lilbrookiie wrote:yea i have a clue who this family is. i know everything their possibly is.ive done so much research and obviously you all havent.
Are you kidding me? I'd ask you to tell me a little about the Gotti family history but I know you'd just google it to get me an answer. There aren't a lot of teen girls who study the mafia.
lilbrookiie wrote:
yea their grandfather is a mafia what? their just like any normal family.

Yeah, a lot of families I know got their money from the mob. And if you think the mafia is dead, think again sweetheart.
lilbrookiie wrote:
my friends fight with their parents. i have sooo many friends who tell me they've yelled at their parents for not letting them go out or do something they want to happens. teens are like that.maybe yours arent.good for you! but the normal teen does to more teens and you'll find out.
First of all, it's
kids like you who should be slapped in the mouth. I never talked to my parents the way I see
kids talking to their parents now. It's disrespectful and rude and you
kids don't know how to act. So in my opinion, it isn't normal. It's disrespectful, childish and rude.
lilbrookiie wrote:
and do you not buy your kids their first car??whats wrong with you!!your completely taking away your kids teenhood. your teenhood is supposed to be the funnest part of know?you get a car at 16 17 whatever..hang with your life up before college or after takes alot of time and work to save up money for a car!
Oh my god, you spoiled little's called a JOB and yes, parents should help their kids...not give them brand new cars. My first car was a piece of crap.
lilbrookiie wrote:
well whatever i guess we all have our own opinions. i have a job..yea..i pay for my insurance etc.but my parents bought me my first car. its embarrissing if your a senior and having no car.your parents have to take you everywhere. it sucks! screw hard work and dedication!
That's a great attitude and I can tell you'll go far in life...
lilbrookiie wrote:
your kids are only 16 17.let them live!i can understand if you cant afford buying your kid a car but thats a different story. and victorias kids are what high honors and really smart...good grades = new car. rewards.
Of course you should have fun as a teenager...but there is a line and a limit and getting everything you want from your parents is a good way to grow up to be a spoiled, selfish, bratty adult. And you will be in for a lot of disappointment when you get into the real world.
Good grades = used car that gets you around until you can be responsible and afford the car you want.