There's also the added complication of premillennialism vs postmillennialism. That is, has Jesus already made the world peaceful up to 1996 (I picked that number arbitrarily, because of all the jerks on Facebook wanting to stifle freedom of speech online by voting for a law they don't understand) and after that we're living in end times? Or is Jesus about to come, and then everything will be Peachy?
All of this is interesting but it doesn't address the answer to the question, which is Hell doesn't really exist, but we who are sinful can fall under a "strong delusion." We can decide to hear " God loves everyone and wants everyone to be with him" as "If you don't choose God, you are going to BUUUUUUUUUUUURN..." It doesn't say that. This is the delusion, that God has already condemned you, so you might as well ditch that scene. This delusion literally causes any shiny happy cloud world to appear like flames. But read the story of Lazarus again. CAREFULLY . It says that Lazarus and the rich man are able to see each other, but just as there is social distance on Earth, so also is there a gulf/chasm/void that seems to be there between Lazarus's plight and that of the rich man. But it's the same place.
There isn't a Hell. There is an Afterlife. And this Afterlife is a bit like the spot in Yoda's forest where if you bring weapons or fear or hatred, that's what you'll see. If you bring love, calm, and peace, that's what you'll see. Jesus didn't just die for all of our sins. He lives in all of us potentially through the Holy Spirit.