@Finn dAbuzz,
I have to admit to not knowing that blackface was offensive until probably 15 years ago. I've never done it, but I wouldn't have thought dressing up as Michael Jackson and putting blackface on would have been insulting until then. I would have been 24 at 15 years ago and still in college. So fresh and immature then. This demonstrates the ignorance and yes, privileged, that I was allowed to grow up in. Where I didn't have to learn about racism or even racial insensitivity unless I wanted to.
This Northam changing story bullshit is just bullshit; the fact that he thought he could have been the guy in the KKK costume is wrong. Even 15 years ago I'd have known
that was wrong.
I don't know what the best thing for society is in the future. On one hand there is the argument that mistakes in ones past, as long as they didn't harm anyone, shouldn't disqualify people from a successful career. This may become more of a problem since the age of camera phones.
The other side, especially for politicians who need the consent of the governed, is that once those indiscretions are public that consent can be lost.
Anything illegal and especially anything causing physical or emotional harm that is illegal is a whole other matter. I'm merely talking about possibly offensive, yet legal, thoughts/images/etc.
This Virginia mess is a just a mess. The state's governance could go from an elected democratic agenda to a republican one because of a coin flip in one district.