yoyomaa wrote:The wrath of God is revealed against the unrighteous because man rejects the creator and worships the creation (Romans 1:18-20). Men profess to be wise in their own eyes (V. 22), and exchange the glory of God for created things.
Here you have just described a weakness of God of the Bible.
He's vain. He demands you recognize his glory or he will let you go to Hell.
By your own words he's an angry God. Vengeful. Cruel, in that he will not prevent you from going to Hell unless you grovel to him.
I find it strange that we Must, and that is with a Capital M, praise a God that behaves in this manner when we hold humans in contempt for this same behavior.
yoyomaa wrote:Jesus Christ came in the flesh so that "you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name" (John 20:30,31).
Humans have been on this earth for about 150,000 years. In all those years prior to Christ did God of the Bible refuse to allow humans to "have life in His name?"
yoyomaa wrote:Because Christ came to pay the price of sin, and that He came to "explain the father" (John 1:18), man has no excuse for rejecting him.
There is no price that has to be paid for sin. Ask all the Christians in this country what sin is and you will get a multitude of answers. Sin is in the eyes of the beholder.
Did you know you'll go to Hell if you go to church on Sunday?
Or if you don't believe Joseph Smith was the last messenger sent by God?
Or if
.or if
yoyomaa wrote:Men choose to go to hell because they reject Christ, not because God allows men to go to hell. God has paid the price, revealed Himself to all, and now men are "without excuse" (Rom. 1:20).
Men do not choose to go to Hell by rejecting Christ. The only people who believe that are those who made the rule that you'll go to Hell if you reject Christ. Will all Muslims, Hindus and Buddhist go to Hell?
yoyomaa wrote:God allows people to be born to give them the opportunity to believe, but it is man's responsibility to make that choice. What kind of God would He be if He did not give man the opportunity to place his faith in the Lord?
Here's the situation you described.
"Yoyomaa, I have a gun pointed at your head. Give me your money or I'll blow your eyes out."
So yoyomaa is thinking; "if I refuse this offer of surrendering my hard earned money I will be destroyed. However if I accept and gladly contribute my earnings to this wonderful gentleman I will live."
So the God of the Bible is giving us a great deal here. He is putting us on earth for one reason only, to accept his deal of a lifetime or to reject it. In doing so he is holding a gun to our heads. The gun is called Hell. And we have the free will to say yea or nay.
What a fantastic God. It makes me look at armed thugs in a whole new light.