Baldimo wrote:You're not answering my question. Since when does the Supreme Court which rules on the Constitutional value of court cases, use rulings from outside the US? The regular courts rule on common law and then the Supreme Court rules on the Constitutionality of said ruling.
That's an interesting question. I would be very surprised if the Supreme Court didn't do that because every other common law jurisdiction's supreme court will do so. In my own jurisdiction I've read cases where my state's Supreme Court and indeed the High Court of Australia frequently adopt the reasonings in cases decided in other common law countries, including State courts of the US and the US Supereme Court itself.
It's interesting but many years ago when a High Court of Australia Justice (the late Justice Lionel Murphy) informed himself using a decision from the US Supreme Court, he was immediately denounced as an activist judge.
Common law jurisprudence isn't exclusive to any country and the wisest of the wise look outside their own boundaries to help reach just decisions.
As to the specifics of if the US Supreme Court has ever referred to a case from outside the US, don't know but will find out.