Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 02:19 pm

Shiite are followers of the 12 Imams that they think have more power than Messengers of God, May Allah forgive them. They think their Imams are able to see even Angels when some prophets can only hear them sometimes , others didn't have the ability to meet them...etc. Basically, instead of worshipping God only, they worshipping those Mullas and if those Mullahs tell them to kill themselves they will obey instead of obeying God alone, a pure confusion just like Catholics have their Popes who claim to represent God in Earth and can forgive their sins . A pure contradiction with Islam. Sunnah however are the teachings of God thru Muhummad Peace be Upon Him. Muslims, the majority in the world are Sunnah, worship nobody but God ( Allah in Arabic ) Alone and God Almighty told us to follow the example of Muhammad PBUH, the best of all examples, who thought Muslims how to apply the Quran teachings on their daily life.

There is no corruption at all. The Shiaas have their own Mullahs, we have God and his prophet. It is as simple to understand as you see it. Soon, As simple as you will see it in the Day of Judgment .

Muhammad PBUH himself predicted sects breaking up from Islam and told us that 74 sects or something like that will be follower or something other than the Quran and his example ( Sunnah in Arabic) and only who worship God Alone and his slave Muhammad Peace be upon Him's lifestyle is Muslim and may avoid Hell-fire.

However, Shiaa , Bahaism, Shikism, Ahmadi, Wahabi ( Bin LAden's), Salafi ...etc all broke from Islam, all took whatever they felt like to keep and added their own philosophies, culture and craziness and falshoods.

May Allah Make us all Muslims (Means in Arabic who surrenders and Submit to the will of God in peace )
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 04:53 pm
It sounds like you are trying to say the Shia are the ones doing suicide bombing. In Iraq I think it is pretty clear that the Sunni are they ones doing the majority of the slaughtering. One thing is very clear. This talk of brotherly love among all muslims is nothing but lip service.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 05:47 pm
NewSoul wrote:

However, Shiaa , Bahaism, Shikism, Ahmadi, Wahabi ( Bin LAden's), Salafi ...etc all broke from Islam, all took whatever they felt like to keep and added their own philosophies, culture and craziness and falshoods.

May Allah Make us all Muslims (Means in Arabic who surrenders and Submit to the will of God in peace )

I understand that you are a believer.
Nonetheless, a bit of history would not hurt your faith at all. It might even strengthen it.
I would suggest that you delve into some ordinary religious history of Islam.
Unless you are suggesting by the above statement that there is no such thing as legitimate majority ruling in Islam.
If that is not a clear question, then I would humbly ask - what madh-hab do you follow?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 06:14 pm

What is your main point here? I mean everytime someone posts a teaching of Islam, you seem to change the subjects. You are doiing the same thing again that you did with me. You start talking about talibans and shiaas? I mean we are trying to show you the true teachings of Islam and not what we hear or see from the media, which is what you keep bringing up. Like I said before, you will NEVER learn what Islam is unless you go to the Quran or Sunnah (sayings and doings of prophet Muhammed pbuh). So before anyone asks questions about how we feel about talibans or shiaas, they should ask what is Islam. I mean you cannot start giving examples of Islam or Muslims unless you know what Islam is in the first place. Make sense?

And yea we had our meetings in the past. Wow I forgot about that, it was over a year ago. Thats when I first joined A2K. It was nice reading though. Thanx for the link.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 07:40 pm

You ask what is my main point here. I guess it is to try and provide a rational rebuttal to the nonsense statements put forth by religious fanatics, whatever their stripes. If the subject keeps changing too fast for you, don't try to lay the blame on me. I would rather work a topic thru rather than switch.

As I have said before numerous times, I do not have to read every Islamic document in order to comment on what I see happening in the world. The Taliban were on my radar screen long before 9/11 when the began destroying the 5th century Bamiyan Buddhist statues.

Why do you think they did that?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 12:00 am
Continued from above: Under Taliban rule all images and statues were prohibited. There is but one God....

The Taliban was run by Islamic Scholars. They were fundamentalists, believing in very strict following of Islamic texts. The law of the land was Shariah law. Why do you say that they do not provide insight to what Islam is all about. To me it is a much more realistic method than reading only the Quran. To gain a full understanding one also needs to know the Hadiths and the early interpretations. You need to know the chronological order of the verses in order to weigh precedence. That is why I consider the scholars to be the best insight. They do not provide a pretty picture.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 07:36 am
How do you like a death penalty to be ? It is a normal picture like a death penalty in the West. Only God knows what that picture is, it could be a fabrication or could be true or taken out of its context. Anyhow, the difference between Muslims and others is that we fully submit to God, and we have no doubt that we will be hold accountable for all our actions. That picture proves to me three things :

1) I should not accuse anybody of doing wrong because I was not there to know the story behind that. I shouldn't assume that the woman commited adultry or anything like that or that the man is a Taliban or is an oppressor because I was not there. I should not even assume that that woman is dead already.

2) That picture proves me exactly that there need to be a Day of Judgment where God, the Most powerful to revenge the oppressed and his is the one that will Judge if there was injustice because he is the only one who sees everything plus there are going to be Angels as witnesses and people that were in the seen. If the Man was the oppressor and killed that woman know that God will punish him so severely. More, God says that killing an innocent person is exactly like killing all the people so know that the Murderers will be severely punished.

3) You use pictures that were maybe fabricated ( because Taliban would never allow pictures to be taken knowing the way they are). Then it could be that the picture was taken to show how Justice was made to warn criminals from death penalty. There could be plenty of Assumptions.... They are all ASSUMPTIONS my friend... You have proved that you are the model of an American, very Naive, that absorbs all what have been told to you thru the Media....

Liberate yourself from your Gods ( the Media) and ask for your Freedom .The only way to be Free is to seek Knowledge and get intelligent because the world the way it is now needs intelligent people only otherwise you will be subject to a dominating influence by Men that takes away your freedom
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 07:41 am
I agree with them concerning destroying Idols. They are just stones my Friend. They wanted to liberate people from worshipping stones. They didn't kill a God did they ? :-). You are not one of those intelligent kinds .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 08:14 am
Islam will always be the religion that good hearted people will revert to because it is showing evidences, Miracles and not just Mythologies.

I advise you to read thru this link. That will tell you about Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 08:20 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 08:29 am
NewSoul wrote:
Islam will always be the religion that good hearted people will revert to because it is showing evidences, Miracles and not just Mythologies.

I advise you to read thru this link. That will tell you about Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible.

You are not a Muslim.
You don't even talk a good game.
Silly, really...
Have fun.
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:49 am
I am a Muslim sorry to disappoint you. I bear witness that there is no God but God and that his Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon is his last Messenger of Islam, to whom was reveled the True Laws, guidance and Mercy of God .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 12:53 pm
In the name of God (Allah), most Gracious, most merciful.

mesquite ;

You are playing with semantics. If a later revealed verse takes precedence, then the earlier verse has less or no significance. If for instance it starts off as a peaceful religion and becomes more violent as armed followers are added, what then is the final result?

Since the Quran is not written in chronological order, how are you to know which verses take precedence?

Instead of speaking theoretically, let's go into the Holy Qur'an and find where the so called abrogation is. I'll help you, it is mainly in the "gradual prohibition of intoxicants".

The first revelation of the Qur'an to deal with intoxicants was the following verse:

"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling say: In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit."
Holy Qur'an 2:219

The next verse to be revealed regarding intoxicants is the following:

"O ye who believe! approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say" Holy Qur'an 4:43

The last verse to be revealed regarding intoxicants was the following:

"O ye who believe! intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of Satan's handiwork; eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper."
Holy Qur'an 5:90

The Holy Qur'an was revealed over a period of 23 years. Many reforms that were brought about in the society were gradual. This was to facilitate the adoption of new laws by the people. An abrupt change in society always leads to rebellion and anarchy.

The prohibition of intoxicants was revealed in three stages. The first revelation only mentioned that in the intoxicants there is great sin and some profit but the sin is greater than the profit. The next revelation prohibited praying in an intoxicated state, indicating that one should not consume intoxicants during the day, since a Muslim has to pray five times a day. This verse does state that when one is not praying at night one is allowed to consume intoxicants. It means one may have or one may not have. The Qur'an does not comment on it. If this verse had mentioned that one is allowed to have intoxicants while not praying then there would have been a contradiction. God (Allah) almighty choose words appropriately. Finally the total prohibition of intoxicants at all times was revealed in Surah Maidah chapter 5 verse 90.

This clearly indicates that the three verses do not contradict each other. Had they been contradicting, it would not have been possible to follow all the three verses simultaneously. Since a Muslim is expected to follow each and every verse of the Qur'an, only by following the last verse i.e. of Surah Maidah (5:90), he simultaneously agrees and follows the previous two verses.

The Taliban were on my radar screen long before 9/11

The Taliban was run by Islamic Scholars. They were fundamentalists, believing in very strict following of Islamic texts. The law of the land was Shariah law.

Here is a real story of a famous journalist (Yvonne Ridley) who was captured by the Taliban. She was treated very kindly. She reverted to Islam as a result:

Yvonne Ridley and the Taliban

Do not always believe in media propaganda.

Peace be on those who follow the guidance.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 05:39 pm
NewSoul wrote:
How do you like a death penalty to be ? It is a normal picture like a death penalty in the West. Only God knows what that picture is, it could be a fabrication or could be true or taken out of its context. Anyhow, the difference between Muslims and others is that we fully submit to God, and we have no doubt that we will be hold accountable for all our actions. That picture proves to me three things :

1) I should not accuse anybody of doing wrong because I was not there to know the story behind that. I shouldn't assume that the woman commited adultry or anything like that or that the man is a Taliban or is an oppressor because I was not there. I should not even assume that that woman is dead already.

2) That picture proves me exactly that there need to be a Day of Judgment where God, the Most powerful to revenge the oppressed and his is the one that will Judge if there was injustice because he is the only one who sees everything plus there are going to be Angels as witnesses and people that were in the seen. If the Man was the oppressor and killed that woman know that God will punish him so severely. More, God says that killing an innocent person is exactly like killing all the people so know that the Murderers will be severely punished.

3) You use pictures that were maybe fabricated ( because Taliban would never allow pictures to be taken knowing the way they are). Then it could be that the picture was taken to show how Justice was made to warn criminals from death penalty. There could be plenty of Assumptions.... They are all ASSUMPTIONS my friend... You have proved that you are the model of an American, very Naive, that absorbs all what have been told to you thru the Media....

I must have hit a nerve. You say that is a normal picture like a death penalty in the west? I'm not sure what you are smokin, but it must be strong stuff!

It is a real picture of a public execution. If you care to download a 61 second video and/or read about it go here.

Zarmeena execution.

No it was not adultery. Why did you assume that? However since you brought it up...

BBC News, April 23, 2005

A woman has been stoned to death in Afghanistan, reportedly for committing adultery. The killing is said to have taken place in the Argu district of north-eastern Badakhshan province.

A local Afghan government official confirmed the death, and said the government would investigate the case.

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission said the woman had been sentenced to death by a decree from the local religious scholar.

Oh, one of those religious scholars again. At first I was criticized for using the Taliban as an example of Islamic society. Now you and muslim 1 seem to be saying that the Taliban were quite upstanding. Which is it? Are they a model for your vision of Islam or not?
Source, full story.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 05:50 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:42 am
Read again to know why you shouldn't assume things without knowing the truth that Only God knows . Our government has proven to the world that fabricates excuses to wage war on people just like the other side have shown their own proofs to fight us. I can show you tons of pictures of people murdered by us. Did you forget we blew up two cities in Japan??? Did you forget that more than 150,000 innocent Iraqis, the people we suppose to liberate were murdered by us ???? You are a one-sided kind of American people, who are racists. I am white but if I had to choose my color I ll choose Black to live the white race supremacy and terrorism on non-white people. Thru all the History the White Race have done a lot of Damage to the world. KKK terrorism, British genocides in India, pakistan, afganistan, African countries, French occupations of many African countries, Spanish Crusade in South America killing Native South American people and destroying their Inca and Aztech civilisations, us terrorising and murdering NAtive American and destroying their Civilisation.... Enough of HAtry... Man ...Did you forget ??? Don' t you have a heart ????? Don't you believe in God that created you the same he created others ???? Do you think we are Superior to others?... Wake up man.

I am not with any side because they are both wrong. Mr. Bush is a dictature kinda person but too bad for him he is in America and we Americans stand for justice and Liberty so he can't just break more barriers than the many he did. He lied so many times and nobody in the world would ever buy his ideas anymore because they are one-sided. Now, when we murder tousands of innocent kids and women we say that we were after the Ennemie and when the others are after us and kill innocent we call them terrorists. I say NO to terrorism in General ( WHo has the terrorising Wepons ??). I prefer PEACE my friend because we got enough of the killing.

1) I should not accuse anybody of doing wrong because I was not there to know the story behind that. I shouldn't assume that the woman commited adultry or anything like that or that the man is a Taliban or is an oppressor because I was not there. I should not even assume that that woman is dead already.

2) That picture proves me exactly that there need to be a Day of Judgment where God, the Most powerful to revenge the oppressed and the one that will Judge if there was injustice because he is the only one who sees everything plus there are going to be Angels as witnesses and people that were in the seen. If the Man was the oppressor and killed that woman know that God will punish him so severely as promised. More, God says that killing an innocent person is exactly like killing all the people so know that the Murderers will be severely punished.

3) You use pictures that were maybe fabricated ( because Taliban would never allow pictures to be taken knowing the way they are). Then it could be that the picture was taken to show how Justice was made to warn criminals from death penalty. There could be plenty of Assumptions.... They are all ASSUMPTIONS my friend... You have proved that you are the model of an American, very Naive, that absorbs all what have been told to you thru the Media....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:07 am
You make me laugh man. It is in the Bible that stoning is necessary. They only applied the laws of God. You make me feel that all you are expressing in hatry toward Muslims. We Muslims stand for JUSTICE believe it or not even if its consequences be against us because we have GOD, who is recording all what is happeneing until the DAY OF JUDGMENT.

Read :

Comment: - People that want to implement all the Bible teachings in our society
have to deal with all the activities that would require the death penalty. A lot of
stoning will be necessary. It seems to me using the Bible as a bases for justice
would be a backward step. I think our secular system of justice is much better.
Some of the death penalties verses are listed below.


Numbers 15:32 -36

32 And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day.
33 And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation.
34 And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him.
35 And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.
36 And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Exodus 31:14 - 15

14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it [is] holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth [any] work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
15 Six days may work be done; but in the seventh [is] the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth [any] work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.
(Death for anyone working on the Sabbath -- even gathering sticks.
According to the Bible the Sabbath is on Saturday --
see the Sabbath document.)


Deuteronomy 22:23 - 25

23 If a damsel [that is] a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
24 Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, [being] in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you.

25 But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die:
(Death to a betrothed virgin that commits adultery {or is raped?}
and doesn't cry out)


Deuteronomy 22:20 - 21

20 But if this thing be true, [and the tokens of] virginity be not found for the damsel:
21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

(Death to a woman if she is not found to be a virgin on her wedding night)


Leviticus 20:10 - 16

10. And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man's wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

11 And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood [shall be] upon them.

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

14 And if a man take a wife and her mother, it [is] wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you.

15 And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.

16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

(Death to adulterers and homosexuals.
Even if a man is the instigator of adultery, the woman that is involved
must also die. Even if a man or a woman instigates lying with an
animal, the animal involved must die.)


Exodus 22:20

20 He that sacrificeth unto [any] god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.
Deuteronomy 17:2 - 5

2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard [of it], and enquired diligently, and, behold, [it be] true, [and] the thing certain, [that] such abomination is wrought in Israel:
5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, [even] that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

(Death to anyone that serves any other God than the one prescribed.
No tolerance for any other religion -- death to the unbeliever or the
believer in another religion -- complete intolerance of other
belief systems, except the prescribed one.)


Deuteronomy 13:1 - 2

1. If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
Deuteronomy 13:5

5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn [you] away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.
6. If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which [is] as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
7 [Namely], of the gods of the people which [are] round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the [one] end of the earth even unto the [other] end of the earth;
8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

(Death to someone that entices you to go after other Gods
-- other religions or belief systems)

Deuteronomy 18:20

20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
(Death to false prophets -- how can you tell? -- wide open for abuse!!)


Leviticus 24:16

16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.
(Death to anyone that blasphemes the name of God even
if he is not a follower of that God)


Exodus 21:17

17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.
Leviticus 20:9

9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood [shall be] upon him.
(Death to the man that curses his father or his mother)


Leviticus 24:14

14 Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that heard [him] lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him.
(Death to the person that curses)


Exodus 21:15

15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.
(Death to one that smites father or mother)


Deuteronomy 21:18

18. If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; [he is] a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

(Death to a stubborn or a rebellious son)


Exodus 22:19

19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.

(Death to anyone that lies with an animal)


Leviticus 21:9

9 And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.
(Death to a priest's daughter that plays the prostitute)


Leviticus 20:27

27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.
(Death to mediums and wizards)


Exodus 22:18

18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
(Death to any witch)


Exodus 21:28
28 If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox [shall be] quit.
29 But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.
(Death to the man that does not control his known dangerous ox)


Numbers 3:38

38 But those that encamp before the tabernacle toward the east, [even] before the tabernacle of the congregation eastward, [shall be] Moses, and Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel; and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
Numbers 3:10

10 And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall wait on their priest's office: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
(Death for the stranger that is in the wrong place)
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