BillRM wrote:
I am sure a wall will stop drugs from entering the US and somehow be able to stop planes and cargo ships and even special build submarines of all things bringing drugs into the nation.
As far as people crossing the border more Mexicans are leaving the US and returning home then entering the US to work at such places as President Trump golf courses since 2008.
Yes Once more a wall will do the trick when it come to drugs at least.
I think you have to take everything with a grain of salt when it comes to drug-trafficking information. You could read an article claiming that a shipment of drugs was intercepted at a port of entry or on the open sea or wherever and that interception could have been planned by the organizers as a decoy for other shipments via other channels. They can sacrifice all the product they want to get the stuff they need to get to the customers who pay handsomely for it, i.e. because it doesn't take very much of the stuff to satisfy the customer and/or achieve the desired business objective.
You also don't know to what extent people working within the government are moles who sought out their jobs to have an insider position to help in the trafficking process. That is why, I think, Trump is so adamant about the wall; i.e. because he thinks a physical barrier can prevent dirty cops from picking up migrants and then taking their shipment from them while they are in custody and giving it to someone else who carries it to the next courier.
Believe me I hate the idea of the wall, but what are we supposed to do, give up on the war on drugs? If we gave up, what would the result be? More and more people would get seduced into addiction by dealers who would press them for as much money and cooperation as possible. You would have networks of people collaborating in subtle ways to extort victims, using drug-slaves and prostitutes and every other form of manipulation to get anyone with money into a position where they could be blackmailed, extorted, or otherwise deprived of their money.
Is this really the kind of world we want to have? Or would it be better to have a world of respect for liberty and property rights where there may be social-economic inequalities but we could work toward systems that allow the poor to feed and clothe and house themselves so that they don't have to depend on drug/human trafficking networks and organized crime to provide them with an economic alternative to the regular economy that is beyond them for whatever reason?