Free of all wants, worthy of all praise."[Glorious Qur'an 35:15].

??????? wrote:
And? submission and perfect submission are not the same. Is fasting and complete fasting the same? If you understood perfect submission and how it is exalted in the end, then perhaps you would have understood why Jesus submitted to His Father, and look past what you call His "Imperfections".

And I am very optimistic that you will understand the perfect, total and complete submission in Islam, the submission that makes a man servant, slave of His Lord (Allah).

??????? wrote:
t doesn't matter how you try and authenticate the validity of the Quran, it all boils down to the fact that the Quran was translated by human beings. Regardless of whether it was tied with strings so that nothing of the compilation was lost does not dismiss the FACT that the orignal copies were written on scrapes of leather, thin flat stones, leaflets, palm branches and what not, leaving room for copyists errors, do you see my point?

Pray re-read what I wrote about the collection of the Noble Qur'an Manuscript. I also advice you to read about Abu Bakr (May God be pleased with him) the most righteous person after the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), to know who collected the Holy Qur'an.

??????? wrote:
OK, now lets see this so-called error you presented. Go to the source which is still available, The original manuscripts read 3 years since 3 years are found in the LXX Septuagint. Now you may argue that the Septuagint may be a copyists error, however the same can be said about the Quran in terms of the original manuscripts. You can look for minute errors dealing with "numbers" in the bible but you are wasting your time.

Again, a non-convincing answer. You say that the Holy Qur'an has copyists errors, but there is not a single internal contradiction in the Noble Qur'an. That is not the case in the Bible: 3 years does not equal 7 years exactly like the Ahaziah story where 42 is different from 22.

??????? wrote:
Since the number you mentioned from the bible concerning copyists error has absolutely NOTHING to to with the major theme found throughout the scriptures. That is Jesus Christ is the only way to be reconciled to God, and without our reliance upon Him as our Saviour, we remain dead in our tresspasses and the wages of sin is death. Because of His unfathomable love, God sent His only Son into this fallen world to pay the ultimate penalty for us, and in order for mankind to realize their dependence upon Him, and receive Eternal Life and a personal relationship with Him.

But Christians say that the Bible is the complete "word of God", so what is the interest in keeping those clear internal contradictions (even if they are not major themes)?
Oh! but Christian scholars can't modify the Bible since it is (as you believe) the perfect "word of God". At the same time there can't be an "internal contradiction" in the "word of God". What's the solution then?

??????? wrote:
Then I suppose there is a probability that I am able to convince you to turn to the Christian faith.

...and this probability is equal and will be equal to 0, by God's Will.

Peace be on those who follow the guidance.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 10:56 am
Thank you Momma Angel for your remarks,

Momma Angel wrote:
1. What does a man remaining faithful to his wife (as he should) while he is married have anything to do with him then marrying a six year old child and raping (yes, I am sorry, but it is rape) that child at the age of nine? A nine year old female has not gone through puberty. A nine year old child is just that, a nine year old child. That is called pedophilia in this country and is punishable by law. And, I highly doubt you will find many that disagree it was rape.

1) My point was that, at the age of "sexual prime", Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) married only one wife who was 19 years older. When he (peace and blessings be upon him) married Aishah (May Allah be pleased with), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was then over fifty years old.
2) Very strong historical evidence shows that Aishah (May Allah be pleased with) reached puberty at nine.
3) In the Wikipedia encyclopedia/Dictionary, Rape is defined as: "a crime wherein the victim is forced into sexual activity against his or her will". You should know that the marriage between Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and Aishah (May Allah be pleased with) was mutually agreed on. You should also know that this marriage, from its beginning to the demise of the Prophet, was one of the happiest and most loving ever.

Momma Angel wrote:
2. Yes, I realize that in Biblical times women married at YOUNGER ages. However, I don't believe that included SIX YEAR OLD CHILDREN. Do you?

First, the marriage of Aishah (May Allah be pleased with) started when she was nine years old. Secondly, since you are Christian, I leave it to you to determine at which age women used to marry in Biblical times.

Momma Angel wrote:
3. Women in Arabia reach puberty at an earlier age than woman anywhere else on earth? Can you provide some proof of this?

1) Here is a scientific study on puberty. Note that in the case of girls, puberty may be reached at 7 or even 6: http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic1882.htm
2) I did not say that women in Arabia reach puberty earlier "than woman anywhere else on earth". What I said is that women in Arabia reach puberty at an early age, because hot weather conditions are a factor in what is scientifically called "Precocious Puberty".

Momma Angel wrote:
But, do you really believe that God would ask a prophet to do such a thing in God's name?

And I have absolutely no doubt about it.

Momma Angel wrote:
Yes, it is a man made law. It was made because the act of pedophelia is wrong! The Bible tells us to follow man's laws unless they are in direct conflict with God's law. This law is not in conflict with God's law.

As we agreed, in Biblical times, women used to marry at early ages. Well, if the US law does not protect the right of a very young woman (who reached the age puberty) to marry, then this law is in conflict with the teachings of the Bible. Choose either to apply Biblical times laws or those of the US.

Momma Angel wrote:
Muslim1. Personally, I would never follow anyone that would condone the rape of a child.

Re-check the definition of Rape. Pray read (without pre-established ideas) about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), you will certainly love this great man.

Momma Angel wrote:
You think you have the right to decide what is befitting to God or not.

You missed my point. It is not I who said:"It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him!", but it is God almighty who says that in Chapter Mary (number 19) verse 35.

Momma Angel wrote:
I believe God tells us what is befitting to us and not the other way around. He created us. We did not create Him.

I totally agree with you.

Momma Angel wrote:
If we went on the premise that it is man's right to decide what is befitting to God or not, hmmmm, could make excuses for anything then, couldn't we?

In Islam, God and only God decides what is good and what is wrong: "The command rests with none but Allah."[Glorious Qur'an 6:57].

Momma Angel wrote:
I wish I could. But, it was a long speech and I was pretty shocked by it and didn't write any of it down. The point is, he was preaching it and everyone was agreeing with it. Well, all the Muslims anyway.

OK, I understand. But I can't comment the brother's speech since I have no elements about it.

Momma Angel wrote:
I appreciate your willingness to answer me. However, at this point, I have to tell you that my motives will be to show you in the Bible where I believe you are wrong and I will let God's word stand without commenatary from me, after this posting.

I will appreciate any effort from your part to show me where I am wrong. At the same time, would you mind having a little patience in reading what "I think" is not true in your belief?

Momma Angel wrote:
If this were true, then you would also have included: I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died on the cross to save the world from our sins. That is what the Bible says, so no Muslim1, we do not worship the same God.

You wrote that we "we do not worship the same God". This statement means there are more than one god, correct? Now, the God I worship is able to do everything: "Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion; and He over all things hath Power"[Glorious Qur'an 67:1]. I am also convinced that the God you worship Has the ability and power to do everything. If there were more than one god, then my God would have destroyed the other gods (since He is All-Powerful). Similarly, your God would have done the same (since He is also All-Powerful). So logically, scientifically and mathematically there has to be ONE God.
Now forget about the names God, Allah, Dios, Dieu, Gott, De god, Бог, Dio... According to you, is there One and a Unique God, yes or no?

I look forward to reading your response.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 11:03 am

I am sorry, but it was rape. There can be no consent between a child of 9 and a man of 50+ years.

We do not worship the same God. Your God has no son named Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.

More than one god? Oh yes, there are many Gods. They are false gods, but people think they are gods nonetheless.

And science can say anything it wants to. Science is something of man, not of God.

I don't know how old women were when they married in Biblical times, I admit. But, I can pretty much guarantee they weren't six or 9 years old.

When was the Qu'ran written BTW? Who wrote it? Can you give me your take on it?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 12:16 pm
I get very depressed reading all this. It is quite frankly farcical. You argue like blind men agruing what it means to be green. All religions exploit man's curiosity about the inexplicable.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 12:55 pm

No offense intended here, but if it depresses you then I suggest you don't read it.

I am just trying to gain a better understanding of something I don't know much about.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 02:05 pm
And no offense taken ma

I would just like people to acknowledge that there are some things that we do not know, and will never know.

And when someone tells me that the Koran is the perfect and final word of God...

Or when someone else with equal conviction tell me that heaven is reserved exclusively for believers in Christ as God

my reaction in both instances is "you cannot possibly know that".

Its just a story/ myth/ legend/ comfort blanket/ no better/ no worse/ no more interesting and of no more validity than thousands of others.

There is only one way forward, and that is using our powers of observation; and thinking rationally and critically about what we observe. Thats why God gave us a brain. Not slavishly to follow ancient writings written by men who thought the earth was flat, and that the sun went round it.

And one more thing now I am on this. I will tolerate anyone's isolation, ignorance and ultimately stupidity. But when their irrational and fundamentally misguided beliefs lead them to do real harm, then my patience snaps. Sorry.

Listening now to programme about the historical Jesus...........who was he?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 02:17 pm
I bow out of this thread, my message has gotten nowhere and also is taken as insult. I have far more important duties to attend to, and there is too much time to be wasting on those who consider the Gospel foolishness. Jesus said, that if they will not hear His words, they will not hear those who teach it, furthermore He stated that many will be "offended" because of His word. My job is to evangelize, and to spread the Gospel to those who have the heart to listen without taking offense at it. My work is done here. These are not my words, but the words spoken from the breath of God through His servants, if any man is offended, take it up with God.

Cor 4:3,4 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

God Bless!
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