No prob McT, hi osso. Its nice to be home after so long away.
I shall now be required to catch up on the chores that I was so long neglecting while at the other place. The people who lived here and worked on our farm while we were goofing off, were a much neater outfit than we are. Our house, when occupied by us, is usually in a state of happy disarray. We work all over and have half finished projects in many rooms and spaces. Our guests dont even seem to have a life. Our house, I swear is absent just about any forensic evidence that anyone even lived here (with the exception of the fresh flowers that they had become used to. The gardens have contained lots of seasonal flowers that our guests used to amke little vase sprays and stuff. (I shall miss that touch, cause I am not gonna spend the bucks for a florist to make VAAHHZes of flowers, and most of the fall flowers , save mums and grasses and the last dhlias and zinnias, not to mention crepe myrtles, are the only things left and these aint the best in vases.
Spendi doesnt bother me osso. I know he stalks me for some reason that is based more upon whats missing in his life than actually wishing me ill. He and I sometimes get nasty and Im just as guiloty of tweaking his chain and having him get annoyed at me. However, on a few occasions, he actually does make some sense, even though he tends to use mantras of repetitous silliness to underpin his arguments and he can get a bit wordy but what the hell, Ive been frequently told to "be peaceful" in my own discourse.
If I can somehow help spendi in his lonely journey through his life, I feel that Im doing some good .
SPendi feels that living vicariously in the adventures of others is a worthwhile way to go. I, of course, disagree vocally but , when you think about it, we can always sink to his level of vicarious adventure but he has a Herkey task of rising to ours.